// Create the Audio components. These should be created in the |
// Create the Audio components. These should be created in the |
// order data flows, inputs/sources -> processing -> outputs |
// order data flows, inputs/sources -> processing -> outputs |
// |
// |
AudioInputAnalog analogPinInput(16); // analog A2 (pin 16) |
AudioInputAnalog analogPinInput(A2); // analog A2 (pin 16) |
AudioOutputI2S audioOutput; // audio shield: headphones & line-out |
AudioOutputI2S audioOutput; // audio shield: headphones & line-out |
AudioOutputPWM pwmOutput; // audio output with PWM on pins 3 & 4 |
AudioOutputPWM pwmOutput; // audio output with PWM on pins 3 & 4 |