/** Modified from original Node-Red source, for audio system visualization * vim: set ts=4: * Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ var RED = (function() { $('#btn-keyboard-shortcuts').click(function(){showHelp();}); function hideDropTarget() { $("#dropTarget").hide(); RED.keyboard.remove(/* ESCAPE */ 27); } $('#chart').on("dragenter",function(event) { if ($.inArray("text/plain",event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types) != -1) { $("#dropTarget").css({display:'table'}); RED.keyboard.add(/* ESCAPE */ 27,hideDropTarget); } }); $('#dropTarget').on("dragover",function(event) { if ($.inArray("text/plain",event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types) != -1) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .on("dragleave",function(event) { hideDropTarget(); }) .on("drop",function(event) { var data = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain"); hideDropTarget(); RED.view.importNodes(data); event.preventDefault(); }); function save(force) { if (RED.view.dirty()) { if (!force) { var invalid = false; var unknownNodes = []; RED.nodes.eachNode(function(node) { invalid = invalid || !node.valid; if (node.type === "unknown") { if (unknownNodes.indexOf(node.name) == -1) { unknownNodes.push(node.name); } invalid = true; } }); if (invalid) { if (unknownNodes.length > 0) { $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).hide(); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).show(); var list = "
  • "+unknownNodes.join("
  • ")+"
  • "; $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown-list" ).html(list); } else { $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-config" ).show(); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy-unknown" ).hide(); } $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog( "open" ); return; } } var nns = RED.nodes.createCompleteNodeSet(); // sort by horizontal position, plus slight vertical position, // for well defined update order that follows signal flow nns.sort(function(a,b){ return (a.x + a.y/250) - (b.x + b.y/250); }); //console.log(JSON.stringify(nns)); var cpp = "// GUItool: begin automatically generated code\n"; // generate code for all audio processing nodes for (var i=0; i 0 || node._def.inputs > 0)) { cpp += n.type + " "; for (var j=n.type.length; j<24; j++) cpp += " "; cpp += n.id + "; "; for (var j=n.id.length; j<14; j++) cpp += " "; cpp += "//xy=" + n.x + "," + n.y + "\n"; } } // generate code for all connections (aka wires or links) var cordcount = 1; for (var i=0; iError: "+xhr.responseText,"error"); } else { RED.notify("Error: no response from server","error"); } }).always(function() { $("#btn-icn-deploy").removeClass('spinner'); $("#btn-icn-deploy").addClass('icon-upload'); }); */ } } $('#btn-deploy').click(function() { save(); }); $( "#node-dialog-confirm-deploy" ).dialog({ title: "Confirm deploy", modal: true, autoOpen: false, width: 530, height: 230, buttons: [ { text: "Confirm deploy", click: function() { save(true); $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, { text: "Cancel", click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } ] }); function loadSettings() { /* $.get('settings', function(data) { RED.settings = data; console.log("Node-RED: "+data.version); loadNodes(); }); */ loadNodes(); } function loadNodes() { console.log("loadNodes"); $.get('list.html', function(data) { console.log("loadNodes complete"); $("body").append(data); $(".palette-spinner").hide(); $(".palette-scroll").show(); $("#palette-search").show(); //loadFlows(); }, "html"); } function loadFlows() { $.getJSON("flows",function(nodes) { RED.nodes.import(nodes); RED.view.dirty(false); RED.view.redraw(); RED.comms.subscribe("status/#",function(topic,msg) { var parts = topic.split("/"); var node = RED.nodes.node(parts[1]); if (node) { node.status = msg; if (statusEnabled) { node.dirty = true; RED.view.redraw(); } } }); RED.comms.subscribe("node/#",function(topic,msg) { var i; if (topic == "node/added") { for (i=0;i
  • ")+"
  • "; RED.notify("Node"+(m.types.length!=1 ? "s":"")+" added to palette:"+typeList,"success"); }); } } else if (topic == "node/removed") { if (msg.types) { for (i=0;i
  • ")+"
  • "; RED.notify("Node"+(msg.types.length!=1 ? "s":"")+" removed from palette:"+typeList,"success"); } } }); }); } $('#btn-node-status').click(function() {toggleStatus();}); var statusEnabled = false; function toggleStatus() { var btnStatus = $("#btn-node-status"); statusEnabled = btnStatus.toggleClass("active").hasClass("active"); RED.view.status(statusEnabled); } function showHelp() { var dialog = $('#node-help'); //$("#node-help").draggable({ // handle: ".modal-header" //}); dialog.on('show',function() { RED.keyboard.disable(); }); dialog.on('hidden',function() { RED.keyboard.enable(); }); dialog.modal(); } $(function() { RED.keyboard.add(/* ? */ 191,{shift:true},function(){showHelp();d3.event.preventDefault();}); loadSettings(); RED.comms.connect(); }); return { }; })();