/* * This program illustrates raw write functions in SdFat that * can be used for high speed data logging. * * This program simulates logging from a source that produces * data at a constant rate of one block every MICROS_PER_BLOCK. * * If a high quality SanDisk card is used with this program * no overruns occur and the maximum block write time is * under 2000 micros. * * Note: Apps should create a very large file then truncates it * to the length that is used for a logging. It only takes * a few seconds to erase a 500 MB file since the card only * marks the blocks as erased; no data transfer is required. */ #include #include "SdFat.h" #include "FreeStack.h" // SD chip select pin const uint8_t chipSelect = SS; // number of blocks in the contiguous file const uint32_t BLOCK_COUNT = 10000UL; // time to produce a block of data const uint32_t MICROS_PER_BLOCK = 10000; // file system SdFat sd; // test file SdFile file; // file extent uint32_t bgnBlock, endBlock; // Serial output stream ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // store error strings in flash to save RAM #define error(s) sd.errorHalt(F(s)) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // log of first overruns #define OVER_DIM 20 struct { uint32_t block; uint32_t micros; } over[OVER_DIM]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); // Wait for USB Serial while (!Serial) { SysCall::yield(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void loop(void) { // Read any extra Serial data. do { delay(10); } while (Serial.available() && Serial.read() >= 0); // F stores strings in flash to save RAM cout << F("Type any character to start\n"); while (!Serial.available()) { SysCall::yield(); } cout << F("FreeStack: ") << FreeStack() << endl; // initialize the SD card at SPI_FULL_SPEED for best performance. // try SPI_HALF_SPEED if bus errors occur. if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) { sd.initErrorHalt(); } // delete possible existing file sd.remove("RawWrite.txt"); // create a contiguous file if (!file.createContiguous(sd.vwd(), "RawWrite.txt", 512UL*BLOCK_COUNT)) { error("createContiguous failed"); } // get the location of the file's blocks if (!file.contiguousRange(&bgnBlock, &endBlock)) { error("contiguousRange failed"); } //*********************NOTE************************************** // NO SdFile calls are allowed while cache is used for raw writes //*************************************************************** // clear the cache and use it as a 512 byte buffer uint8_t* pCache = (uint8_t*)sd.vol()->cacheClear(); // fill cache with eight lines of 64 bytes each memset(pCache, ' ', 512); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 512; i += 64) { // put line number at end of line then CR/LF pCache[i + 61] = '0' + (i/64); pCache[i + 62] = '\r'; pCache[i + 63] = '\n'; } cout << F("Start raw write of ") << file.fileSize() << F(" bytes at\n"); cout << 512000000UL/MICROS_PER_BLOCK << F(" bytes per second\n"); cout << F("Please wait ") << (BLOCK_COUNT*MICROS_PER_BLOCK)/1000000UL; cout << F(" seconds\n"); // tell card to setup for multiple block write with pre-erase if (!sd.card()->writeStart(bgnBlock, BLOCK_COUNT)) { error("writeStart failed"); } // init stats uint16_t overruns = 0; uint32_t maxWriteTime = 0; uint32_t t = micros(); uint32_t tNext = t; // write data for (uint32_t b = 0; b < BLOCK_COUNT; b++) { // write must be done by this time tNext += MICROS_PER_BLOCK; // put block number at start of first line in block uint32_t n = b; for (int8_t d = 5; d >= 0; d--) { pCache[d] = n || d == 5 ? n % 10 + '0' : ' '; n /= 10; } // write a 512 byte block uint32_t tw = micros(); if (!sd.card()->writeData(pCache)) { error("writeData failed"); } tw = micros() - tw; // check for max write time if (tw > maxWriteTime) { maxWriteTime = tw; } // check for overrun if (micros() > tNext) { if (overruns < OVER_DIM) { over[overruns].block = b; over[overruns].micros = tw; } overruns++; // advance time to reflect overrun tNext = micros(); } else { // wait for time to write next block while(micros() < tNext); } } // total write time t = micros() - t; // end multiple block write mode if (!sd.card()->writeStop()) { error("writeStop failed"); } cout << F("Done\n"); cout << F("Elapsed time: ") << setprecision(3)<< 1.e-6*t; cout << F(" seconds\n"); cout << F("Max write time: ") << maxWriteTime << F(" micros\n"); cout << F("Overruns: ") << overruns << endl; if (overruns) { uint8_t n = overruns > OVER_DIM ? OVER_DIM : overruns; cout << F("fileBlock,micros") << endl; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << over[i].block << ',' << over[i].micros << endl; } } // close file for next pass of loop file.close(); Serial.println(); }