/* Teensyduino Core Library * http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ * Copyright (c) 2018 PJRC.COM, LLC. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. If the Software is incorporated into a build system that allows * selection among a list of target devices, then similar target * devices manufactured by PJRC.COM must be included in the list of * target devices and selectable in the same manner. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef pins_macros_for_arduino_compatibility_h #define pins_macros_for_arduino_compatibility_h #include <stdint.h> // A0-A9 are always digital 14-23, for Arduino compatibility #define PIN_A0 (14) #define PIN_A1 (15) #define PIN_A2 (16) #define PIN_A3 (17) #define PIN_A4 (18) #define PIN_A5 (19) #define PIN_A6 (20) #define PIN_A7 (21) #define PIN_A8 (22) #define PIN_A9 (23) #define PIN_A10 (24) #define PIN_A11 (25) #define PIN_A12 (26) #define PIN_A13 (27) const static uint8_t A0 = PIN_A0; const static uint8_t A1 = PIN_A1; const static uint8_t A2 = PIN_A2; const static uint8_t A3 = PIN_A3; const static uint8_t A4 = PIN_A4; const static uint8_t A5 = PIN_A5; const static uint8_t A6 = PIN_A6; const static uint8_t A7 = PIN_A7; const static uint8_t A8 = PIN_A8; const static uint8_t A9 = PIN_A9; const static uint8_t A10 = PIN_A10; const static uint8_t A11 = PIN_A11; const static uint8_t A12 = PIN_A12; const static uint8_t A13 = PIN_A13; #ifdef ARDUINO_TEENSY41 #define PIN_A14 (38) #define PIN_A15 (39) #define PIN_A16 (40) #define PIN_A17 (41) const static uint8_t A14 = PIN_A14; const static uint8_t A15 = PIN_A15; const static uint8_t A16 = PIN_A16; const static uint8_t A17 = PIN_A17; #endif #define LED_BUILTIN (13) #define PIN_SPI_SS (10) #define PIN_SPI_MOSI (11) #define PIN_SPI_MISO (12) #define PIN_SPI_SCK (13) const static uint8_t SS = 10; const static uint8_t MOSI = 11; const static uint8_t MISO = 12; const static uint8_t SCK = 13; #define PIN_WIRE_SDA (18) #define PIN_WIRE_SCL (19) const static uint8_t SDA = 18; const static uint8_t SCL = 19; #define PIN_SERIAL_RX (0) #define PIN_SERIAL_TX (1) #if defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY40) #define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS 40 #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS 14 #elif defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41) #define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS 55 #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS 18 #elif defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY_MICROMOD) #define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS 46 #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS 14 #endif #define NOT_AN_INTERRUPT -1 #if defined(__IMXRT1062__) && defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY40) #define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) (((p) <= 9) ? (p) + 14 : (( ((p) >= 14 && (p) <= 27)) ? (p) : -1)) #define digitalPinHasPWM(p) ((p) <= 15 || (p) == 18 || (p) == 19 || ((p) >= 22 && (p) <= 25) || ((p) >= 28 && (p) <= 31) || (p) == 33) #elif defined(__IMXRT1062__) && defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY41) #define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) (((p) <= 9) ? (p) + 14 : (( ((p) >= 14 && (p) <= 27)) || ((p) >= 38 && (p) <= 41) ? (p) : -1)) #define digitalPinHasPWM(p) ((p) <= 15 || (p) == 18 || (p) == 19 || ((p) >= 22 && (p) <= 25) || ((p) >= 28 && (p) <= 31) || (p) == 33) #elif defined(__IMXRT1062__) && defined(ARDUINO_TEENSY_MICROMOD) #define analogInputToDigitalPin(p) (((p) <= 9) ? (p) + 14 : (( ((p) >= 14 && (p) <= 27)) ? (p) : -1)) #define digitalPinHasPWM(p) ((p) <= 15 || (p) == 18 || (p) == 19 || ((p) >= 22 && (p) <= 25) || ((p) >= 28 && (p) <= 31) || (p) == 33 || (p) == 40 || (p) == 41 || (p) == 45) #endif #define digitalPinToInterrupt(p) ((p) < NUM_DIGITAL_PINS ? (p) : -1) #define digitalPinToPCICR(p) ((volatile uint8_t *)0) #define digitalPinToPCICRbit(p) (0) #define digitalPinToPCIFR(p) ((volatile uint8_t *)0) #define digitalPinToPCIFRbit(p) (0) #define digitalPinToPCMSK(p) ((volatile uint8_t *)0) #define digitalPinToPCMSKbit(p) (0) struct digital_pin_bitband_and_config_table_struct { // not really bitband, old name from Teensy3 volatile uint32_t *reg; volatile uint32_t *mux; volatile uint32_t *pad; uint32_t mask; }; extern const struct digital_pin_bitband_and_config_table_struct digital_pin_to_info_PGM[]; #define digitalPinToPort(pin) (pin) #define digitalPinToBitMask(pin) (digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].mask) #define portOutputRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + 0)) #define portSetRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + 33)) #define portClearRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + 34)) #define portToggleRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + 35)) #define portInputRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + 2)) #define portModeRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].reg + 1)) #define portConfigRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].mux)) #define portControlRegister(pin) ((digital_pin_to_info_PGM[(pin)].pad)) #define digitalPinToPortReg(pin) (portOutputRegister(pin)) #define digitalPinToBit(pin) (__builtin_ctz(digitalPinToBitMask(pin))) #define NOT_ON_TIMER 0 static inline uint8_t digitalPinToTimer(uint8_t) __attribute__((always_inline, unused)); static inline uint8_t digitalPinToTimer(uint8_t pin) { // TODO: does anything meaningful use this? return NOT_ON_TIMER; } // These serial port names are intended to allow libraries and architecture-neutral // sketches to automatically default to the correct port name for a particular type // of use. For example, a GPS module would normally connect to SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN, // the first hardware serial port whose RX/TX pins are not dedicated to another use. // // SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Port which normally prints to the Arduino Serial Monitor // // SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Port which is USB virtual serial // // SERIAL_PORT_LINUXBRIDGE Port which connects to a Linux system via Bridge library // // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Hardware serial port, physical RX & TX pins. // // SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Hardware serial ports which are open for use. Their RX & TX // pins are NOT connected to anything by default. // #if F_CPU >= 20000000 && !defined(USB_DISABLED) #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial #else #define SERIAL_PORT_MONITOR Serial1 #endif #define SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL Serial #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE Serial1 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE1 Serial2 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE2 Serial3 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN Serial1 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN1 Serial2 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN2 Serial3 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE3 Serial4 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE4 Serial5 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE5 Serial6 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE6 Serial7 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN3 Serial4 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN4 Serial5 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN5 Serial6 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN6 Serial7 #if defined(__IMXRT1052__) #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE7 Serial8 #define SERIAL_PORT_HARDWARE_OPEN7 Serial8 #endif #define SerialUSB Serial #endif // pins_macros_for_arduino_compatibility_h