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Explicitely delcare TMR channel registers in IMXRT_TMR_t to make encapsulation of the registers in a user class easier

I suggest to explicitely delcare a (say)  IMXRT_TMR_CH_t struct which collects the registers for a TMR  channel instead of implicitely defining this struct in the declaration of IMXRT_TMR_t.

This would allow for an easier definition of user classes modelling a TMR channel.
Not a big deal, could also do that mayself the class code but it would be more convenient if this would be done in imxrt.h
luni64 před 5 roky
1 změnil soubory, kde provedl 28 přidání a 25 odebrání
  1. +28

+ 28
- 25
teensy4/imxrt.h Zobrazit soubor

@@ -7009,31 +7009,34 @@ typedef struct {
#define PXP_POWER (IMXRT_PXP_b.offset000)
#define PXP_PORTER_DUFF_CTRL (IMXRT_PXP_b.offset040)

// 47.5: page 2695
typedef struct {
union {
struct {
volatile uint16_t COMP1;
volatile uint16_t COMP2;
volatile uint16_t CAPT;
volatile uint16_t LOAD;
volatile uint16_t HOLD;
volatile uint16_t CNTR;
volatile uint16_t CTRL;
volatile uint16_t SCTRL;
volatile uint16_t CMPLD1;
volatile uint16_t CMPLD2;
volatile uint16_t CSCTRL;
volatile uint16_t FILT;
volatile uint16_t DMA;
volatile uint16_t unused1[3];
} CH[4];
struct {
volatile uint16_t unused2[15];
volatile uint16_t ENBL;
// // 47.5: page 2695
typedef struct
volatile uint16_t COMP1;
volatile uint16_t COMP2;
volatile uint16_t CAPT;
volatile uint16_t LOAD;
volatile uint16_t HOLD;
volatile uint16_t CNTR;
volatile uint16_t CTRL;
volatile uint16_t SCTRL;
volatile uint16_t CMPLD1;
volatile uint16_t CMPLD2;
volatile uint16_t CSCTRL;
volatile uint16_t FILT;
volatile uint16_t DMA;
volatile uint16_t unused1[3];
typedef struct
union {
volatile uint16_t unused2[15];
volatile uint16_t ENBL;
#define IMXRT_TMR1 (*(IMXRT_TMR_t *)0x401DC000)
#define TMR1_COMP10 (IMXRT_TMR1.CH[0].COMP1)

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