- /* Play Zelda music.
- Requires Teensy 3.6 due to 520 kbytes of wavetable data
- Requires Audio Shield: https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy3_audio.html
- */
- #include <Bounce.h>
- #include <Audio.h>
- #include <Wire.h>
- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <SD.h>
- #include <SerialFlash.h>
- #include "Pizzicato_samples.h"
- #include "FrenchHorns_samples.h"
- #include "Viola_samples.h"
- #include "BasicFlute1_samples.h"
- #include "PlaySynthMusic.h"
- //#define DEBUG_ALLOC
- unsigned char *sp = score;
- const int TOTAL_VOICES = 64;
- const int TOTAL_MIXERS = 21;
- const int SECONDARY_MIXERS = 4;
- AudioControlSGTL5000 sgtl5000_1;
- AudioSynthWavetable wavetable[TOTAL_VOICES];
- AudioMixer4 mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS];
- AudioOutputI2S i2s1;
- AudioConnection patchCord[] = {
- {wavetable[ 0], 0, mixer[ 0], 0}, {wavetable[ 1], 0, mixer[ 0], 1}, {wavetable[ 2], 0, mixer[0], 2}, {wavetable[ 3], 0, mixer[0], 3}, {mixer[ 0], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-2], 0},
- {wavetable[ 4], 0, mixer[ 1], 0}, {wavetable[ 5], 0, mixer[ 1], 1}, {wavetable[ 6], 0, mixer[1], 2}, {wavetable[ 7], 0, mixer[1], 3}, {mixer[ 1], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-2], 1},
- {wavetable[ 8], 0, mixer[ 2], 0}, {wavetable[ 9], 0, mixer[ 2], 1}, {wavetable[10], 0, mixer[2], 2}, {wavetable[11], 0, mixer[2], 3}, {mixer[ 2], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-2], 2},
- {wavetable[12], 0, mixer[ 3], 0}, {wavetable[13], 0, mixer[ 3], 1}, {wavetable[14], 0, mixer[3], 2}, {wavetable[15], 0, mixer[3], 3}, {mixer[ 3], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-2], 3},
- {wavetable[16], 0, mixer[ 4], 0}, {wavetable[17], 0, mixer[ 4], 1}, {wavetable[18], 0, mixer[4], 2}, {wavetable[19], 0, mixer[4], 3}, {mixer[ 4], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-3], 0},
- {wavetable[20], 0, mixer[ 5], 0}, {wavetable[21], 0, mixer[ 5], 1}, {wavetable[22], 0, mixer[5], 2}, {wavetable[23], 0, mixer[5], 3}, {mixer[ 5], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-3], 1},
- {wavetable[24], 0, mixer[ 6], 0}, {wavetable[25], 0, mixer[ 6], 1}, {wavetable[26], 0, mixer[6], 2}, {wavetable[27], 0, mixer[6], 3}, {mixer[ 6], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-3], 2},
- {wavetable[28], 0, mixer[ 7], 0}, {wavetable[29], 0, mixer[ 7], 1}, {wavetable[30], 0, mixer[7], 2}, {wavetable[31], 0, mixer[7], 3}, {mixer[ 7], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-3], 3},
- {wavetable[32], 0, mixer[ 8], 0}, {wavetable[33], 0, mixer[ 8], 1}, {wavetable[34], 0, mixer[8], 2}, {wavetable[35], 0, mixer[8], 3}, {mixer[ 8], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-4], 0},
- {wavetable[36], 0, mixer[ 9], 0}, {wavetable[37], 0, mixer[ 9], 1}, {wavetable[38], 0, mixer[9], 2}, {wavetable[39], 0, mixer[9], 3}, {mixer[ 9], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-4], 1},
- {wavetable[40], 0, mixer[10], 0}, {wavetable[41], 0, mixer[10], 1}, {wavetable[42], 0, mixer[10], 2}, {wavetable[43], 0, mixer[10], 3}, {mixer[10], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-4], 2},
- {wavetable[44], 0, mixer[11], 0}, {wavetable[45], 0, mixer[11], 1}, {wavetable[46], 0, mixer[11], 2}, {wavetable[47], 0, mixer[11], 3}, {mixer[11], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-4], 3},
- {wavetable[48], 0, mixer[12], 0}, {wavetable[49], 0, mixer[12], 1}, {wavetable[50], 0, mixer[12], 2}, {wavetable[51], 0, mixer[12], 3}, {mixer[12], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-5], 0},
- {wavetable[52], 0, mixer[13], 0}, {wavetable[53], 0, mixer[13], 1}, {wavetable[54], 0, mixer[13], 2}, {wavetable[55], 0, mixer[13], 3}, {mixer[13], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-5], 1},
- {wavetable[56], 0, mixer[14], 0}, {wavetable[57], 0, mixer[14], 1}, {wavetable[58], 0, mixer[14], 2}, {wavetable[59], 0, mixer[14], 3}, {mixer[14], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-5], 2},
- {wavetable[60], 0, mixer[15], 0}, {wavetable[61], 0, mixer[15], 1}, {wavetable[62], 0, mixer[15], 2}, {wavetable[63], 0, mixer[15], 3}, {mixer[15], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-5], 3},
- {mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-2], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-1], 0},
- {mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-3], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-1], 1},
- {mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-4], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-1], 2},
- {mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-5], 0, mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-1], 3},
- {mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-1], 0, i2s1, 0},
- {mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS-1], 0, i2s1, 1},
- };
- Bounce buttons[] = { {0, 15}, {1, 15}, {2, 15}, };
- const int TOTAL_BUTTONS = sizeof(buttons) / sizeof(Bounce);
- void guitarHeroMode();
- void printVoices();
- void setVolume() {
- sgtl5000_1.volume(0.8*(analogRead(PIN_A2)-1)/1022.0);
- }
- struct voice_t {
- int wavetable_id;
- byte channel;
- byte note;
- };
- voice_t voices[TOTAL_VOICES];
- IntervalTimer midiMapTimer;
- IntervalTimer guitarHeroTimer;
- IntervalTimer volumeTimer;
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(115200);
- pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP);
- pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP);
- pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
- AudioMemory(120);
- sgtl5000_1.enable();
- sgtl5000_1.volume(0.8);
- for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_VOICES; ++i) {
- wavetable[i].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- wavetable[i].amplitude(1);
- voices[i].wavetable_id = i;
- voices[i].channel = voices[i].note = 0xFF;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_MIXERS-1; ++i)
- for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- mixer[i].gain(j, 0.25);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- mixer[TOTAL_MIXERS - 1].gain(i, i < SECONDARY_MIXERS ? 1.0 / SECONDARY_MIXERS : 0.0);
- usbMIDI.setHandleNoteOn(OnNoteOn);
- usbMIDI.setHandleNoteOff(OnNoteOff);
- //volumeTimer.begin(setVolume, 100000);
- guitarHeroTimer.begin(guitarHeroMode, 1000000/120);
- //midiMapTimer.begin(printVoices, 5000);
- delay(2000);
- }
- void loop() {
- unsigned char c,opcode,chan;
- unsigned long d_time;
- // Volume control
- // uncomment if you have a volume pot soldered to your audio shield
- /*
- int n = analogRead(15);
- if (n != volume) {
- volume = n;
- codec.volume((float)n / 1023);
- }
- */
- // read the next note from the table
- c = *sp++;
- opcode = c & 0xF0;
- chan = c & 0x0F;
- if(c < 0x80) {
- // Delay
- d_time = (c << 8) | *sp++;
- delay(d_time);
- return;
- }
- if(*sp == CMD_STOP) {
- for (int i=0; i<TOTAL_VOICES; i++) {
- wavetable[chan].stop();
- }
- while(1);
- }
- // It is a command
- //Change the instrument for generator
- if(opcode == CMD_CHANGEINST) {
- unsigned char inst = *sp++;
- wavetable[chan].stop();
- switch(inst) {
- case 48:
- wavetable[chan].setInstrument(Viola);
- break;
- case 57:
- wavetable[chan].setInstrument(BasicFlute1);
- break;
- default:
- wavetable[chan].setInstrument(FrenchHorns);
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- // Stop the note on 'chan'
- if(opcode == CMD_STOPNOTE) {
- wavetable[chan].stop();
- return;
- }
- // Play the note on 'chan'
- if(opcode == CMD_PLAYNOTE) {
- unsigned char note = *sp++;
- unsigned char velocity = *sp++;
- wavetable[chan].playNote((byte)note);
- //OnNoteOn(chan, (byte)note, (byte)velocity);
- return;
- }
- // replay the tune
- if(opcode == CMD_RESTART) {
- sp = score;
- return;
- }
- usbMIDI.read();
- //for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_BUTTONS; ++i) buttons[i].update();
- //if (buttons[0].fallingEdge()) AudioSynthWavetable::print_performance();
- //if (buttons[1].risingEdge()) {
- // midiMapTimer.end();
- // Serial.print('\n');
- //}
- //if (buttons[1].fallingEdge()) midiMapTimer.begin(printVoices, 5000);
- //if (buttons[2].risingEdge()) guitarHeroTimer.end();
- //if (buttons[2].fallingEdge())
- // guitarHeroTimer.begin(guitarHeroMode, 1000000/60);
- }
- int allocateVoice(byte channel, byte note);
- int findVoice(byte channel, byte note);
- void freeVoices();
- int used_voices = 0;
- int stopped_voices = 0;
- int evict_voice = 0;
- int notes_played = 0;
- void OnNoteOn(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity) {
- notes_played++;
- #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC
- //Serial.printf("**** NoteOn: channel==%hhu,note==%hhu ****\n", channel, note);
- printVoices();
- #endif //DEBUG_ALLOC
- freeVoices();
- int wavetable_id = allocateVoice(channel, note);
- switch (channel) {
- case 1:
- wavetable[wavetable_id].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- break;
- case 2:
- wavetable[wavetable_id].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- break;
- case 3:
- wavetable[wavetable_id].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- break;
- case 4:
- wavetable[wavetable_id].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- break;
- case 5:
- wavetable[wavetable_id].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- break;
- default:
- wavetable[wavetable_id].setInstrument(Pizzicato);
- break;
- }
- wavetable[wavetable_id].playNote(note);
- #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC
- printVoices();
- #endif //DEBUG_ALLOC
- }
- void OnNoteOff(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity) {
- #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC
- //Serial.printf("\n**** NoteOff: channel==%hhu,note==%hhu ****", channel, note);
- printVoices();
- #endif //DEBUG_ALLOC
- int wavetable_id = findVoice(channel, note);
- if (wavetable_id != TOTAL_VOICES)
- wavetable[wavetable_id].stop();
- #ifdef DEBUG_ALLOC
- printVoices();
- #endif //DEBUG_ALLOC
- }
- int allocateVoice(byte channel, byte note) {
- int i;
- int nonfree_voices = stopped_voices + used_voices;
- if (nonfree_voices < TOTAL_VOICES) {
- for (i = nonfree_voices; i < TOTAL_VOICES && voices[i].channel != channel; ++i);
- if (i < TOTAL_VOICES) {
- voice_t temp = voices[i];
- voices[i] = voices[nonfree_voices];
- voices[nonfree_voices] = temp;
- }
- i = nonfree_voices;
- used_voices++;
- } else {
- if (stopped_voices) {
- i = evict_voice % stopped_voices;
- voice_t temp = voices[i];
- stopped_voices--;
- voices[i] = voices[stopped_voices];
- voices[stopped_voices] = temp;
- used_voices++;
- i = stopped_voices;
- }
- else
- i = evict_voice;
- }
- voices[i].channel = channel;
- voices[i].note = note;
- evict_voice++;
- evict_voice %= TOTAL_VOICES;
- return voices[i].wavetable_id;
- }
- int findVoice(byte channel, byte note) {
- int i;
- //find match
- int nonfree_voices = stopped_voices + used_voices;
- for (i = stopped_voices; i < nonfree_voices && !(voices[i].channel == channel && voices[i].note == note); ++i);
- //return TOTAL_VOICES if no match
- if (i == (nonfree_voices)) return TOTAL_VOICES;
- voice_t temp = voices[i];
- voices[i] = voices[stopped_voices];
- voices[stopped_voices] = temp;
- --used_voices;
- return voices[stopped_voices++].wavetable_id;
- }
- void freeVoices() {
- for (int i = 0; i < stopped_voices; i++)
- if (wavetable[voices[i].wavetable_id].isPlaying() == false) {
- voice_t temp = voices[i];
- --stopped_voices;
- voices[i] = voices[stopped_voices];
- int nonfree_voices = stopped_voices + used_voices;
- voices[stopped_voices] = voices[nonfree_voices];
- voices[nonfree_voices] = temp;
- }
- }
- void guitarHeroMode() { // now unicorn friendly
- const int RESET = 4;
- const int MIDI_NOTES = 128;
- static char line[MIDI_NOTES+1] = { 0 };
- static int accumulated = 0;
- if (!accumulated) {
- for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_NOTES; ++i) line[i] = '-';
- ++accumulated;
- }
- for (int i = stopped_voices; i < used_voices+stopped_voices; ++i) line[voices[i].note] = '*';
- if (accumulated == RESET) {
- Serial.println(line);
- accumulated = 0;
- } else {
- ++accumulated;
- }
- }
- const char* note_map[] = {
- "C","C#","D","D#","E","F","F#","G","G#","A","A#","B"
- };
- void printVoices() {
- static int last_notes_played = notes_played;
- if (last_notes_played == notes_played)
- return;
- last_notes_played = notes_played;
- int usage = AudioProcessorUsage();
- Serial.printf("\nCPU:%03i voices:%02i CPU/Voice:%02i evict:%02i", usage, used_voices, usage/used_voices, evict_voice);
- for (int i = 0; i < used_voices; ++i)
- Serial.printf(" %02hhu %-2s", voices[i].channel, note_map[voices[i].note%12]);
- }