- #include "Resampler.h"
- #include <math.h>
- Resampler::Resampler(StepAdaptionParameters settings){
- while (!Serial);
- #endif
- _settings=settings;
- kaiserWindowSamples[0]=1.;
- double step=1./(NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES-1);
- double* xSq=kaiserWindowXsq;
- for (uint16_t i = 1; i <NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES; i++){
- double x=(double)i*step;
- *xSq++=(1.-x*x);
- }
- }
- void Resampler::getKaiserExact(float beta){
- const double thres=1e-10;
- double* winS=&kaiserWindowSamples[1];
- double* t=tempRes;
- for (uint16_t i = 1; i <NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES; i++){
- *winS++=1.;
- *t++=1.;
- }
- double denomLastSummand=1.;
- const double halfBetaSq=beta*beta/4.;
- double denom=1.;
- double i=1.;
- while(i < 1000){
- denomLastSummand*=(halfBetaSq/(i*i));
- i+=1.;
- denom+=denomLastSummand;
- t=tempRes;
- winS=&kaiserWindowSamples[1];
- double* xSq=kaiserWindowXsq;
- for (uint16_t j=0; j< NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES-1;j++){
- (*t)*=(*xSq);
- double summand=(denomLastSummand*(*t));
- (*winS)+=summand;
- if (summand< thres){
- break;
- }
- ++winS;
- ++t;
- ++xSq;
- }
- if (denomLastSummand< thres){
- break;
- }
- }
- winS=&kaiserWindowSamples[1];
- for (int32_t i = 0; i <NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES-1; i++){
- *winS++/=denom;
- }
- }
- void Resampler::setKaiserWindow(float beta, int32_t noSamples){
- getKaiserExact(beta);
- double step=(float)(NO_EXACT_KAISER_SAMPLES-1.)/(noSamples-1.);
- double xPos=step;
- float* filterCoeff=filter;
- *filterCoeff=1.;
- ++filterCoeff;
- int32_t lower=(int)(xPos);
- double* windowLower=&kaiserWindowSamples[lower];
- double* windowUpper=&kaiserWindowSamples[lower+1];
- for (int32_t i =0; i< noSamples-2; i++){
- double lambda=xPos-lower;
- if (lambda > 1.){
- lambda-=1.;
- ++windowLower;
- ++windowUpper;
- lower++;
- }
- *filterCoeff++=(float)(lambda*(*windowUpper)+(1.-lambda)*(*windowLower));
- xPos+=step;
- break;
- }
- }
- *filterCoeff=*windowUpper;
- }
- void Resampler::setFilter(int32_t halfFiltLength,int32_t overSampling, float cutOffFrequ, float kaiserBeta){
- const int32_t noSamples=halfFiltLength*overSampling+1;
- setKaiserWindow(kaiserBeta, noSamples);
- float* filterCoeff=filter;
- *filterCoeff++=cutOffFrequ;
- double step=halfFiltLength/(noSamples-1.);
- double xPos=step;
- double factor=M_PI*cutOffFrequ;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i<noSamples-1; i++ ){
- *filterCoeff++*=(float)((sin(xPos*factor)/(xPos*M_PI)));
- xPos+=step;
- }
- }
- double Resampler::getStep() const {
- return _stepAdapted;
- }
- void Resampler::reset(){
- _initialized=false;
- }
- void Resampler::configure(float fs, float newFs, float attenuation, int32_t minHalfFilterLength){
- if (fs<=0. || newFs <=0.){
- _initialized=false;
- return;
- }
- _step=(double)fs/newFs;
- _configuredStep=_step;
- _stepAdapted=_step;
- _sum=0.;
- _oldDiffs[0]=0.;
- _oldDiffs[1]=0.;
- for (uint8_t i =0; i< MAX_NO_CHANNELS; i++){
- memset(_buffer[i], 0, sizeof(float)*MAX_HALF_FILTER_LENGTH*2);
- }
- float cutOffFrequ, kaiserBeta;
- _overSamplingFactor=1024;
- if (fs <= newFs){
- cutOffFrequ=1.;
- kaiserBeta=10;
- _halfFilterLength=minHalfFilterLength;
- }
- else{
- cutOffFrequ=newFs/fs;
- double b=2.*(0.5*newFs-20000)/fs;
- Serial.print("b: ");
- Serial.println(b);
- #endif
- double hfl=(int32_t)((attenuation-8)/(2.*2.285*TWO_PI*b)+0.5);
- if (hfl >= minHalfFilterLength && hfl <= MAX_HALF_FILTER_LENGTH){
- _halfFilterLength=hfl;
- Serial.print("Attenuation: ");
- #endif
- }
- else if (hfl < minHalfFilterLength){
- _halfFilterLength=minHalfFilterLength;
- attenuation=((2*_halfFilterLength+1)-1)*(2.285*TWO_PI*b)+8;
- Serial.println("Resmapler: sinc filter length increased");
- Serial.print("Attenuation increased to ");
- #endif
- }
- else{
- _halfFilterLength=MAX_HALF_FILTER_LENGTH;
- attenuation=((2*_halfFilterLength+1)-1)*(2.285*TWO_PI*b)+8;
- Serial.println("Resmapler: needed sinc filter length too long");
- Serial.print("Attenuation decreased to ");
- #endif
- }
- Serial.print(attenuation);
- Serial.println("dB");
- #endif
- if (attenuation>50.){
- kaiserBeta=0.1102*(attenuation-8.7);
- }
- else if (21<=attenuation && attenuation<=50){
- kaiserBeta=0.5842*(float)pow(attenuation-21.,0.4)+0.07886*(attenuation-21.);
- }
- else{
- kaiserBeta=0.;
- }
- int32_t noSamples=_halfFilterLength*_overSamplingFactor+1;
- if (noSamples > MAX_FILTER_SAMPLES){
- int32_t f = (noSamples-1)/(MAX_FILTER_SAMPLES-1)+1;
- _overSamplingFactor/=f;
- }
- }
- Serial.print("fs: ");
- Serial.println(fs);
- Serial.print("cutOffFrequ: ");
- Serial.println(cutOffFrequ);
- Serial.print("filter length: ");
- Serial.println(2*_halfFilterLength+1);
- Serial.print("overSampling: ");
- Serial.println(_overSamplingFactor);
- Serial.print("kaiserBeta: ");
- Serial.println(kaiserBeta, 12);
- Serial.print("_step: ");
- Serial.println(_step, 12);
- #endif
- setFilter(_halfFilterLength, _overSamplingFactor, cutOffFrequ, kaiserBeta);
- _filterLength=_halfFilterLength*2;
- for (uint8_t i =0; i< MAX_NO_CHANNELS; i++){
- _endOfBuffer[i]=&_buffer[i][_filterLength];
- }
- _cPos=-_halfFilterLength;
- _initialized=true;
- }
- bool Resampler::initialized() const {
- return _initialized;
- }
- void Resampler::resample(float* input0, float* input1, uint16_t inputLength, uint16_t& processedLength, float* output0, float* output1,uint16_t outputLength, uint16_t& outputCount) {
- outputCount=0;
- int32_t successorIndex=(int32_t)(ceil(_cPos));
- float* ip0, *ip1, *fPtr;
- float filterC;
- float si0[2];
- float si1[2];
- while (floor(_cPos + _halfFilterLength) < inputLength && outputCount < outputLength){
- float dist=successorIndex-_cPos;
- const float distScaled=dist*_overSamplingFactor;
- int32_t rightIndex=abs((int32_t)(ceil(distScaled))-_overSamplingFactor*_halfFilterLength);
- const int32_t indexData=successorIndex-_halfFilterLength;
- if (indexData>=0){
- ip0=input0+indexData;
- ip1=input1+indexData;
- }
- else {
- ip0=_buffer[0]+indexData+_filterLength;
- ip1=_buffer[1]+indexData+_filterLength;
- }
- fPtr=filter+rightIndex;
- if (rightIndex==_overSamplingFactor*_halfFilterLength){
- si1[0]=*ip0++**fPtr;
- si1[1]=*ip1++**fPtr;
- memset(si0, 0, 2*sizeof(float));
- fPtr-=_overSamplingFactor;
- rightIndex=(int32_t)(ceil(distScaled))+_overSamplingFactor;
- }
- else {
- memset(si0, 0, 2*sizeof(float));
- memset(si1, 0, 2*sizeof(float));
- rightIndex=(int32_t)(ceil(distScaled));
- }
- for (uint16_t i =0 ; i<_halfFilterLength; i++){
- if(ip0==_endOfBuffer[0]){
- ip0=input0;
- ip1=input1;
- }
- si1[0]+=*ip0**fPtr;
- si1[1]+=*ip1**fPtr;
- filterC=*(fPtr+1);
- si0[0]+=*ip0*filterC;
- si0[1]+=*ip1*filterC;
- fPtr-=_overSamplingFactor;
- ++ip0;
- ++ip1;
- }
- fPtr=filter+rightIndex-1;
- for (uint16_t i =0 ; i<_halfFilterLength; i++){
- if(ip0==_endOfBuffer[0]){
- ip0=input0;
- ip1=input1;
- }
- si0[0]+=*ip0**fPtr;
- si0[1]+=*ip1**fPtr;
- filterC=*(fPtr+1);
- si1[0]+=*ip0*filterC;
- si1[1]+=*ip1*filterC;
- fPtr+=_overSamplingFactor;
- ++ip0;
- ++ip1;
- }
- const float w0=ceil(distScaled)-distScaled;
- const float w1=1.-w0;
- *output0++=si0[0]*w0 + si1[0]*w1;
- *output1++=si0[1]*w0 + si1[1]*w1;
- outputCount++;
- _cPos+=_stepAdapted;
- while (_cPos >successorIndex){
- successorIndex++;
- }
- }
- if(outputCount < outputLength){
- processedLength=inputLength;
- }
- else{
- processedLength=min(inputLength, (int16_t)floor(_cPos + _halfFilterLength));
- }
- const int32_t indexData=processedLength-_filterLength;
- if (indexData>=0){
- ip0=input0+indexData;
- ip1=input1+indexData;
- const unsigned long long bytesToCopy= _filterLength*sizeof(float);
- memcpy((void *)_buffer[0], (void *)ip0, bytesToCopy);
- memcpy((void *)_buffer[1], (void *)ip1, bytesToCopy);
- }
- else {
- float* b0=_buffer[0];
- float* b1=_buffer[1];
- ip0=_buffer[0]+indexData+_filterLength;
- ip1=_buffer[1]+indexData+_filterLength;
- for (uint16_t i =0; i< _filterLength; i++){
- if(ip0==_endOfBuffer[0]){
- ip0=input0;
- ip1=input1;
- }
- *b0++ = *ip0++;
- *b1++ = *ip1++;
- }
- }
- _cPos-=processedLength;
- if (_cPos < -_halfFilterLength){
- _cPos=-_halfFilterLength;
- }
- }
- void Resampler::fixStep(){
- if (!_initialized){
- return;
- }
- _step=_stepAdapted;
- _sum=0.;
- _oldDiffs[0]=0.;
- _oldDiffs[1]=0.;
- }
- void Resampler::addToPos(double val){
- if(val < 0){
- return;
- }
- _cPos+=val;
- }
- bool Resampler::addToSampleDiff(double diff){
- _oldDiffs[0]=_oldDiffs[1];
- _oldDiffs[1]=(1.-_settings.alpha)*_oldDiffs[1]+_settings.alpha*diff;
- const double slope=_oldDiffs[1]-_oldDiffs[0];
- _sum+=diff;
- double correction=_settings.kp*diff+_settings.kd*slope+_settings.ki*_sum;
- const double oldStepAdapted=_stepAdapted;
- _stepAdapted=_step+correction;
- if (abs(_stepAdapted/_configuredStep-1.) > _settings.maxAdaption){
- _initialized=false;
- return false;
- }
- bool settled=false;
- if ((abs(oldStepAdapted- _stepAdapted)/_stepAdapted < _settledThrs*abs(diff) && abs(diff) > 1.5*1e-6)) {
- settled=true;
- }
- return settled;
- }
- double Resampler::getXPos() const{
- return _cPos+(double)_halfFilterLength;
- }