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PaulStoffregen c871fc1069 DMAChannel stuff (still work in progress) 10 年前
teensy Clean up trailing whitespace 10 年前
teensy3 DMAChannel stuff (still work in progress) 10 年前
usb_disk Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_flightsim Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_hid Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_midi Fix usbMIDI.setHandlePitchChange() data type on Teensy 2.0 11 年前
usb_rawhid Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
usb_serial Clean up trailing whitespace 10 年前
usb_serial_hid Initial commit, version 1.17-rc1 11 年前
.gitignore added gitignore file to ignore compile results 11 年前
README.md Update README.md 10 年前


Teensy 2.0 and 3.0 core libraries for Arduino.

The latest stable version of Teensy’s core library is always available in the Teensyduino installer, at this page:


This version implements overclock to 120MHz, 144MHz and 168MHz.


  1. Overwrite Arduino\hardware\teensy\boards.txt with this version
  2. Overwrite all in core/teensy3 with this version