#include "core_pins.h" //volatile uint32_t F_CPU = 396000000; //volatile uint32_t F_BUS = 132000000; volatile uint32_t systick_millis_count = 0; volatile uint32_t systick_cycle_count = 0; // page 411 says "24 MHz XTALOSC can be the external clock source of SYSTICK" // Testing shows the frequency is actually 100 kHz - but how? Did NXP really // hide an undocumented divide-by-240 circuit in the hardware? #define SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ 100000 #if 0 // moved to EventResponder.cpp void systick_isr(void) { systick_millis_count++; // MillisTimer::runFromTimer(); //digitalWriteFast(12, HIGH); //delayMicroseconds(1); //digitalWriteFast(12, LOW); } #endif #if 0 void millis_init(void) { //printf("millis_init %08lX\n", SYST_CALIB); _VectorsRam[15] = systick_isr; #ifdef SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ SYST_RVR = (SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ / 1000) - 1; SYST_CVR = 0; SYST_CSR = SYST_CSR_TICKINT | SYST_CSR_ENABLE; #else SYST_RVR = (F_CPU / 1000) - 1; SYST_CVR = 0; SYST_CSR = SYST_CSR_CLKSOURCE | SYST_CSR_TICKINT | SYST_CSR_ENABLE; #endif //SCB_SHPR3 = 0x20200000; // Systick = priority 32 //printf("RVR=%lu\r\n", SYST_RVR); } #endif /*void yield(void) { }*/ void delay(uint32_t msec) { uint32_t start; if (msec == 0) return; start = micros(); while (1) { while ((micros() - start) >= 1000) { if (--msec == 0) return; start += 1000; } yield(); } // TODO... } uint32_t micros(void) { uint32_t ccdelta, usec, smc, scc; do { smc = systick_millis_count; scc = systick_cycle_count; } while ( smc != systick_millis_count || scc != systick_cycle_count ); // repeat if systick_isr ccdelta = ARM_DWT_CYCCNT - scc; usec = 1000*smc + (ccdelta/(F_CPU_ACTUAL/1000000)); return usec; } #if 0 // kept to compare test to cycle count micro() extern uint32_t otmicros(void); uint32_t otmicros(void) { uint32_t msec, tick, elapsed, istatus, usec; //static uint32_t prev_msec=0; //static uint32_t prev_istatus=0; //static uint32_t prev_tick=0; //static uint32_t prev_elapsed=0; static uint32_t prev_usec=0; static int doprint=180; __disable_irq(); tick = SYST_CVR; msec = systick_millis_count; istatus = SCB_ICSR; // bit 26 indicates if systick exception pending #ifndef SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ const uint32_t fcpu = F_CPU; #endif __enable_irq(); istatus &= SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET; #ifdef SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ if ((istatus & SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET) && (tick == 0 || tick > (SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ / 2000))) { #else if ((istatus & SCB_ICSR_PENDSTSET) && (tick == 0 || tick > (fcpu / 2000))) { #endif // systick generated an interrupt at the 1 -> 0 transition, and // we read it before an ISR could increment systick_millis_count msec++; } #if defined(SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ) && SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ <= 1000000 elapsed = (SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ / 1000) - tick; if (tick == 0) elapsed = 0; usec = msec * 1000 + elapsed * (1000000 / SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ); #elif defined(SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ) && SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ > 1000000 elapsed = (SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ / 1000) - tick; if (tick == 0) elapsed = 0; usec = msec * 1000 + elapsed / (SYSTICK_EXT_FREQ / 1000000); #else elapsed = (fcpu / 1000) - tick; if (tick == 0) elapsed = 0; usec = msec * 1000 + elapsed / (fcpu / 1000000); #endif //if (doprint) printf("%lu %lu\r\n", msec, systick); if (usec < prev_usec && doprint) { //print("opps\r\n"); //printf("opps then: msec=%lu, systick=%lu, elapsed=%lu, usec=%lu, i=%lx\n", //prev_msec, prev_tick, prev_elapsed, prev_usec, prev_istatus); //printf(" now: msec=%lu, systick=%lu, elapsed=%lu, usec=%lu, i=%lx\n", //msec, tick, elapsed, usec, istatus); if (doprint > 0) doprint--; } //prev_msec = msec; //prev_elapsed = elapsed; //prev_tick = tick; //prev_istatus = istatus; prev_usec = usec; return usec; } #endif