#define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX (uint32_t)0x00000002 // DMA Mux Clock Gate Control |
#define SIM_SCGC6_DMAMUX (uint32_t)0x00000002 // DMA Mux Clock Gate Control |
#define SIM_SCGC6_FTFL (uint32_t)0x00000001 // Flash Memory Clock Gate Control |
#define SIM_SCGC6_FTFL (uint32_t)0x00000001 // Flash Memory Clock Gate Control |
#define SIM_SCGC7 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40048040 // System Clock Gating Control Register 7 |
#define SIM_SCGC7 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40048040 // System Clock Gating Control Register 7 |
#define SIM_SCGC7_DMA (uint32_t)0x00000020 // DMA Clock Gate Control |
#define SIM_SCGC7_DMA (uint32_t)0x00000002 // DMA Clock Gate Control |
#define SIM_CLKDIV1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40048044 // System Clock Divider Register 1 |
#define SIM_CLKDIV1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40048044 // System Clock Divider Register 1 |
#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 0x0F) << 28) // divide value for the core/system clock |
#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV1(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 0x0F) << 28) // divide value for the core/system clock |
#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV2(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 0x0F) << 24) // divide value for the peripheral clock |
#define SIM_CLKDIV1_OUTDIV2(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 0x0F) << 24) // divide value for the peripheral clock |
// Chapter 17: Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) |
// Chapter 17: Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM) |
#define MCM_PLASC *(volatile uint16_t *)0xE0080008 // Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration |
#define MCM_PLASC *(volatile uint16_t *)0xE0080008 // Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration |
#define MCM_PLAMC *(volatile uint16_t *)0xE008000A // Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration |
#define MCM_PLAMC *(volatile uint16_t *)0xE008000A // Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration |
#define MCM_PLACR *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE008000C // Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Control Register |
#define MCM_PLACR *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE008000C // Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Control Register (MK20DX128) |
#define MCM_PLACR_ARG (uint32_t)0x00000200 // Arbitration select, 0=fixed, 1=round-robin |
#define MCM_CR *(volatile uint32_t *)0xE008000C // RAM arbitration control register (MK20DX256) |
#define MCM_CR_SRAMLWP (uint32_t)0x40000000 // SRAM_L write protect |
#define MCM_CR_SRAMLAP(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 0x03) << 28) // SRAM_L priority, 0=RR, 1=favor DMA, 2=CPU, 3=DMA |
#define MCM_CR_SRAMUWP (uint32_t)0x04000000 // SRAM_U write protect |
#define MCM_CR_SRAMUAP(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 0x03) << 24) // SRAM_U priority, 0=RR, 1=favor DMA, 2=CPU, 3=DMA |
// Crossbar Switch (AXBS) - only programmable on MK20DX256 |
#define AXBS_PRS0 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004000 // Priority Registers Slave 0 |
#define AXBS_CRS0 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004010 // Control Register 0 |
#define AXBS_PRS1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004100 // Priority Registers Slave 1 |
#define AXBS_CRS1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004110 // Control Register 1 |
#define AXBS_PRS2 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004200 // Priority Registers Slave 2 |
#define AXBS_CRS2 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004210 // Control Register 2 |
#define AXBS_PRS3 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004300 // Priority Registers Slave 3 |
#define AXBS_CRS3 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004310 // Control Register 3 |
#define AXBS_PRS4 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004400 // Priority Registers Slave 4 |
#define AXBS_CRS4 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004410 // Control Register 4 |
#define AXBS_PRS5 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004500 // Priority Registers Slave 5 |
#define AXBS_CRS5 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004510 // Control Register 5 |
#define AXBS_PRS6 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004600 // Priority Registers Slave 6 |
#define AXBS_CRS6 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004610 // Control Register 6 |
#define AXBS_PRS7 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004700 // Priority Registers Slave 7 |
#define AXBS_CRS7 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004710 // Control Register 7 |
#define AXBS_MGPCR0 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004800 // Master 0 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR1 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004900 // Master 1 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR2 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004A00 // Master 2 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR3 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004B00 // Master 3 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR4 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004C00 // Master 4 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR5 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004D00 // Master 5 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR6 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004E00 // Master 6 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_MGPCR7 *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40004F00 // Master 7 General Purpose Control Register |
#define AXBS_CRS_READONLY (uint32_t)0x80000000 |
#define AXBS_CRS_HALTLOWPRIORITY (uint32_t)0x40000000 |
#define AXBS_CRS_ARB_FIXED (uint32_t)0x00000000 |
#define AXBS_CRS_ARB_ROUNDROBIN (uint32_t)0x00010000 |
#define AXBS_CRS_PARK_FIXED (uint32_t)0x00000000 |
#define AXBS_CRS_PARK_PREVIOUS (uint32_t)0x00000010 |
#define AXBS_CRS_PARK_NONE (uint32_t)0x00000020 |
#define AXBS_CRS_PARK(n) (uint32_t)(((n) & 7) << 0) |
// Chapter 20: Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) |
// Chapter 20: Direct Memory Access Multiplexer (DMAMUX) |
#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 *(volatile uint8_t *)0x40021000 // Channel Configuration register |
#define DMAMUX0_CHCFG0 *(volatile uint8_t *)0x40021000 // Channel Configuration register |