/* Teensyduino Core Library * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ * Copyright (c) 2017 PJRC.COM, LLC. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. If the Software is incorporated into a build system that allows * selection among a list of target devices, then similar target * devices manufactured by PJRC.COM must be included in the list of * target devices and selectable in the same manner. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef HardwareSerial_h #define HardwareSerial_h #include "imxrt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #include "Stream.h" #include "core_pins.h" #ifdef SERIAL_9BIT_SUPPORT #define BUFTYPE uint16_t #else #define BUFTYPE uint8_t #endif extern "C" { extern void IRQHandler_Serial1(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial2(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial3(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial4(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial5(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial6(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial7(); extern void IRQHandler_Serial8(); } class HardwareSerial : public Stream { public: typedef struct { IRQ_NUMBER_t irq; void (*irq_handler)(void); volatile uint32_t &ccm_register; const uint32_t ccm_value; const uint8_t rx_pin; const uint8_t tx_pin; const uint8_t cts_pin; volatile uint32_t &rx_select_input_register; const uint8_t rx_mux_val; const uint8_t tx_mux_val; const uint8_t cts_mux_val; const uint8_t rx_select_val; const uint16_t irq_priority; const uint16_t rts_low_watermark; const uint16_t rts_high_watermark; } hardware_t; public: constexpr HardwareSerial(IMXRT_LPUART_t *myport, const hardware_t *myhardware, volatile BUFTYPE *_tx_buffer, size_t _tx_buffer_size, volatile BUFTYPE *_rx_buffer, size_t _rx_buffer_size) : port(myport), hardware(myhardware), tx_buffer_(_tx_buffer), rx_buffer_(_rx_buffer), tx_buffer_size_(_tx_buffer_size), rx_buffer_size_(_rx_buffer_size), tx_buffer_total_size_(_tx_buffer_size), rx_buffer_total_size_(_rx_buffer_size) { } void begin(uint32_t baud, uint8_t format=0); void end(void); virtual int available(void); virtual int peek(void); virtual void flush(void); virtual size_t write(uint8_t c); virtual int read(void); void transmitterEnable(uint8_t pin); void setRX(uint8_t pin); void setTX(uint8_t pin, bool opendrain=false); bool attachRts(uint8_t pin); bool attachCts(uint8_t pin); void clear(void); int availableForWrite(void); void addStorageForRead(void *buffer, size_t length); void addStorageForWrite(void *buffer, size_t length); size_t write9bit(uint32_t c); using Print::write; // Only overwrite some of the virtualWrite functions if we are going to optimize them over Print version /* virtual void begin(uint32_t baud) { serial_begin(BAUD2DIV(baud)); } virtual void begin(uint32_t baud, uint32_t format) { serial_begin(BAUD2DIV(baud)); serial_format(format); } */ operator bool() { return true; } private: IMXRT_LPUART_t * const port; const hardware_t * const hardware; volatile BUFTYPE *tx_buffer_; volatile BUFTYPE *rx_buffer_; volatile BUFTYPE *rx_buffer_storage_ = nullptr; volatile BUFTYPE *tx_buffer_storage_ = nullptr; size_t tx_buffer_size_; size_t rx_buffer_size_; size_t tx_buffer_total_size_; size_t rx_buffer_total_size_; size_t rts_low_watermark_ = 0; size_t rts_high_watermark_ = 0; volatile uint8_t transmitting_ = 0; volatile uint16_t tx_buffer_head_ = 0; volatile uint16_t tx_buffer_tail_ = 0; volatile uint16_t rx_buffer_head_ = 0; volatile uint16_t rx_buffer_tail_ = 0; volatile uint32_t *transmit_pin_baseReg_ = 0; uint32_t transmit_pin_bitmask_ = 0; volatile uint32_t *rts_pin_baseReg_ = 0; uint32_t rts_pin_bitmask_ = 0; inline void rts_assert(); inline void rts_deassert(); void IRQHandler(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial1(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial2(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial3(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial4(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial5(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial6(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial7(); friend void IRQHandler_Serial8(); }; extern HardwareSerial Serial1; extern HardwareSerial Serial2; extern HardwareSerial Serial3; extern HardwareSerial Serial4; extern HardwareSerial Serial5; extern HardwareSerial Serial6; extern HardwareSerial Serial7; extern HardwareSerial Serial8; //extern void serialEvent1(void); #endif // __cplusplus // Uncomment to enable 9 bit formats. These are default disabled to save memory. //#define SERIAL_9BIT_SUPPORT // // On Windows & Linux, this file is in Arduino's hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3 // folder. The Windows installer puts Arduino in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino // On Macintosh, you must control-click Arduino and select "Show Package Contents", then // look in Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/avr/cores/teensy3 to find this file. // // Teensy 3.x boards support 9 bit mode on all their serial ports // Teensy LC only supports 9 bit mode on Serial1. Serial2 & Serial3 can't use 9 bits. #define SERIAL_7E1 0x02 #define SERIAL_7O1 0x03 #define SERIAL_8N1 0x00 #define SERIAL_8E1 0x06 #define SERIAL_8O1 0x07 #define SERIAL_7E1_RXINV 0x12 #define SERIAL_7O1_RXINV 0x13 #define SERIAL_8N1_RXINV 0x10 #define SERIAL_8E1_RXINV 0x16 #define SERIAL_8O1_RXINV 0x17 #define SERIAL_7E1_TXINV 0x22 #define SERIAL_7O1_TXINV 0x23 #define SERIAL_8N1_TXINV 0x20 #define SERIAL_8E1_TXINV 0x26 #define SERIAL_8O1_TXINV 0x27 #define SERIAL_7E1_RXINV_TXINV 0x32 #define SERIAL_7O1_RXINV_TXINV 0x33 #define SERIAL_8N1_RXINV_TXINV 0x30 #define SERIAL_8E1_RXINV_TXINV 0x36 #define SERIAL_8O1_RXINV_TXINV 0x37 #ifdef SERIAL_9BIT_SUPPORT #define SERIAL_9N1 0x84 #define SERIAL_9E1 0x8E #define SERIAL_9O1 0x8F #define SERIAL_9N1_RXINV 0x94 #define SERIAL_9E1_RXINV 0x9E #define SERIAL_9O1_RXINV 0x9F #define SERIAL_9N1_TXINV 0xA4 #define SERIAL_9E1_TXINV 0xAE #define SERIAL_9O1_TXINV 0xAF #define SERIAL_9N1_RXINV_TXINV 0xB4 #define SERIAL_9E1_RXINV_TXINV 0xBE #define SERIAL_9O1_RXINV_TXINV 0xBF #endif // Teensy LC and 3.5 and 3.6 Uarts have 1/2 bit stop setting #if defined(__MK64FX512__) || defined(__MK66FX1M0__) || defined(KINETISL) #define SERIAL_2STOP_BITS 0x100 #define SERIAL_8E2 (SERIAL_8E1 | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8O2 (SERIAL_8O1 | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8E2_RXINV (SERIAL_8E1_RXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8O2_RXINV (SERIAL_8O1_RXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8E2_TXINV (SERIAL_8E1_TXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8O2_TXINV (SERIAL_8O1_TXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8E2_RXINV_TXINV (SERIAL_8E1_RXINV_TXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8O2_RXINV_TXINV (SERIAL_8O1_RXINV_TXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8N2 (SERIAL_8N1 | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8N2_RXINV (SERIAL_8N1_RXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8N2_TXINV (SERIAL_8N1_TXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #define SERIAL_8N2_RXINV_TXINV (SERIAL_8N1_RXINV_TXINV | SERIAL_2STOP_BITS) #else // for Teensy 3.0-3.2 we can fake 2 stop bits by using 9 bit mode #define SERIAL_8N2 0x04 #define SERIAL_8N2_RXINV 0x14 #define SERIAL_8N2_TXINV 0x24 #define SERIAL_8N2_RXINV_TXINV 0x34 #endif // bit0: parity, 0=even, 1=odd // bit1: parity, 0=disable, 1=enable // bit2: mode, 1=9bit, 0=8bit // bit3: mode10: 1=10bit, 0=8bit // bit4: rxinv, 0=normal, 1=inverted // bit5: txinv, 0=normal, 1=inverted // bit6: unused // bit7: actual data goes into 9th bit // TODO: replace with proper divisor+oversample calculation #define BAUD2DIV(baud) (24000000/16/(baud)) /* #if defined(KINETISK) #define BAUD2DIV(baud) (((F_CPU * 2) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #define BAUD2DIV2(baud) (((F_CPU * 2) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #define BAUD2DIV3(baud) (((F_BUS * 2) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #elif defined(KINETISL) #if F_CPU <= 2000000 #define BAUD2DIV(baud) (((F_PLL / 16 ) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #elif F_CPU <= 16000000 #define BAUD2DIV(baud) (((F_PLL / (F_PLL / 1000000)) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #else #define BAUD2DIV(baud) (((F_PLL / 2 / 16) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #endif #define BAUD2DIV2(baud) (((F_BUS / 16) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #define BAUD2DIV3(baud) (((F_BUS / 16) + ((baud) >> 1)) / (baud)) #endif */ #endif