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@@ -1296,7 +1296,9 @@ extern "C" {
#define FTM_SC_TOIE 0x40 // Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable
#define FTM_SC_CPWMS 0x20 // Center-Aligned PWM Select
#define FTM_SC_CLKS(n) (((n) & 3) << 3) // Clock Source Selection
#define FTM_SC_CLKS_MASK 0x18
#define FTM_SC_PS(n) (((n) & 7) << 0) // Prescale Factor Selection
#define FTM_SC_PS_MASK 0x07
#define FTM0_CNT (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038004) // Counter
#define FTM0_MOD (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038008) // Modulo
#define FTM0_C0SC (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003800C) // Channel 0 Status And Control
@@ -1324,9 +1326,18 @@ extern "C" {
#define FTM0_C7V (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038048) // Channel 7 Value
#define FTM0_CNTIN (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003804C) // Counter Initial Value
#define FTM0_STATUS (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038050) // Capture And Compare Status
#define FTM_STATUS_CH7F 0x80 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH6F 0x40 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH5F 0x20 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH4F 0x10 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH3F 0x08 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH2F 0x04 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH1F 0x02 //
#define FTM_STATUS_CH0F 0x01 //
#define FTM0_MODE (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038054) // Features Mode Selection
#define FTM_MODE_FAULTIE 0x80 // Fault Interrupt Enable
#define FTM_MODE_FAULTM(n) (((n) & 3) << 5) // Fault Control Mode
#define FTM_MODE_CAPTEST 0x10 // Capture Test Mode Enable
#define FTM_MODE_PWMSYNC 0x08 // PWM Synchronization Mode
#define FTM_MODE_WPDIS 0x04 // Write Protection Disable
@@ -1342,21 +1353,170 @@ extern "C" {
#define FTM_SYNC_CNTMAX 0x02 //
#define FTM_SYNC_CNTMIN 0x01 //
#define FTM0_OUTINIT (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003805C) // Initial State For Channels Output
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH7OI 0x80 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH6OI 0x40 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH5OI 0x20 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH4OI 0x10 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH3OI 0x08 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH2OI 0x04 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH1OI 0x02 //
#define FTM_OUTINIT_CH0OI 0x01 //
#define FTM0_OUTMASK (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038060) // Output Mask
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH7OM 0x80 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH6OM 0x40 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH5OM 0x20 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH4OM 0x10 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH3OM 0x08 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH2OM 0x04 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH1OM 0x02 //
#define FTM_OUTMASK_CH0OM 0x01 //
#define FTM0_COMBINE (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038064) // Function For Linked Channels
#define FTM_COMBINE_FAULTEN3 0x40000000 // Enable the fault control, ch #6 & #7
#define FTM_COMBINE_SYNCEN3 0x20000000 // Enable PWM sync of C6V & C7V
#define FTM_COMBINE_DTEN3 0x10000000 // Enable deadtime insertion, ch #6 & #7
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAP3 0x08000000 // Dual Edge Capture Mode
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAPEN3 0x04000000 // Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMP3 0x02000000 // Complement Of Channel #6 & #7
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMBINE3 0x01000000 // Combine Channels #6 & #7
#define FTM_COMBINE_FAULTEN2 0x00400000 // Enable the fault control, ch #4 & #5
#define FTM_COMBINE_SYNCEN2 0x00200000 // Enable PWM sync of C4V & C5V
#define FTM_COMBINE_DTEN2 0x00100000 // Enable deadtime insertion, ch #4 & #5
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAP2 0x00080000 // Dual Edge Capture Mode
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAPEN2 0x00040000 // Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMP2 0x00020000 // Complement Of Channel #4 & #5
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMBINE2 0x00010000 // Combine Channels #4 & #5
#define FTM_COMBINE_FAULTEN1 0x00004000 // Enable the fault control, ch #2 & #3
#define FTM_COMBINE_SYNCEN1 0x00002000 // Enable PWM sync of C2V & C3V
#define FTM_COMBINE_DTEN1 0x00001000 // Enable deadtime insertion, ch #2 & #3
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAP1 0x00000800 // Dual Edge Capture Mode
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAPEN1 0x00000400 // Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMP1 0x00000200 // Complement Of Channel #2 & #3
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMBINE1 0x00000100 // Combine Channels #2 & #3
#define FTM_COMBINE_FAULTEN0 0x00000040 // Enable the fault control, ch #0 & #1
#define FTM_COMBINE_SYNCEN0 0x00000020 // Enable PWM sync of C0V & C1V
#define FTM_COMBINE_DTEN0 0x00000010 // Enable deadtime insertion, ch #0 & #1
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAP0 0x00000008 // Dual Edge Capture Mode
#define FTM_COMBINE_DECAPEN0 0x00000004 // Dual Edge Capture Mode Enable
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMP0 0x00000002 // Complement Of Channel #0 & #1
#define FTM_COMBINE_COMBINE0 0x00000001 // Combine Channels #0 & #1
#define FTM0_DEADTIME (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038068) // Deadtime Insertion Control
#define FTM_DEADTIME_DTPS(n) (((n) & 3) << 6) // Prescaler Value, 0=1x, 2=4x, 3=16x
#define FTM_DEADTIME_DTVAL(n) (((n) & 63) << 0) // Deadtime Value
#define FTM0_EXTTRIG (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003806C) // FTM External Trigger
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_TRIGF 0x80 // Channel Trigger Flag
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_INITTRIGEN 0x40 // Initialization Trigger Enable
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_CH1TRIG 0x20 // Channel 1 Trigger Enable
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_CH0TRIG 0x10 // Channel 0 Trigger Enable
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_CH5TRIG 0x08 // Channel 5 Trigger Enable
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_CH4TRIG 0x04 // Channel 4 Trigger Enable
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_CH3TRIG 0x02 // Channel 3 Trigger Enable
#define FTM_EXTTRIG_CH2TRIG 0x01 // Channel 2 Trigger Enable
#define FTM0_POL (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038070) // Channels Polarity
#define FTM_POL_POL7 0x80 // Channel 7 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL6 0x40 // Channel 6 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL5 0x20 // Channel 5 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL4 0x10 // Channel 4 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL3 0x08 // Channel 3 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL2 0x04 // Channel 2 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL1 0x02 // Channel 1 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM_POL_POL0 0x01 // Channel 0 Polarity, 0=active high, 1=active low
#define FTM0_FMS (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038074) // Fault Mode Status
#define FTM_FMS_FAULTF 0x80 // Fault Detection Flag
#define FTM_FMS_WPEN 0x40 // Write Protection Enable
#define FTM_FMS_FAULTIN 0x20 // Fault Inputs
#define FTM_FMS_FAULTF3 0x08 // Fault Detection Flag 3
#define FTM_FMS_FAULTF2 0x04 // Fault Detection Flag 2
#define FTM_FMS_FAULTF1 0x02 // Fault Detection Flag 1
#define FTM_FMS_FAULTF0 0x01 // Fault Detection Flag 0
#define FTM0_FILTER (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038078) // Input Capture Filter Control
#define FTM_FILTER_CH3FVAL(n) (((n) & 15) << 12) // Channel 3 Input Filter
#define FTM_FILTER_CH2FVAL(n) (((n) & 15) << 8) // Channel 2 Input Filter
#define FTM_FILTER_CH1FVAL(n) (((n) & 15) << 4) // Channel 1 Input Filter
#define FTM_FILTER_CH0FVAL(n) (((n) & 15) << 0) // Channel 0 Input Filter
#define FTM0_FLTCTRL (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003807C) // Fault Control
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FFVAL(n) (((n) & 15) << 8) // Fault Input Filter Value, 0=disable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FFLTR3EN 0x80 // Fault Input 3 Filter Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FFLTR2EN 0x40 // Fault Input 2 Filter Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FFLTR1EN 0x20 // Fault Input 1 Filter Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FFLTR0EN 0x10 // Fault Input 0 Filter Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FAULT3EN 0x08 // Fault Input 3 Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FAULT2EN 0x04 // Fault Input 2 Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FAULT1EN 0x02 // Fault Input 1 Enable
#define FTM_FLTCTRL_FAULT0EN 0x01 // Fault Input 0 Enable
#define FTM0_QDCTRL (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038080) // Quadrature Decoder Control And Status
#define FTM_QDCTRL_PHAFLTREN 0x80 // Phase A Input Filter Enable
#define FTM_QDCTRL_PHBFLTREN 0x40 // Phase B Input Filter Enable
#define FTM_QDCTRL_PHAPOL 0x20 // Phase A Input Polarity
#define FTM_QDCTRL_PHBPOL 0x10 // Phase B Input Polarity
#define FTM_QDCTRL_QUADMODE 0x08 // Quadrature Decoder Mode
#define FTM_QDCTRL_QUADIR 0x04 // FTM Counter Direction In Quadrature Decoder Mode
#define FTM_QDCTRL_TOFDIR 0x02 // Timer Overflow Direction In Quadrature Decoder Mode
#define FTM_QDCTRL_QUADEN 0x01 // Quadrature Decoder Mode Enable
#define FTM0_CONF (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038084) // Configuration
#define FTM_CONF_GTBEOUT 0x400 // Global Time Base Output
#define FTM_CONF_GTBEEN 0x200 // Global Time Base Enable
#define FTM_CONF_BDMMODE (((n) & 3) << 6) // Behavior when in debug mode
#define FTM_CONF_NUMTOF (((n) & 31) << 0) // ratio of counter overflows to TOF bit set
#define FTM0_FLTPOL (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038088) // FTM Fault Input Polarity
#define FTM_FLTPOL_FLT3POL 0x08 // Fault Input 3 Polarity
#define FTM_FLTPOL_FLT2POL 0x04 // Fault Input 2 Polarity
#define FTM_FLTPOL_FLT1POL 0x02 // Fault Input 1 Polarity
#define FTM_FLTPOL_FLT0POL 0x01 // Fault Input 0 Polarity
#define FTM0_SYNCONF (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x4003808C) // Synchronization Configuration
#define FTM_SYNCONF_HWSOC 0x100000 // Software output control synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_HWINVC 0x080000 // Inverting control synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_HWOM 0x040000 // Output mask synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_HWWRBUF 0x020000 // MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_HWRSTCNT 0x010000 // FTM counter synchronization is activated by a hardware trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SWSOC 0x001000 // Software output control synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SWINVC 0x000800 // Inverting control synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SWOM 0x000400 // Output mask synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SWWRBUF 0x000200 // MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SWRSTCNT 0x000100 // FTM counter synchronization is activated by the software trigger.
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SYNCMODE 0x000080 // Synchronization Mode, 0=Legacy, 1=Enhanced PWM
#define FTM_SYNCONF_SWOC 0x000020 // SWOCTRL Register Synchronization
#define FTM_SYNCONF_INVC 0x000010 // INVCTRL Register Synchronization
#define FTM_SYNCONF_CNTINC 0x000004 // CNTIN Register Synchronization
#define FTM_SYNCONF_HWTRIGMODE 0x000001 // Hardware Trigger Mode
#define FTM0_INVCTRL (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038090) // FTM Inverting Control
#define FTM_INVCTRL_INV3EN 0x08 // Pair Channels 3 Inverting Enable
#define FTM_INVCTRL_INV2EN 0x04 // Pair Channels 2 Inverting Enable
#define FTM_INVCTRL_INV1EN 0x02 // Pair Channels 1 Inverting Enable
#define FTM_INVCTRL_INV0EN 0x01 // Pair Channels 0 Inverting Enable
#define FTM0_SWOCTRL (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038094) // FTM Software Output Control
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH7OCV 0x8000 // Channel 7 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH6OCV 0x4000 // Channel 6 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH5OCV 0x2000 // Channel 5 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH4OCV 0x1000 // Channel 4 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH3OCV 0x0800 // Channel 3 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH2OCV 0x0400 // Channel 2 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH1OCV 0x0200 // Channel 1 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH0OCV 0x0100 // Channel 0 Software Output Control Value
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH7OC 0x0080 // Channel 7 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH6OC 0x0040 // Channel 6 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH5OC 0x0020 // Channel 5 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH4OC 0x0010 // Channel 4 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH3OC 0x0008 // Channel 3 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH2OC 0x0004 // Channel 2 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH1OC 0x0002 // Channel 1 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM_SWOCTRL_CH0OC 0x0001 // Channel 0 Software Output Control Enable
#define FTM0_PWMLOAD (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40038098) // FTM PWM Load
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_LDOK 0x200 // Enables the loading of the MOD, CNTIN, and CV registers with the values of their write buffers
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH7SEL 0x80 // Channel 7 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH6SEL 0x40 // Channel 6 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH5SEL 0x20 // Channel 5 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH4SEL 0x10 // Channel 4 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH3SEL 0x08 // Channel 4 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH2SEL 0x04 // Channel 3 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH1SEL 0x02 // Channel 2 Select
#define FTM_PWMLOAD_CH0SEL 0x01 // Channel 1 Select
#define FTM1_SC (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40039000) // Status And Control
#define FTM1_CNT (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40039004) // Counter
#define FTM1_MOD (*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40039008) // Modulo
