/* Demo of the audio sweep function. The user specifies the amplitude, start and end frequencies (which can sweep up or down) and the length of time of the sweep. FMI: The audio board uses the following pins. 6 - MEMCS 7 - MOSI 9 - BCLK 10 - SDCS 11 - MCLK 12 - MISO 13 - RX 14 - SCLK 15 - VOL 18 - SDA 19 - SCL 22 - TX 23 - LRCLK */ #include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> #include <Bounce.h> AudioSynthToneSweep myEffect; AudioOutputI2S audioOutput; // audio shield: headphones & line-out // The tone sweep goes to left and right channels AudioConnection c1(myEffect, 0, audioOutput, 0); AudioConnection c2(myEffect, 0, audioOutput, 1); AudioControlSGTL5000 audioShield; float t_ampx = 0.8; int t_lox = 10; int t_hix = 22000; // Length of time for the sweep in seconds float t_timex = 10; // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) ; delay(3000); AudioMemory(2); audioShield.enable(); audioShield.volume(0.5); Serial.println("setup done"); if(!myEffect.play(t_ampx,t_lox,t_hix,t_timex)) { Serial.println("AudioSynthToneSweep - begin failed"); while(1); } // wait for the sweep to end while(myEffect.isPlaying()); // and now reverse the sweep if(!myEffect.play(t_ampx,t_hix,t_lox,t_timex)) { Serial.println("AudioSynthToneSweep - begin failed"); while(1); } // wait for the sweep to end while(myEffect.isPlaying()); Serial.println("Done"); } void loop(void) { }