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Merge pull request #217 from LAtimes2/master

Fix to dtostrf for small numbers
Paul Stoffregen 8 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 50 lisäystä ja 6 poistoa
  1. +50

+ 50
- 6
teensy3/nonstd.c Näytä tiedosto

@@ -126,15 +126,58 @@ char * dtostrf(float val, int width, unsigned int precision, char *buf)

s = fcvtf(val, precision, &decpt, &sign);

// if only 1 digit in output
if (precision == 0 && decpt == 0) {
// round and move decimal point
s = (*s < '5') ? "0" : "1";
reqd = 1;
} else {
reqd = strlen(s);
if (reqd > decpt) reqd++;
if (decpt == 0) reqd++;

// if all zeros, limit to precision
if (-decpt > (int)precision) {
s = "0";
decpt = -precision;

reqd = strlen(s);

// add 1 for decimal point
if (reqd > decpt) reqd++;

// add 1 for zero in front of decimal point
if (decpt == 0) reqd++;

// if leading zeros after decimal point
if (decpt < 0 && precision > 0) {
// ensure enough trailing zeros, add 2 for '0.'
reqd = precision + 2;

if (strlen(s) > precision + decpt) {
// bug in fcvtf. e.g. 0.012, precision 2 should return 1 instead of 12.
// However, 1.2, precision 0 returns correct value. So shift values so
// that decimal point is after the first digit, then convert again

int newPrecision = precision;
int newDecimalPoint;

// shift decimal point
while (newPrecision > 0) {
val *= 10.0;

// round after accounting for leading 0's
s = fcvtf(val, newPrecision, &newDecimalPoint, &sign);

// if rounded up to new digit (e.g. 0.09 to 0.1), move decimal point
if (newDecimalPoint - decpt == precision + 1) decpt++;

// add 1 for sign if negative
if (sign) reqd++;

p = buf;
e = p + reqd;
pad = width - reqd;
@@ -150,12 +193,13 @@ char * dtostrf(float val, int width, unsigned int precision, char *buf)
else if (decpt < 0 && precision > 0) {
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = '.';
// print leading zeros
while ( decpt < 0 ) {
*p++ = '0';
// print digits
while (p < e) {
*p++ = *s++;
if (p == e) break;
