A couple of minimalist changes.
systick_isr - By default it does nothing with the event responder.
Only if the user calls the attachInterrupt member of EventResponder will it install the version of the ISR that checks the list for any active ISR event Responders.
T4 Yield - try to keep bitfields for things yield should test
Make it such that yield hopefully can test to see there is nothing to do and returns quickly.
There are some interesting limitations, that is that the serialEvent
handling code. Both for USB and hardware Serial can only remove it self
if the default eventHandler is called once, as I don't know anyway to
detect if the default code (weak linkage) is included or if it is a user
version. So waits until called to remove it self from active list.
Sketches can force this by simply calling the event method right after
calling begin on the serial port.
Comment out some of the main programs debug print statements plus add yield call to main loop.
yield can now call SerialEvent.
Put hack in that if the user has not overwritten the SerialEvent function, the weak linked one will turn off calling itself...