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  1. This is a beta version so there may be bugs and compatibility
  2. problems.
  3. Please report problems to the email address listed in the
  4. "Bugs and Comments" section of the html documentation.
  5. The Arduino SdFat library provides read/write access to FAT16/FAT32
  6. file systems on SD/SDHC flash cards.
  7. SdFat requires Arduino 1.6x or greater.
  8. To use SdFat, unzip the download file and place the SdFat folder
  9. into the libraries sub-folder in your main sketch folder.
  10. For more information see the Manual installation section of this guide:
  11. http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
  12. A number of configuration options can be set by editing SdFatConfig.h
  13. define macros. See the html documentation for details
  14. Read changes.txt if you have used previous releases of this library.
  15. Please read the html documentation for this library. Start with
  16. html/index.html and read the Main Page. Next go to the Classes tab and
  17. read the documentation for the classes SdFat, SdBaseFile, SdFile, File,
  18. StdioStream, ifstream, ofstream, and others.
  19. Please continue by reading the html documentation.
  20. Updated 23 Jan 2016