/* Audio Library for Teensy 3.X * Copyright (c) 2019, Paul Stoffregen, paul@pjrc.com * * Development of this audio library was funded by PJRC.COM, LLC by sales of * Teensy and Audio Adaptor boards. Please support PJRC's efforts to develop * open source software by purchasing Teensy or other PJRC products. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice, development funding notice, and this permission * notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* by Alexander Walch */ #ifndef resampler_h_ #define resampler_h_ #include "Arduino.h" //#define DEBUG_RESAMPLER //activates debug output #define MAX_FILTER_SAMPLES 40961 //=1024*20 +1 #define NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES 1025 #define MAX_HALF_FILTER_LENGTH 80 #define MAX_NO_CHANNELS 8 class Resampler { public: struct StepAdaptionParameters { StepAdaptionParameters(){} double alpha =0.2; //exponential smoothing parameter double maxAdaption = 0.01; //maximum relative allowed adaption of resampler step 0.01 = 1% double kp= 0.6; double ki=0.00012; double kd= 1.8; }; Resampler(StepAdaptionParameters settings=StepAdaptionParameters()); void reset(); ///@param attenuation target attenuation [dB] of the anti-aliasing filter. Only used if newFs<fs. The attenuation can't be reached if the needed filter length exceeds 2*MAX_FILTER_SAMPLES+1 ///@param minHalfFilterLength If newFs >= fs, the filter length of the resampling filter is 2*minHalfFilterLength+1. If fs y newFs the filter is maybe longer to reach the desired attenuation void configure(float fs, float newFs, float attenuation=100, int32_t minHalfFilterLength=20); ///@param input0 first input array/ channel ///@param input1 second input array/ channel ///@param inputLength length of each input array ///@param processedLength number of samples of the input that were resampled to fill the output array ///@param output0 first output array/ channel ///@param output1 second output array/ channel ///@param outputLength length of each output array ///@param outputCount number of samples of each output array, that were filled with data void resample(float* input0, float* input1, uint16_t inputLength, uint16_t& processedLength, float* output0, float* output1,uint16_t outputLength, uint16_t& outputCount); bool addToSampleDiff(double diff); double getXPos() const; double getStep() const; void addToPos(double val); void fixStep(); bool initialized() const; //resampling NOCHANNELS channels. Performance is increased a lot if the number of channels is known at compile time -> the number of channels is a template argument template <uint8_t NOCHANNELS> inline void resample(float** inputs, uint16_t inputLength, uint16_t& processedLength, float** outputs, uint16_t outputLength, uint16_t& outputCount){ outputCount=0; int32_t successorIndex=(int32_t)(ceil(_cPos)); //negative number -> currently the _buffer0 of the last iteration is used float* ip[NOCHANNELS]; float* fPtr; float si0[NOCHANNELS]; float* si0Ptr; float si1[NOCHANNELS]; float* si1Ptr; while (floor(_cPos + _halfFilterLength) < inputLength && outputCount < outputLength){ float dist=successorIndex-_cPos; float distScaled=dist*_overSamplingFactor; int32_t rightIndex=abs((int32_t)(ceil(distScaled))-_overSamplingFactor*_halfFilterLength); const int32_t indexData=successorIndex-_halfFilterLength; if (indexData>=0){ for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ ip[i]=inputs[i]+indexData; } } else { for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ ip[i]=_buffer[i]+indexData+_filterLength; } } fPtr=filter+rightIndex; memset(si0, 0, NOCHANNELS*sizeof(float)); if (rightIndex==_overSamplingFactor*_halfFilterLength){ si1Ptr=si1; for (uint8_t i=0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ *(si1Ptr++)=*ip[i]++**fPtr; } fPtr-=_overSamplingFactor; rightIndex=(int32_t)(ceil(distScaled))+_overSamplingFactor; //needed below } else { memset(si1, 0, NOCHANNELS*sizeof(float)); rightIndex=(int32_t)(ceil(distScaled)); //needed below } for (uint16_t i =0 ; i<_halfFilterLength; i++){ if(ip[0]==_endOfBuffer[0]){ for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ ip[i]=inputs[i]; } } const float fPtrSucc=*(fPtr+1); si0Ptr=si0; si1Ptr=si1; for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ *(si0Ptr++)+=*ip[i]*fPtrSucc; *(si1Ptr++)+=*ip[i]**fPtr; ++ip[i]; } fPtr-=_overSamplingFactor; } fPtr=filter+rightIndex-1; for (uint16_t i =0 ; i<_halfFilterLength; i++){ if(ip[0]==_endOfBuffer[0]){ for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ ip[i]=inputs[i]; } } const float fPtrSucc=*(fPtr+1); si0Ptr=si0; si1Ptr=si1; for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ *(si0Ptr++)+=*ip[i]**fPtr; *(si1Ptr++)+=*ip[i]*fPtrSucc; ++ip[i]; } fPtr+=_overSamplingFactor; } const float w0=ceil(distScaled)-distScaled; const float w1=1.-w0; si0Ptr=si0; si1Ptr=si1; for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ *outputs[i]++=*(si0Ptr++)*w0 + *(si1Ptr++)*w1; } outputCount++; _cPos+=_stepAdapted; while (_cPos >successorIndex){ successorIndex++; } } if(outputCount < outputLength){ //ouput vector not full -> we ran out of input samples processedLength=inputLength; } else{ processedLength=min(inputLength, (int16_t)floor(_cPos + _halfFilterLength)); } //fill _buffer const int32_t indexData=processedLength-_filterLength; if (indexData>=0){ const unsigned long long bytesToCopy= _filterLength*sizeof(float); float** inPtr=inputs; for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ memcpy((void *)_buffer[i], (void *)((*inPtr)+indexData), bytesToCopy); ++inPtr; } } else { float** inPtr=inputs; for (uint8_t i =0; i< NOCHANNELS; i++){ float* b=_buffer[i]; float* ip=b+indexData+_filterLength; for (uint16_t j =0; j< _filterLength; j++){ if(ip==_endOfBuffer[i]){ ip=*inPtr; } *b++ = *ip++; } ++inPtr; } } _cPos-=processedLength; if (_cPos < -_halfFilterLength){ _cPos=-_halfFilterLength; } } private: void getKaiserExact(float beta); void setKaiserWindow(float beta, int32_t noSamples); void setFilter(int32_t halfFiltLength,int32_t overSampling, float cutOffFrequ, float kaiserBeta); float filter[MAX_FILTER_SAMPLES]; double kaiserWindowSamples[NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES]; double tempRes[NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES-1]; double kaiserWindowXsq[NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES-1]; float _buffer[MAX_NO_CHANNELS][MAX_HALF_FILTER_LENGTH*2]; float* _endOfBuffer[MAX_NO_CHANNELS]; int32_t _overSamplingFactor; int32_t _halfFilterLength; int32_t _filterLength; bool _initialized=false; const double _settledThrs = 1e-6; StepAdaptionParameters _settings; double _configuredStep; double _step; double _stepAdapted; double _cPos; double _sum; double _oldDiffs[2]; }; #endif