#include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> #include <Bounce.h> // Bitcrusher example by Jonathan Payne (Pensive) jon@jonnypayne.com // No rights reserved. Do what you like with it. // Create the Audio components. AudioPlaySdWav playWav1; //this will play a looping demo file AudioOutputI2S headphones; // and it will come out of the headphone socket. //Audio Effect BitCrusher defs here AudioEffectBitcrusher left_BitCrusher; AudioEffectBitcrusher right_BitCrusher; // Create Audio connections between the components AudioConnection patchCord1(playWav1, 0, left_BitCrusher, 0); AudioConnection patchCord2(playWav1, 1, right_BitCrusher, 0); AudioConnection patchCord3(left_BitCrusher, 0, headphones, 0); AudioConnection patchCord4(right_BitCrusher, 0, headphones, 1); // Create an object to control the audio shield. // AudioControlSGTL5000 audioShield; // Use these with the Teensy Audio Shield #define SDCARD_CS_PIN 10 #define SDCARD_MOSI_PIN 7 #define SDCARD_SCK_PIN 14 // Use these with the Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 SD card //#define SDCARD_CS_PIN BUILTIN_SDCARD //#define SDCARD_MOSI_PIN 11 // not actually used //#define SDCARD_SCK_PIN 13 // not actually used // Use these for the SD+Wiz820 or other adaptors //#define SDCARD_CS_PIN 4 //#define SDCARD_MOSI_PIN 11 //#define SDCARD_SCK_PIN 13 // Bounce objects to read six pushbuttons (pins 0-5) // Bounce button0 = Bounce(0, 5); // cycles the bitcrusher through all bitdepths Bounce button1 = Bounce(1, 5); //cycles the bitcrusher through some key samplerates Bounce button2 = Bounce(2, 5); // turns on the compressor (or "Automatic Volume Leveling") unsigned long SerialMillisecondCounter; //BitCrusher int current_CrushBits = 16; //this defaults to passthrough. int current_SampleRate = 44100; // this defaults to passthrough. //Compressor boolean compressorOn = false; // default this to off. void setup() { // Configure the pushbutton pins for pullups. // Each button should connect from the pin to GND. pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); Serial.begin(38400); // open the serial // Audio connections require memory to work. For more // detailed information, see the MemoryAndCpuUsage example AudioMemory(40); //this is WAY more tha nwe need // turn on the output audioShield.enable(); audioShield.volume(0.7); // by default the Teensy 3.1 DAC uses 3.3Vp-p output // if your 3.3V power has noise, switching to the // internal 1.2V reference can give you a clean signal //dac.analogReference(INTERNAL); // reduce the gain on mixer channels, so more than 1 // sound can play simultaneously without clipping //SDCard Initialise SPI.setMOSI(SDCARD_MOSI_PIN); SPI.setSCK(SDCARD_SCK_PIN); if (!(SD.begin(SDCARD_CS_PIN))) { // stop here, but print a message repetitively while (1) { Serial.println("Unable to access the SD card"); delay(500); } } // Bitcrusher left_BitCrusher.bits(current_CrushBits); //set the crusher to defaults. This will passthrough clean at 16,44100 left_BitCrusher.sampleRate(current_SampleRate); //set the crusher to defaults. This will passthrough clean at 16,44100 right_BitCrusher.bits(current_CrushBits); //set the crusher to defaults. This will passthrough clean at 16,44100 right_BitCrusher.sampleRate(current_SampleRate); //set the crusher to defaults. This will passthrough clean at 16,44100 //Bitcrusher /* Valid values for dap_avc parameters maxGain; Maximum gain that can be applied 0 - 0 dB 1 - 6.0 dB 2 - 12 dB lbiResponse; Integrator Response 0 - 0 mS 1 - 25 mS 2 - 50 mS 3 - 100 mS hardLimit 0 - Hard limit disabled. AVC Compressor/Expander enabled. 1 - Hard limit enabled. The signal is limited to the programmed threshold (signal saturates at the threshold) threshold floating point in range 0 to -96 dB attack floating point figure is dB/s rate at which gain is increased decay floating point figure is dB/s rate at which gain is reduced */ // Initialise the AutoVolumeLeveller audioShield.autoVolumeControl(1, 1, 0, -6, 40, 20); // **BUG** with a max gain of 0, turning the AVC off leaves a hung AVC problem where the attack seems to hang in a loop. with it set 1 or 2, this does not occur. audioShield.autoVolumeDisable(); audioShield.audioPostProcessorEnable(); SerialMillisecondCounter = millis(); } int val; //temporary variable for memory usage reporting. void loop() { if (millis() - SerialMillisecondCounter >= 5000) { Serial.print("Proc = "); Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsage()); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsageMax()); Serial.print("), Mem = "); Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsage()); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsageMax()); Serial.println(")"); SerialMillisecondCounter = millis(); AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset(); AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset(); } // Update all the button objects button0.update(); button1.update(); button2.update(); // Start test sound if it is not playing. This will loop infinitely. if (! (playWav1.isPlaying())){ playWav1.play("SDTEST1.WAV"); // http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_AudioDataFiles.html } if (button0.fallingEdge()) { //Bitcrusher BitDepth if (current_CrushBits >= 2) { //eachtime you press it, deduct 1 bit from the settings. current_CrushBits--; } else { current_CrushBits = 16; // if you get down to 1 go back to the top. } left_BitCrusher.bits(current_CrushBits); left_BitCrusher.sampleRate(current_SampleRate); right_BitCrusher.bits(current_CrushBits); right_BitCrusher.sampleRate(current_SampleRate); Serial.print("Bitcrusher set to "); Serial.print(current_CrushBits); Serial.print(" Bit, Samplerate at "); Serial.print(current_SampleRate); Serial.println("Hz"); } if (button1.fallingEdge()) { //Bitcrusher SampleRate // the lowest sensible setting is 345. There is a 128 sample buffer, and this will copy sample 1, to each of the other 127 samples. if (current_SampleRate >= 690) { // 345 * 2, so we can do one more divide current_SampleRate = current_SampleRate / 2; // half the sample rate each time } else { current_SampleRate=44100; // if you get down to the minimum then go back to the top and start over. } left_BitCrusher.bits(current_CrushBits); left_BitCrusher.sampleRate(current_SampleRate); right_BitCrusher.bits(current_CrushBits); right_BitCrusher.sampleRate(current_SampleRate); Serial.print("Bitcrusher set to "); Serial.print(current_CrushBits); Serial.print(" Bit, Samplerate at "); Serial.print(current_SampleRate); Serial.println("Hz"); } if (button2.fallingEdge()) { if (compressorOn) { //turn off compressor audioShield.autoVolumeDisable(); compressorOn = false; } else { //turn on compressor audioShield.autoVolumeEnable(); compressorOn = true; } Serial.print("Compressor: "); Serial.println(compressorOn); } }