- /*
- u-law encoding
- browser feature check (offlineaudiocontext might still be a bit niche)
- */
- var audioFileChooser = document.getElementById('audioFileChooser');
- audioFileChooser.addEventListener('change', readFile);
- function readFile() {
- for(var i = 0; i < audioFileChooser.files.length; i++) {
- var fileReader = new FileReader();
- var sampleRateChoice = document.getElementById('sampleRate').value;
- if(sampleRateChoice == "auto") sampleRateChoice = null;
- else sampleRateChoice = parseInt(sampleRateChoice);
- fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(audioFileChooser.files[i]);
- fileReader.addEventListener('load', function(fileName, ev) {
- processFile(ev.target.result, fileName, sampleRateChoice);
- }.bind(null, audioFileChooser.files[i].name));
- }
- }
- function processFile(file, fileName, sampleRateChoice) {
- // determine sample rate
- // ideas borrowed from https://github.com/ffdead/wav.js
- var sampleRate = 0;
- if(!sampleRateChoice) {
- try {
- var sampleRateBytes = new Uint8Array(file, 24, 4);
- for(var i = 0; i < sampleRateBytes.length; i ++) {
- sampleRate |= sampleRateBytes[i] << (i*8);
- }
- } catch(err) {
- console.log('problem reading sample rate');
- }
- if([44100, 22050, 11025].indexOf(sampleRate) == -1) {
- sampleRate = 44100;
- }
- } else {
- sampleRate = sampleRateChoice;
- }
- var context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100*sampleRate, sampleRate); // arbitrary 100 seconds max length for now, nothing that long would fit on a Teensy anyway
- context.decodeAudioData(file, function(buffer) {
- var monoData = [];
- if(buffer.numberOfChannels == 1) {
- monoData = buffer.getChannelData(0);
- } else if(buffer.numberOfChannels == 2) {
- var leftData = buffer.getChannelData(0);
- var rightData = buffer.getChannelData(1);
- for(var i=0;i<buffer.length;i++) {
- monoData[i] = (leftData[i] + rightData[i]) / 2;
- }
- } else {
- // NB - would be trivial to add support for n channels, given that everything ends up mono anyway
- }
- var padLength;
- var compressionCode = '0';
- var sampleRateCode;
- if(true) compressionCode = '8'; // add u-law support here later
- if(sampleRate == 44100) {
- padLength = padding(monoData.length, 128);
- sampleRateCode = '1';
- } else if(sampleRate == 22050) {
- padLength = padding(monoData.length, 64);
- sampleRateCode = '2';
- } else if(sampleRate == 11025) {
- padLength = padding(monoData.length, 32);
- sampleRateCode = '3';
- }
- var ulawOut = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < monoData.length; i ++) {
- ulawOut.push(ulaw_encode(toInteger(monoData[i]*0x7fff)).toString(16));
- }
- window.ulawOut = ulawOut;
- var outputData = createWords(monoData, padLength);
- var statusInt = (monoData.length).toString(16);
- while(statusInt.length < 6) statusInt = '0' + statusInt;
- if(monoData.length>0xFFFFFF) alert("DATA TOO LONG");
- statusInt = '0x' + compressionCode + sampleRateCode + statusInt;
- outputData.unshift(statusInt);
- var outputFileHolder = document.getElementById('outputFileHolder');
- var downloadLink1 = document.createElement('a');
- var downloadLink2 = document.createElement('a');
- var formattedName = fileName.split('.')[0];
- formattedName = formattedName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + formattedName.slice(1).toLowerCase();
- downloadLink1.href = generateOutputFile(generateCPPFile(fileName, formattedName, outputData, sampleRate));
- downloadLink1.setAttribute('download', 'AudioSample' + formattedName + '.cpp');
- downloadLink1.innerHTML = 'Download AudioSample' + formattedName + '.cpp';
- downloadLink2.href = generateOutputFile(generateHeaderFile(formattedName, outputData));
- downloadLink2.setAttribute('download', 'AudioSample' + formattedName + '.h');
- downloadLink2.innerHTML = 'Download AudioSample' + formattedName + '.h';
- outputFileHolder.appendChild(downloadLink1);
- outputFileHolder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
- outputFileHolder.appendChild(downloadLink2);
- outputFileHolder.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
- });
- }
- function ulaw_encode(audio)
- {
- var mag, neg; // both uint32
- // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.711
- if (audio >= 0) {
- mag = audio;
- neg = 0;
- } else {
- mag = audio * -1;
- neg = 0x80;
- }
- mag += 128;
- if (mag > 0x7FFF) mag = 0x7FFF;
- if (mag >= 0x4000) return neg | 0x70 | ((mag >> 10) & 0x0F); // 01wx yz00 0000 0000
- if (mag >= 0x2000) return neg | 0x60 | ((mag >> 9) & 0x0F); // 001w xyz0 0000 0000
- if (mag >= 0x1000) return neg | 0x50 | ((mag >> 8) & 0x0F); // 0001 wxyz 0000 0000
- if (mag >= 0x0800) return neg | 0x40 | ((mag >> 7) & 0x0F); // 0000 1wxy z000 0000
- if (mag >= 0x0400) return neg | 0x30 | ((mag >> 6) & 0x0F); // 0000 01wx yz00 0000
- if (mag >= 0x0200) return neg | 0x20 | ((mag >> 5) & 0x0F); // 0000 001w xyz0 0000
- if (mag >= 0x0100) return neg | 0x10 | ((mag >> 4) & 0x0F); // 0000 0001 wxyz 0000
- return neg | 0x00 | ((mag >> 3) & 0x0F); // 0000 0000 1wxy z000
- }
- function createWords(audioData, padLength) {
- var totalLength = audioData.length + padLength;
- var outputData = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < totalLength; i += 2) {
- var a = toUint16(i<audioData.length?audioData[i]*0x7fff:0x0000);
- var b = toUint16(i+1<audioData.length?audioData[i+1]*0x7fff:0x0000);
- var out = (65536*b + a).toString(16);
- while(out.length < 8) out = '0' + out;
- out = '0x' + out;
- outputData.push(out);
- }
- return outputData;
- }
- // http://2ality.com/2012/02/js-integers.html
- function toInteger(x) {
- x = Number(x);
- return Math.round(x);
- //return x < 0 ? Math.ceil(x) : Math.floor(x);
- }
- function modulo(a, b) {
- return a - Math.floor(a/b)*b;
- }
- function toUint16(x) {
- return modulo(toInteger(x), Math.pow(2, 16));
- }
- function toUint8(x) {
- return modulo(toInteger(x), Math.pow(2, 8));
- }
- // compute the extra padding needed
- function padding(sampleLength, block) {
- var extra = sampleLength % block;
- if (extra == 0) return 0;
- return block - extra;
- }
- function generateOutputFile(fileContents) {
- var textFileURL = null;
- var blob = new Blob([fileContents], {type: 'text/plain'});
- textFileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
- return textFileURL;
- }
- function formatAudioData(audioData) {
- var outputString = '';
- for(var i = 0; i < audioData.length; i ++) {
- if(i%8==0 && i>0) outputString += '\n';
- outputString += audioData[i] + ',';
- }
- return outputString;
- }
- function generateCPPFile(fileName, formattedName, audioData, sampleRate, encodingType) {
- var out = "";
- out += '// Audio data converted from audio file by wav2sketch_js\n\n';
- out += '#include "AudioSample' + formattedName + '.h"\n\n';
- out += '// Converted from ' + fileName + ', using ' + sampleRate + ' Hz, 16 bit PCM encoding\n';
- out += 'const unsigned int AudioSample' + formattedName + '[' + audioData.length + '] = {\n';
- out += formatAudioData(audioData) + '\n};';
- return out;
- }
- function generateHeaderFile(formattedName, audioData) {
- var out = "";
- out += '// Audio data converted from audio file by wav2sketch_js\n\n';
- out += 'extern const unsigned int AudioSample' + formattedName + '[' + audioData.length + '];';
- return out;
- }