// Analog Comparator (CMP) |
// Analog Comparator (CMP) |
#define CMP0_CR0 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073000) // CMP Control Register 0 |
#define CMP0_CR0 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073000) // CMP Control Register 0 |
#define CMP0_CR1 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073001) // CMP Control Register 1 |
#define CMP_CR0_FILTER_CNT(n) (uint8_t)(((n) & 0x07) << 4) |
#define CMP_CR0_HYSTCTR(n) (uint8_t)(((n) & 0x03) << 0) |
#define CMP0_CR1 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073001) // CMP Control Register |
#define CMP_CR1_SE (uint8_t)0x80 // Sample Enable |
#define CMP_CR1_WE (uint8_t)0x40 // Windowing Enable |
#define CMP_CR1_PMODE (uint8_t)0x10 // Power Mode Select |
#define CMP_CR1_INV (uint8_t)0x08 // Comparator INVERT |
#define CMP_CR1_COS (uint8_t)0x04 // Comparator Output Select |
#define CMP_CR1_OPE (uint8_t)0x02 // Comparator Output Pin Enable |
#define CMP_CR1_EN (uint8_t)0x01 // Comparator Module Enable |
#define CMP0_FPR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073002) // CMP Filter Period Register |
#define CMP0_FPR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073002) // CMP Filter Period Register |
#define CMP0_SCR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073003) // CMP Status and Control Register |
#define CMP0_SCR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073003) // CMP Status and Control Register |
#define CMP_SCR_DMAEN (uint8_t)0x40 // DMA Enable Control |
#define CMP_SCR_IER (uint8_t)0x10 // Comparator Interrupt Enable Rising |
#define CMP_SCR_IEF (uint8_t)0x08 // Comparator Interrupt Enable Falling |
#define CMP_SCR_CFR (uint8_t)0x04 // Analog Comparator Flag Rising |
#define CMP_SCR_CFF (uint8_t)0x02 // Analog Comparator Flag Falling |
#define CMP_SCR_COUT (uint8_t)0x01 // Analog Comparator Output |
#define CMP0_DACCR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073004) // DAC Control Register |
#define CMP0_DACCR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073004) // DAC Control Register |
#define CMP_DACCR_DACEN (uint8_t)0x80 // DAC Enable |
#define CMP_DACCR_VRSEL (uint8_t)0x40 // Supply Voltage Reference Source Select |
#define CMP_DACCR_VOSEL(n) (uint8_t)(((n) & 0x3F) << 0) // DAC Output Voltage Select |
#define CMP0_MUXCR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073005) // MUX Control Register |
#define CMP0_MUXCR (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073005) // MUX Control Register |
#define CMP1_CR0 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073008) // CMP Control Register 0 |
#define CMP1_CR0 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073008) // CMP Control Register 0 |
#define CMP1_CR1 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073009) // CMP Control Register 1 |
#define CMP1_CR1 (*(volatile uint8_t *)0x40073009) // CMP Control Register 1 |