Michele Perla
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Revert "Adding control functions (WIP)"
This reverts commit f0b376d3f6
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Adding control functions (WIP)
Adding useful functions to setup all the configurable options in the
CODEC (not yet finished)
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Fixed registers configuration, added two examples
One write was out-of-bounds due to worng address put (I was using the
device address rather than the register address), another write
overwrote the Power Management register with the Mode Control register.
Now everything works. Added two exampes: SineOutTest that puts two
sinewaves on the outputs, and PassthroughTest that connects the two
inputs to the two outputs.
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Revert "Fixed AK4558_I2C_ADDR"
This reverts commit 8d8350bf07
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Fixed AK4558_I2C_ADDR
The address was wrongly put to 0x10 + the two hardware set bits, while
it has to be 10 decimal, or 0x0A. Silly me.
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
The PIN_PDN was not set as output, therefore it would not transition to
LOW for 150 ns and then stay HIGH to properly enable the CODEC. The
CODEC now powers up, at least.
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Added SineOutTest in AK4558 Examples folder
The test puts a 440 Hz sinewave on one channel, and a 220 Hz on the
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Added AK4558 CODEC support
9 лет назад
Michele Perla
Merge pull request #1 from PaulStoffregen/master
Merging updates from PaulStoffregen/Audio to my fork
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #139 from mamuesp/master
Some issues fixed (#92, #56 )
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Fixed: issue #92 - testing for input/output nodes - if none found, the export is not possible
Fixed: issue #56 - import and cut, copy & paste works fine, I added a routine which increments the numbers at the end of the names, IDs will be generated automaticcaly, if the ID already exists, and the appropriate name will be increased (e.g. "mixerRight" -> "mixerRight0", "input3" -> "input4" etc.)
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #138 from ivankravets/patch-9
Add CI build status
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Add CI build status
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #137 from ivankravets/patch-8
Skip unused source files
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Skip unused source files
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #136 from ivankravets/patch-7
continuous integration: Add arm_cortexM4l_math library to linker
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Add arm_cortexM4l_math library to linker
9 лет назад
remove tutorials part 2 & 3 from travis.yml
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #135 from ivankravets/patch-6
Continuous Integration
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Continuous Integration using @PlatformIO and @travis-ci
Hi @PaulStoffregen ,
I see that your project contains the practical examples. All of us understand that it’s not easy to test them before each new commit to this repository. What is more, need to be sure that all of these examples are actual and compile without errors.
I propose to solve this task using [Continuous integration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration ) practice which is intended to detect [integration bugs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_testing#Integration_testing ) and save time over the lifespan of a project.
## How does it work?
The each new commit to this repository will be tested using existing examples with appropriate platforms/embedded boards. @PlatformIO is used here as cross-platform code builder and library manager in pair with @travis-ci (distributed continuous integration service).
## Quickstart
Please enable @travis-ci following the steps 1, 2 and 5 here http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/getting-started/#To-get-started-with-Travis-CI%3A
For more details please follow to:
* Official Travis CI Documentation for PlatformIO: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/integration/platformio/
* PlatformIO documentation for Travis CI: http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/ci/travis.html
## Status Badge
You can add [badge with build status](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/status-images/ ) to your README
[](https://travis-ci.org/PaulStoffregen/Audio )
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/PaulStoffregen/Audio.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/PaulStoffregen/Audio
## Examples
* Project [USB_Host_Shield_2.0](https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 ) [](https://travis-ci.org/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0 )
* Project [Arduino-IRremote](https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote ) [](https://travis-ci.org/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote )
* Project [ethercard](https://github.com/jcw/ethercard ) [](https://travis-ci.org/jcw/ethercard )
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #134 from ivankravets/patch-5
Handle all nested examples
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Handle all nested examples
More examples for http://platformio.org/#!/lib/show/70/Audio
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #133 from mamuesp/master
Again import improvements
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #132 from ivankravets/patch-4
Add dependent SerialFlash library
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Improvement: import is able to parse comma separated definitions of variables
Improvement: import ignores lines which start with an known type but ends not with an ";"
Tidy up: deleted the "resources" folder, all static data is in the index.html file
Prepared: Looking for a solution to semi-automatic arrange imported nodes without coordinates
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Add dependent SerialFlash library
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #131 from ivankravets/patch-3
Exclude extras folder and specify version
9 лет назад
Ivan Kravets
Exclude extras folder and specify version
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #130 from mamuesp/master
Improvement: import is now very error tolerant
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Improvement: import is now very error tolerant, no need of "begin" or "end" comments - just throw the data in. It searches for keywords (aka node types) at the start of each line and tries to parse these lines.
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #128 from mamuesp/master
Bugfix: import function - undefined variable
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Bugfix: import function - undefined variable
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #127 from mamuesp/master
Bugfix: added the loading of the static form data
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Bugfix: added the loading of the static form data (had been forgotten in the last commit)
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #126 from mamuesp/master
Some bugfixes and some improvements
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Removed the asynchronous loading of HTML files via JavaScript, because this will be blocked on real offline use (file:// protocol).
Removed the extern files, except the JSON file with the node descriptions, this will be loaded in offline mode too.
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Some bugfixes and some improvements
- fixed: clear selected nodes, works with several or all selected nodes (reason: two counting variables with the same name "i" where used in two nested loops)
- new: change node names (you can assign names to the nodes, these will be used as IDs if exported or re-imported to CPP (Arduino code)
- fixed: import merges imported nodes to existings ones, skipping nodes with the same name
- fixed: tooltips are now working, extracting the first paragraph of the HTML code
- new: nodes definition extracted to JSON file
- new: nodes help pages extracted to single HTML files
- new: form pages extracted to single HTML files
- new: asynchronous loading of JSON, help and form data, data will only be loaded when needed
- style: adapted the size of the palette, labels had been partially hidden
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #125 from mamuesp/master
Import function for code from Arduino IDE
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Added import functionality of Arduino code (without disturbing whitespaces and empty lines)
Small correction
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Added import functionality of Arduino code (without disturbing whitespaces and empty lines)
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Added import functionality of Arduino code (without disturbing whitespaces and empty lines)
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Added import functionality of Arduino code (without disturbing whitespaces and empty lines)
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Added import functionality of Arduino code (without disturbing whitespaces and empty lines)
9 лет назад
Manfred Müller-Späth
Added import functionality of Arduino code (without disturbing whitespaces and empty lines)
9 лет назад
Paul Stoffregen
Merge pull request #123 from stevstrong/master
corrected image link pathes
9 лет назад
updated image link pathes
9 лет назад
Increase to version 1.03
9 лет назад
fix bug with button1 on oscillator tutorial
9 лет назад
Default mic gain at 36 in tutorial
9 лет назад