Teensy 4.1 core updated for C++20
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Frank Bösing 3717f41ac1 fix delayMicroseconds() for 144MHz 11 年前
avr Add dummy EIMSK in avr_emulation, undo avr/sleep.h workaround 11 年前
util Add crc16.h for AVR libc compatibility 11 年前
Arduino.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
AudioStream.cpp Add AudioStream update_stop 11 年前
AudioStream.h Add AudioStream update_stop 11 年前
Client.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
HardwareSerial.h HardwareSerial write functions need to be virtual 11 年前
HardwareSerial1.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
HardwareSerial2.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
HardwareSerial3.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
IPAddress.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
IPAddress.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
IntervalTimer.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
IntervalTimer.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
Makefile Add comment to Makefile with links to other people's Makefiles 11 年前
Print.cpp Add printf for Teensy3 11 年前
Print.h Support both char * and uintu_t * in Print & Stream (Matthijs Kooijman) 11 年前
Printable.h Fix new/delete operators 11 年前
SPIFIFO.h Minor DPIFIFO tweaks 11 年前
Server.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
Stream.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
Stream.h Support both char * and uintu_t * in Print & Stream (Matthijs Kooijman) 11 年前
Tone.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
Udp.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
WCharacter.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
WConstants.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
WMath.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
WProgram.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
WString.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
WString.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
analog.c Fix analogRead(39) (Vref) on Teensy 3.1 11 年前
arm_common_tables.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
arm_math.h Fix arm_math.h warnings 11 年前
avr_emulation.cpp Add dummy EIMSK in avr_emulation, undo avr/sleep.h workaround 11 年前
avr_emulation.h Add dummy EIMSK in avr_emulation, undo avr/sleep.h workaround 11 年前
avr_functions.h Add missing AVR eeprom functions 11 年前
binary.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
core_cm4.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
core_cm4_simd.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
core_cmInstr.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
core_id.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
core_pins.h fix delayMicroseconds() for 144MHz 11 年前
eeprom.c Add missing AVR eeprom functions 11 年前
elapsedMillis.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
keylayouts.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
keylayouts.h Czech keylayout fixes 11 年前
main.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
math_helper.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
math_helper.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
mk20dx128.c . 11 年前
mk20dx128.h Stripped to overclock add. 144MHz only for Paul 11 年前
mk20dx128.ld Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
mk20dx256.ld Support for Teensy 3.1 11 年前
new.cpp Fix new/delete operators 11 年前
new.h Fix new/delete operators 11 年前
nonstd.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
pins_arduino.h Support for Teensy 3.1 11 年前
pins_teensy.c Stripped to overclock add. 144MHz only for Paul 11 年前
serial1.c Add Serial1.transmitterEnable(pin) for RS-485 11 年前
serial2.c Add NVIC priority handling in Serial2 & Serial3 11 年前
serial3.c Add NVIC priority handling in Serial2 & Serial3 11 年前
touch.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_desc.c Add zero to USB serial number, workaround for Mac OS-X CDC-ACM bug 11 年前
usb_desc.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_dev.c Fix USB Serial break on Teensy3 (needed by Labview) 11 年前
usb_dev.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_flightsim.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_flightsim.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_inst.cpp Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_joystick.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_joystick.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_keyboard.c Czech Keyboard Layout (untested so far) 11 年前
usb_keyboard.h Add Keyboard.releaseAll() for Teensy3 11 年前
usb_mem.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_mem.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_midi.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_midi.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_mouse.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_mouse.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_names.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_rawhid.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_rawhid.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_seremu.c Stripped to overclock add. 144MHz only for Paul 11 年前
usb_seremu.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_serial.c Stripped to overclock add. 144MHz only for Paul 11 年前
usb_serial.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
wiring.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
wiring_private.h Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
yield.c Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前