#define ADC0_CLP1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B048 // ADC plus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLP1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B048 // ADC plus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLP0 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B04C // ADC plus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLP0 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B04C // ADC plus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_PGA *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B050 // ADC Programmable Gain Amplifier |
#define ADC0_PGA *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B050 // ADC Programmable Gain Amplifier |
#define ADC0_PGA_PGAEN (uint32_t)0x00800000 // Enable |
#define ADC0_PGA_PGALPB (uint32_t)0x00100000 // Low-Power Mode Control, 0=low power, 1=normal |
#define ADC0_PGA_PGAG(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 15) << 16) // Gain, 0=1X, 1=2X, 2=4X, 3=8X, 4=16X, 5=32X, 6=64X |
#define ADC_PGA_PGAEN (uint32_t)0x00800000 // Enable |
#define ADC_PGA_PGALPB (uint32_t)0x00100000 // Low-Power Mode Control, 0=low power, 1=normal |
#define ADC_PGA_PGAG(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 15) << 16) // Gain, 0=1X, 1=2X, 2=4X, 3=8X, 4=16X, 5=32X, 6=64X |
#define ADC0_CLMD *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B054 // ADC minus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLMD *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B054 // ADC minus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLMS *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B058 // ADC minus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLMS *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B058 // ADC minus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLM4 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B05C // ADC minus-side general calibration value register |
#define ADC0_CLM4 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003B05C // ADC minus-side general calibration value register |
// Chapter 33: Voltage Reference (VREFV1) |
// Chapter 33: Voltage Reference (VREFV1) |
#define VREF_TRM *(volatile uint8_t *)0x40074000 // VREF Trim Register |
#define VREF_TRM *(volatile uint8_t *)0x40074000 // VREF Trim Register |
#define VREF_TRM_CHOPEN (uint8_t)0x40 // Chop oscillator enable |
#define VREF_TRM_TRIM(n) ((n) & 0x3F) // Trim bits |
#define VREF_SC *(volatile uint8_t *)0x40074001 // VREF Status and Control Register |
#define VREF_SC *(volatile uint8_t *)0x40074001 // VREF Status and Control Register |
#define VREF_SC_VREFEN (uint8_t)0x80 // Internal Voltage Reference enable |
#define VREF_SC_REGEN (uint8_t)0x40 // Regulator enable |
#define VREF_SC_ICOMPEN (uint8_t)0x20 // Second order curvature compensation enable |
#define VREF_SC_VREFST (uint8_t)0x04 // Internal Voltage Reference stable flag |
#define VREF_SC_MODE_LV(n) (uint8_t)(((n) & 3) << 0) // Buffer Mode selection: 0=Bandgap on only |
// 1=High power buffer mode, |
// 2=Low-power buffer mode |
// Chapter 34: Programmable Delay Block (PDB) |
// Chapter 34: Programmable Delay Block (PDB) |
#define PDB0_SC *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40036000 // Status and Control Register |
#define PDB0_SC *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40036000 // Status and Control Register |