- // Implement a 16 note polyphonic midi player :-)
- //
- // Music data is read from memory. The "Miditones" program is used to
- // convert from a MIDI file to this compact format.
- //
- // This example code is in the public domain.
- #include <Audio.h>
- #include <Wire.h>
- #include <SD.h>
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include "PlaySynthMusic.h"
- unsigned char *sp = score;
- #define AMPLITUDE (0.2)
- // Create 16 waveforms, one for each MIDI channel
- AudioSynthWaveform sine0, sine1, sine2, sine3;
- AudioSynthWaveform sine4, sine5, sine6, sine7;
- AudioSynthWaveform sine8, sine9, sine10, sine11;
- AudioSynthWaveform sine12, sine13, sine14, sine15;
- AudioSynthWaveform *waves[16] = {
- &sine0, &sine1, &sine2, &sine3,
- &sine4, &sine5, &sine6, &sine7,
- &sine8, &sine9, &sine10, &sine11,
- &sine12, &sine13, &sine14, &sine15
- };
- // allocate a wave type to each channel.
- // The types used and their order is purely arbitrary.
- short wave_type[16] = {
- };
- // Each waveform will be shaped by an envelope
- AudioEffectEnvelope env0, env1, env2, env3;
- AudioEffectEnvelope env4, env5, env6, env7;
- AudioEffectEnvelope env8, env9, env10, env11;
- AudioEffectEnvelope env12, env13, env14, env15;
- AudioEffectEnvelope *envs[16] = {
- &env0, &env1, &env2, &env3,
- &env4, &env5, &env6, &env7,
- &env8, &env9, &env10, &env11,
- &env12, &env13, &env14, &env15
- };
- // Route each waveform through its own envelope effect
- AudioConnection patchCord01(sine0, env0);
- AudioConnection patchCord02(sine1, env1);
- AudioConnection patchCord03(sine2, env2);
- AudioConnection patchCord04(sine3, env3);
- AudioConnection patchCord05(sine4, env4);
- AudioConnection patchCord06(sine5, env5);
- AudioConnection patchCord07(sine6, env6);
- AudioConnection patchCord08(sine7, env7);
- AudioConnection patchCord09(sine8, env8);
- AudioConnection patchCord10(sine9, env9);
- AudioConnection patchCord11(sine10, env10);
- AudioConnection patchCord12(sine11, env11);
- AudioConnection patchCord13(sine12, env12);
- AudioConnection patchCord14(sine13, env13);
- AudioConnection patchCord15(sine14, env14);
- AudioConnection patchCord16(sine15, env15);
- // Four mixers are needed to handle 16 channels of music
- AudioMixer4 mixer1;
- AudioMixer4 mixer2;
- AudioMixer4 mixer3;
- AudioMixer4 mixer4;
- // Mix the 16 channels down to 4 audio streams
- AudioConnection patchCord17(env0, 0, mixer1, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord18(env1, 0, mixer1, 1);
- AudioConnection patchCord19(env2, 0, mixer1, 2);
- AudioConnection patchCord20(env3, 0, mixer1, 3);
- AudioConnection patchCord21(env4, 0, mixer2, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord22(env5, 0, mixer2, 1);
- AudioConnection patchCord23(env6, 0, mixer2, 2);
- AudioConnection patchCord24(env7, 0, mixer2, 3);
- AudioConnection patchCord25(env8, 0, mixer3, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord26(env9, 0, mixer3, 1);
- AudioConnection patchCord27(env10, 0, mixer3, 2);
- AudioConnection patchCord28(env11, 0, mixer3, 3);
- AudioConnection patchCord29(env12, 0, mixer4, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord30(env13, 0, mixer4, 1);
- AudioConnection patchCord31(env14, 0, mixer4, 2);
- AudioConnection patchCord32(env15, 0, mixer4, 3);
- // Now create 2 mixers for the main output
- AudioMixer4 mixerLeft;
- AudioMixer4 mixerRight;
- AudioOutputI2S audioOut;
- // Mix all channels to both the outputs
- AudioConnection patchCord33(mixer1, 0, mixerLeft, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord34(mixer2, 0, mixerLeft, 1);
- AudioConnection patchCord35(mixer3, 0, mixerLeft, 2);
- AudioConnection patchCord36(mixer4, 0, mixerLeft, 3);
- AudioConnection patchCord37(mixer1, 0, mixerRight, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord38(mixer2, 0, mixerRight, 1);
- AudioConnection patchCord39(mixer3, 0, mixerRight, 2);
- AudioConnection patchCord40(mixer4, 0, mixerRight, 3);
- AudioConnection patchCord41(mixerLeft, 0, audioOut, 0);
- AudioConnection patchCord42(mixerRight, 0, audioOut, 1);
- AudioControlSGTL5000 codec;
- // Initial value of the volume control
- int volume = 50;
- void setup()
- {
- Serial.begin(115200);
- //while (!Serial) ; // wait for Arduino Serial Monitor
- delay(200);
- // http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Standard-Predefined-Macros.html
- Serial.print("Begin ");
- Serial.println(__FILE__);
- // Proc = 12 (13), Mem = 2 (8)
- // Audio connections require memory to work.
- // The memory usage code indicates that 10 is the maximum
- // so give it 12 just to be sure.
- AudioMemory(18);
- codec.enable();
- codec.volume(0.45);
- // I want output on the line out too
- // Comment this if you don't it
- codec.unmuteLineout();
- // reduce the gain on some channels, so half of the channels
- // are "positioned" to the left, half to the right, but all
- // are heard at least partially on both ears
- mixerLeft.gain(1, 0.36);
- mixerLeft.gain(3, 0.36);
- mixerRight.gain(0, 0.36);
- mixerRight.gain(2, 0.36);
- // set envelope parameters, for pleasing sound :-)
- for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
- envs[i]->attack(9.2);
- envs[i]->hold(2.1);
- envs[i]->decay(31.4);
- envs[i]->sustain(0.6);
- envs[i]->release(84.5);
- // uncomment these to hear without envelope effects
- //envs[i]->attack(0.0);
- //envs[i]->hold(0.0);
- //envs[i]->decay(0.0);
- //envs[i]->release(0.0);
- }
- Serial.println("setup done");
- // Initialize processor and memory measurements
- AudioProcessorUsageMaxReset();
- AudioMemoryUsageMaxReset();
- }
- unsigned long last_time = millis();
- void loop()
- {
- unsigned char c,opcode,chan;
- unsigned long d_time;
- // Change this to if(1) for measurement output every 5 seconds
- if(1) {
- if(millis() - last_time >= 5000) {
- Serial.print("Proc = ");
- Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsage());
- Serial.print(" (");
- Serial.print(AudioProcessorUsageMax());
- Serial.print("), Mem = ");
- Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsage());
- Serial.print(" (");
- Serial.print(AudioMemoryUsageMax());
- Serial.println(")");
- last_time = millis();
- }
- }
- // Volume control
- // uncomment if you have a volume pot soldered to your audio shield
- /*
- int n = analogRead(15);
- if (n != volume) {
- volume = n;
- codec.volume((float)n / 1023);
- }
- */
- // read the next note from the table
- c = *sp++;
- opcode = c & 0xF0;
- chan = c & 0x0F;
- if(c < 0x80) {
- // Delay
- d_time = (c << 8) | *sp++;
- delay(d_time);
- return;
- }
- if(*sp == CMD_STOP) {
- for (chan=0; chan<10; chan++) {
- envs[chan]->noteOff();
- waves[chan]->amplitude(0);
- }
- Serial.println("DONE");
- while(1);
- }
- // It is a command
- // Stop the note on 'chan'
- if(opcode == CMD_STOPNOTE) {
- envs[chan]->noteOff();
- return;
- }
- // Play the note on 'chan'
- if(opcode == CMD_PLAYNOTE) {
- AudioNoInterrupts();
- waves[chan]->begin(AMPLITUDE, tune_frequencies2_PGM[*sp++],
- wave_type[chan]);
- envs[chan]->noteOn();
- AudioInterrupts();
- return;
- }
- // replay the tune
- if(opcode == CMD_RESTART) {
- sp = score;
- return;
- }
- }