/* Arduino DigitalIO Library * Copyright (C) 2013 by William Greiman * * This file is part of the Arduino DigitalIO Library * * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with the Arduino DigitalIO Library. If not, see * . */ /** * @file * @brief Software SPI. * * @defgroup softSPI Software SPI * @details Software SPI Template Class. * @{ */ #ifndef SoftSPI_h #define SoftSPI_h #include "DigitalPin.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Nop for timing. */ #define nop asm volatile ("nop\n\t") //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Pin Mode for MISO is input.*/ const bool MISO_MODE = false; /** Pullups disabled for MISO are disabled. */ const bool MISO_LEVEL = false; /** Pin Mode for MOSI is output.*/ const bool MOSI_MODE = true; /** Pin Mode for SCK is output. */ const bool SCK_MODE = true; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @class SoftSPI * @brief Fast software SPI. */ template class SoftSPI { public: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Initialize SoftSPI pins. */ void begin() { fastPinConfig(MisoPin, MISO_MODE, MISO_LEVEL); fastPinConfig(MosiPin, MOSI_MODE, !MODE_CPHA(Mode)); fastPinConfig(SckPin, SCK_MODE, MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Soft SPI receive byte. * @return Data byte received. */ inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint8_t receive() { uint8_t data = 0; receiveBit(7, &data); receiveBit(6, &data); receiveBit(5, &data); receiveBit(4, &data); receiveBit(3, &data); receiveBit(2, &data); receiveBit(1, &data); receiveBit(0, &data); return data; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Soft SPI send byte. * @param[in] data Data byte to send. */ inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void send(uint8_t data) { sendBit(7, data); sendBit(6, data); sendBit(5, data); sendBit(4, data); sendBit(3, data); sendBit(2, data); sendBit(1, data); sendBit(0, data); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Soft SPI transfer byte. * @param[in] txData Data byte to send. * @return Data byte received. */ inline __attribute__((always_inline)) uint8_t transfer(uint8_t txData) { uint8_t rxData = 0; transferBit(7, &rxData, txData); transferBit(6, &rxData, txData); transferBit(5, &rxData, txData); transferBit(4, &rxData, txData); transferBit(3, &rxData, txData); transferBit(2, &rxData, txData); transferBit(1, &rxData, txData); transferBit(0, &rxData, txData); return rxData; } private: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool MODE_CPHA(uint8_t mode) { return (mode & 1) != 0; } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bool MODE_CPOL(uint8_t mode) { return (mode & 2) != 0; } inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void receiveBit(uint8_t bit, uint8_t* data) { if (MODE_CPHA(Mode)) { fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, !MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } nop; nop; fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPHA(Mode) ? MODE_CPOL(Mode) : !MODE_CPOL(Mode)); if (fastDigitalRead(MisoPin)) { *data |= 1 << bit; } if (!MODE_CPHA(Mode)) { fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void sendBit(uint8_t bit, uint8_t data) { if (MODE_CPHA(Mode)) { fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, !MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } fastDigitalWrite(MosiPin, data & (1 << bit)); fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPHA(Mode) ? MODE_CPOL(Mode) : !MODE_CPOL(Mode)); nop; nop; if (!MODE_CPHA(Mode)) { fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void transferBit(uint8_t bit, uint8_t* rxData, uint8_t txData) { if (MODE_CPHA(Mode)) { fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, !MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } fastDigitalWrite(MosiPin, txData & (1 << bit)); fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPHA(Mode) ? MODE_CPOL(Mode) : !MODE_CPOL(Mode)); if (fastDigitalRead(MisoPin)) { *rxData |= 1 << bit; } if (!MODE_CPHA(Mode)) { fastDigitalWrite(SckPin, MODE_CPOL(Mode)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; #endif // SoftSPI_h /** @} */