#include #include //#include #include #include #include "PlayMidiTones.h" unsigned char *sp = score; //AudioInputI2S adc; //AudioInputAnalog ana(16); AudioSynthWaveform sine0(AudioWaveformSine); AudioSynthWaveform sine1(AudioWaveformTriangle); AudioSynthWaveform sine2(AudioWaveformSquare); AudioSynthWaveform sine3(AudioWaveformSawtooth); AudioSynthWaveform sine4(AudioWaveformSine); AudioSynthWaveform sine5(AudioWaveformTriangle); AudioSynthWaveform sine6(AudioWaveformSquare); AudioSynthWaveform sine7(AudioWaveformSawtooth); AudioSynthWaveform *waves[8] = { &sine0, &sine1, &sine2, &sine3, &sine4, &sine5, &sine6, &sine7, }; AudioMixer4 mixer1; AudioMixer4 mixer2; AudioOutputI2S audioOut; AudioConnection c0(sine0, 0, mixer1, 0); AudioConnection c1(sine1, 0, mixer1, 1); AudioConnection c2(sine2, 0, mixer1, 2); AudioConnection c3(sine3, 0, mixer1, 3); AudioConnection c4(sine4, 0, mixer2, 0); AudioConnection c5(sine5, 0, mixer2, 1); AudioConnection c6(sine6, 0, mixer2, 2); AudioConnection c7(sine7, 0, mixer2, 3); AudioConnection c11(mixer1, 0, audioOut, 0); AudioConnection c12(mixer2, 0, audioOut, 1); //AudioControl_WM8731 codec; AudioControlSGTL5000 codec; int volume = 50; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) ; delay(3000); // Audio connections require memory to work. For more // detailed information, see the MemoryAndCpuUsage example AudioMemory(8); codec.enable(); codec.volume(0.5); // I want output on the line out too codec.unmuteLineout(); delay(200); Serial.println("Begin PlayMidiTones"); delay(50); Serial.println("setup done"); AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset(); AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset(); } unsigned long last_time = millis(); void loop() { unsigned char c,opcode,chan; unsigned long d_time; if(0) { // For PlayMidiTones this produces: // Proc = 6 (12), Mem = 2 (8) if(millis() - last_time >= 5000) { Serial.print("Proc = "); Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsage()); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsageMax()); Serial.print("), Mem = "); Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsage()); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsageMax()); Serial.println(")"); last_time = millis(); } } // Volume control int n = analogRead(15); if (n != volume) { volume = n; codec.volume((float)n / 1023); } c = *sp++; opcode = c & 0xf0; chan = c & 0x07; if(c < 0x80) { // Delay d_time = (c << 8) | *sp++; delay(d_time); return; } if(*sp == CMD_STOP) { Serial.println("DONE"); while(1); } // It is a command if(opcode == CMD_STOPNOTE) { waves[chan]->amplitude(0); return; } if(opcode == CMD_PLAYNOTE) { waves[chan]->frequency(tune_frequencies2_PGM[*sp++]); waves[chan]->amplitude(AMPLITUDE); return; } if(opcode == CMD_RESTART) { sp = score; return; } }