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T4 - SPI - Create structure

I created a structure IMXRT_LPSPI_t
like what was done for UARTS.

I hopefully got all of the unused fields in properly to get the registers on the correct addresses.
Note: I did not update the other #define LPSPIn_ values but left them, likewise, I create a new define for each of the addresses.

That way we can double check I have everything properly aligned
Kurt Eckhardt hace 6 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 37 adiciones y 0 borrados
  1. +37

+ 37
- 0
teensy4/imxrt.h Ver fichero

@@ -5501,7 +5501,41 @@ typedef struct {
#define LPI2C_SRDR_DATA(n) ((uint32_t)(((n) & 0xFF) << 0))

// page 2422
typedef struct {
const uint32_t VERID; // 0
const uint32_t PARAM; // 0x04
const uint32_t UNUSED0; // 0x08
const uint32_t UNUSED1; // 0x0c
volatile uint32_t CR; // 0x10
volatile uint32_t SR; // 0x14
volatile uint32_t IER; // 0x18
volatile uint32_t DER; // 0x1c
volatile uint32_t CFGR0; // 0x20
volatile uint32_t CFGR1; // 0x24
const uint32_t UNUSED3; // 0x28
const uint32_t UNUSED4; // 0x2c
volatile uint32_t DMR0; // 0x30
volatile uint32_t DMR1; // 0x34
const uint32_t UNUSED5; // 0x38
const uint32_t UNUSED6; // 0x3c
volatile uint32_t CCR; // 0x40
const uint32_t UNUSED7; // 0x44
const uint32_t UNUSED8; // 0x48
const uint32_t UNUSED9; // 0x4c
const uint32_t UNUSED10; // 0x50
const uint32_t UNUSED11; // 0x54
volatile uint32_t FCR; // 0x58
volatile uint32_t FSR; // 0x5C
volatile uint32_t TCR; // 0x60
volatile uint32_t TDR; // 0x64
const uint32_t UNUSED12; // 0x68
const uint32_t UNUSED13; // 0x6c
volatile uint32_t RSR; // 0x70
volatile uint32_t RDR; // 0x74

#define IMXRT_LPSPI1 (*(IMXRT_REGISTER32_t *)0x40394000)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI1_S (*(IMXRT_LPSPI_t *)0x40394000)
#define LPSPI1_VERID (IMXRT_LPSPI1.offset000)
#define LPSPI1_PARAM (IMXRT_LPSPI1.offset004)
#define LPSPI1_CR (IMXRT_LPSPI1.offset010)
@@ -5520,6 +5554,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define LPSPI1_RSR (IMXRT_LPSPI1.offset070)
#define LPSPI1_RDR (IMXRT_LPSPI1.offset074)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI2 (*(IMXRT_REGISTER32_t *)0x40398000)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI2_S (*(IMXRT_LPSPI_t *)0x40398000)
#define LPSPI2_VERID (IMXRT_LPSPI2.offset000)
#define LPSPI2_PARAM (IMXRT_LPSPI2.offset004)
#define LPSPI2_CR (IMXRT_LPSPI2.offset010)
@@ -5538,6 +5573,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define LPSPI2_RSR (IMXRT_LPSPI2.offset070)
#define LPSPI2_RDR (IMXRT_LPSPI2.offset074)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI3 (*(IMXRT_REGISTER32_t *)0x4039C000)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI3_S (*(IMXRT_LPSPI_t *)0x4039C000)
#define LPSPI3_VERID (IMXRT_LPSPI3.offset000)
#define LPSPI3_PARAM (IMXRT_LPSPI3.offset004)
#define LPSPI3_CR (IMXRT_LPSPI3.offset010)
@@ -5556,6 +5592,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define LPSPI3_RSR (IMXRT_LPSPI3.offset070)
#define LPSPI3_RDR (IMXRT_LPSPI3.offset074)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI4 (*(IMXRT_REGISTER32_t *)0x403A0000)
#define IMXRT_LPSPI4_S (*(IMXRT_LPSPI_t *)0x403A0000)
#define LPSPI4_VERID (IMXRT_LPSPI4.offset000)
#define LPSPI4_PARAM (IMXRT_LPSPI4.offset004)
#define LPSPI4_CR (IMXRT_LPSPI4.offset010)
