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Never run normal EventResponder function from interrupt context

PaulStoffregen 7 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 21 tillägg och 13 borttagningar
  1. +21

+ 21
- 13
teensy3/EventResponder.h Visa fil

@@ -160,21 +160,29 @@ public:
EventResponder * waitForEvent(EventResponder *list, int listsize, int timeout);

static void runFromYield() {
// First, check if yield was called from an interrupt
// never call normal handler functions from any interrupt context
uint32_t ipsr;
__asm__ volatile("mrs %0, ipsr\n" : "=r" (ipsr)::);
if (ipsr != 0) return;
// Next, check if any events have been triggered
EventResponder *first = firstYield;
// FIXME: also check if yield() called from an interrupt
// never run these functions from any interrupt context
if (first && !runningFromYield) {
runningFromYield = true;
firstYield = first->_next;
if (firstYield) {
firstYield->_prev = nullptr;
} else {
lastYield = nullptr;
first->_pending = false;
runningFromYield = false;
if (first == nullptr) return;
// Finally, make sure we're not being recursively called,
// which can happen if the user's function does anything
// that calls yield.
if (runningFromYield) return;
// Ok, update the runningFromYield flag and process event
runningFromYield = true;
firstYield = first->_next;
if (firstYield) {
firstYield->_prev = nullptr;
} else {
lastYield = nullptr;
first->_pending = false;
runningFromYield = false;
static void runFromInterrupt();
operator bool() { return _pending; }
