/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Joao Rossi Filho * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ // https://github.com/joaoRossiFilho/teensy_reverb #include #include "effect_reverb.h" #include "utility/dspinst.h" #include "math_helper.h" void AudioEffectReverb::_do_comb_apf(struct comb_apf *apf, int32_t *in_buf, int32_t *out_buf) { int32_t acc_x, acc_y, g; int32_t w, z; uint32_t n, buf_len; g = apf->g; buf_len = apf->buf_len; for (n = 0; n < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; n++) { acc_y = apf->buffer[apf->rd_idx%buf_len]; acc_x = in_buf[n]; w = multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(g, acc_y); acc_x += (w << 1); z = multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(g, acc_x); acc_y -= (z << 1); apf->buffer[apf->wr_idx%buf_len] = acc_x; out_buf[n] = acc_y; apf->rd_idx++; apf->wr_idx++; } } void AudioEffectReverb::_do_comb_lpf(struct comb_lpf *lpf, int32_t *in_buf, int32_t *out_buf) { int32_t x, y, w, z, g1, g2, z1; uint32_t n, buf_len; g1 = lpf->g1; g2 = lpf->g2; z1 = lpf->z1; buf_len = lpf->buf_len; for (n = 0; n < AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES; n++) { y = lpf->buffer[lpf->rd_idx%buf_len]; x = in_buf[n]; w = multiply_accumulate_32x32_rshift32_rounded(y, g2, z1); z = multiply_accumulate_32x32_rshift32_rounded(x, g1, w); z1 = w; lpf->buffer[lpf->wr_idx%buf_len] = z; out_buf[n] = y; lpf->rd_idx++; lpf->wr_idx++; } lpf->z1 = z1; } void AudioEffectReverb::init_comb_filters(void) { int i; g_flt_apf[0] = 0.7; g_flt_apf[1] = -0.54; g_flt_apf[2] = 0.6; g2_flt_lpf = 0.985; arm_float_to_q31(g_flt_apf, g_q31_apf, 3); arm_float_to_q31(&g2_flt_lpf, &g2_q31_lpf, 1); apf[0].buffer = apf1_buf; apf[0].buf_len = APF1_BUF_LEN; apf[0].delay = APF1_DLY_LEN; apf[1].buffer = apf2_buf; apf[1].buf_len = APF2_BUF_LEN; apf[1].delay = APF2_DLY_LEN; apf[2].buffer = apf3_buf; apf[2].buf_len = APF3_BUF_LEN; apf[2].delay = APF3_DLY_LEN; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { apf[i].g = g_q31_apf[i]; apf[i].wr_idx = 0; apf[i].rd_idx = apf[i].wr_idx - apf[i].delay -1; } lpf[0].buffer = lpf1_buf; lpf[0].buf_len = LPF1_BUF_LEN; lpf[0].delay = LPF1_DLY_LEN; lpf[1].buffer = lpf2_buf; lpf[1].buf_len = LPF2_BUF_LEN; lpf[1].delay = LPF2_DLY_LEN; lpf[2].buffer = lpf3_buf; lpf[2].buf_len = LPF3_BUF_LEN; lpf[2].delay = LPF3_DLY_LEN; lpf[3].buffer = lpf4_buf; lpf[3].buf_len = LPF4_BUF_LEN; lpf[3].delay = LPF4_DLY_LEN; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { lpf[i].g1 = g1_q31_lpf[i]; lpf[i].g2 = g2_q31_lpf; lpf[i].wr_idx = 0; lpf[i].rd_idx = lpf[i].wr_idx - lpf[i].delay -1; } } void AudioEffectReverb::clear_buffers(void) { memset(apf1_buf, 0, APF1_BUF_LEN); memset(apf2_buf, 0, APF1_BUF_LEN); memset(apf3_buf, 0, APF1_BUF_LEN); memset(lpf1_buf, 0, LPF1_BUF_LEN); memset(lpf2_buf, 0, LPF2_BUF_LEN); memset(lpf3_buf, 0, LPF3_BUF_LEN); memset(lpf4_buf, 0, LPF4_BUF_LEN); } void AudioEffectReverb::reverbTime(float rt) { if (rt <= 0.0) return; reverb_time_sec = rt; g1_flt_lpf[0] = powf(10.0, -(3.0*LPF1_DLY_SEC)/(reverb_time_sec)); g1_flt_lpf[1] = powf(10.0, -(3.0*LPF2_DLY_SEC)/(reverb_time_sec)); g1_flt_lpf[2] = powf(10.0, -(3.0*LPF3_DLY_SEC)/(reverb_time_sec)); g1_flt_lpf[3] = powf(10.0, -(3.0*LPF4_DLY_SEC)/(reverb_time_sec)); arm_float_to_q31(g1_flt_lpf, g1_q31_lpf, 4); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) lpf[i].g1 = g1_q31_lpf[i]; } void AudioEffectReverb::update(void) { audio_block_t *block; if (!(block = receiveWritable())) return; if (!block->data) return; arm_q15_to_q31(block->data, q31_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); _do_comb_apf(&apf[0], q31_buf, q31_buf); _do_comb_apf(&apf[1], q31_buf, q31_buf); _do_comb_lpf(&lpf[0], q31_buf, sum_buf); arm_shift_q31(sum_buf, -3, sum_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); _do_comb_lpf(&lpf[1], q31_buf, aux_buf); arm_shift_q31(aux_buf, -3, aux_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); arm_add_q31(sum_buf, aux_buf, sum_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); _do_comb_lpf(&lpf[2], q31_buf, aux_buf); arm_shift_q31(aux_buf, -3, aux_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); arm_add_q31(sum_buf, aux_buf, sum_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); _do_comb_lpf(&lpf[3], q31_buf, aux_buf); arm_shift_q31(aux_buf, -3, aux_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); arm_add_q31(sum_buf, aux_buf, sum_buf, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); _do_comb_apf(&apf[2], sum_buf, q31_buf); arm_q31_to_q15(q31_buf, block->data, AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES); transmit(block, 0); release(block); } /* EOF */