/* Arduino SdSpiCard Library * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman * * This file is part of the Arduino SdSpiCard Library * * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with the Arduino SdSpiCard Library. If not, see * . */ #ifndef SdInfo_h #define SdInfo_h #include // Based on the document: // // SD Specifications // Part 1 // Physical Layer // Simplified Specification // Version 3.01 // May 18, 2010 // // http://www.sdcard.org/developers/tech/sdcard/pls/simplified_specs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SD card errors /** timeout error for command CMD0 (initialize card in SPI mode) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD0 = 0X1; /** CMD8 was not accepted - not a valid SD card*/ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD8 = 0X2; /** card returned an error response for CMD12 (stop multiblock read) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD12 = 0X3; /** card returned an error response for CMD17 (read block) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD17 = 0X4; /** card returned an error response for CMD18 (read multiple block) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD18 = 0X5; /** card returned an error response for CMD24 (write block) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD24 = 0X6; /** WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS command failed */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD25 = 0X7; /** card returned an error response for CMD58 (read OCR) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD58 = 0X8; /** SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT failed */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD23 = 0X9; /** ACMD41 initialization process timeout */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ACMD41 = 0XA; /** card returned a bad CSR version field */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_BAD_CSD = 0XB; /** erase block group command failed */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE = 0XC; /** card not capable of single block erase */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE_SINGLE_BLOCK = 0XD; /** Erase sequence timed out */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 0XE; /** card returned an error token instead of read data */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ = 0XF; /** read CID or CSD failed */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_REG = 0X10; /** timeout while waiting for start of read data */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_TIMEOUT = 0X11; /** card did not accept STOP_TRAN_TOKEN */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_STOP_TRAN = 0X12; /** card returned an error token as a response to a write operation */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE = 0X13; /** attempt to write protected block zero */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_BLOCK_ZERO = 0X14; // REMOVE - not used /** card did not go ready for a multiple block write */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_MULTIPLE = 0X15; /** card returned an error to a CMD13 status check after a write */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_PROGRAMMING = 0X16; /** timeout occurred during write programming */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 0X17; /** incorrect rate selected */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_SCK_RATE = 0X18; /** init() not called */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_INIT_NOT_CALLED = 0X19; /** card returned an error for CMD59 (CRC_ON_OFF) */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_CMD59 = 0X1A; /** invalid read CRC */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_READ_CRC = 0X1B; /** SPI DMA error */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_ERROR_SPI_DMA = 0X1C; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // card types /** Standard capacity V1 SD card */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SD1 = 1; /** Standard capacity V2 SD card */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SD2 = 2; /** High Capacity SD card */ uint8_t const SD_CARD_TYPE_SDHC = 3; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SPI divisor constants /** Set SCK to max rate of F_CPU/2. */ uint8_t const SPI_FULL_SPEED = 2; /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/3 for Due */ uint8_t const SPI_DIV3_SPEED = 3; /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/4. */ uint8_t const SPI_HALF_SPEED = 4; /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/6 for Due */ uint8_t const SPI_DIV6_SPEED = 6; /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/8. */ uint8_t const SPI_QUARTER_SPEED = 8; /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/16. */ uint8_t const SPI_EIGHTH_SPEED = 16; /** Set SCK rate to F_CPU/32. */ uint8_t const SPI_SIXTEENTH_SPEED = 32; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SD operation timeouts /** init timeout ms */ uint16_t const SD_INIT_TIMEOUT = 2000; /** erase timeout ms */ uint16_t const SD_ERASE_TIMEOUT = 10000; /** read timeout ms */ uint16_t const SD_READ_TIMEOUT = 300; /** write time out ms */ uint16_t const SD_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 600; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SD card commands /** GO_IDLE_STATE - init card in spi mode if CS low */ uint8_t const CMD0 = 0X00; /** SEND_IF_COND - verify SD Memory Card interface operating condition.*/ uint8_t const CMD8 = 0X08; /** SEND_CSD - read the Card Specific Data (CSD register) */ uint8_t const CMD9 = 0X09; /** SEND_CID - read the card identification information (CID register) */ uint8_t const CMD10 = 0X0A; /** STOP_TRANSMISSION - end multiple block read sequence */ uint8_t const CMD12 = 0X0C; /** SEND_STATUS - read the card status register */ uint8_t const CMD13 = 0X0D; /** READ_SINGLE_BLOCK - read a single data block from the card */ uint8_t const CMD17 = 0X11; /** READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK - read a multiple data blocks from the card */ uint8_t const CMD18 = 0X12; /** WRITE_BLOCK - write a single data block to the card */ uint8_t const CMD24 = 0X18; /** WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK - write blocks of data until a STOP_TRANSMISSION */ uint8_t const CMD25 = 0X19; /** ERASE_WR_BLK_START - sets the address of the first block to be erased */ uint8_t const CMD32 = 0X20; /** ERASE_WR_BLK_END - sets the address of the last block of the continuous range to be erased*/ uint8_t const CMD33 = 0X21; /** ERASE - erase all previously selected blocks */ uint8_t const CMD38 = 0X26; /** APP_CMD - escape for application specific command */ uint8_t const CMD55 = 0X37; /** READ_OCR - read the OCR register of a card */ uint8_t const CMD58 = 0X3A; /** CRC_ON_OFF - enable or disable CRC checking */ uint8_t const CMD59 = 0X3B; /** SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT - Set the number of write blocks to be pre-erased before writing */ uint8_t const ACMD23 = 0X17; /** SD_SEND_OP_COMD - Sends host capacity support information and activates the card's initialization process */ uint8_t const ACMD41 = 0X29; //============================================================================== /** status for card in the ready state */ uint8_t const R1_READY_STATE = 0X00; /** status for card in the idle state */ uint8_t const R1_IDLE_STATE = 0X01; /** status bit for illegal command */ uint8_t const R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND = 0X04; /** start data token for read or write single block*/ uint8_t const DATA_START_BLOCK = 0XFE; /** stop token for write multiple blocks*/ uint8_t const STOP_TRAN_TOKEN = 0XFD; /** start data token for write multiple blocks*/ uint8_t const WRITE_MULTIPLE_TOKEN = 0XFC; /** mask for data response tokens after a write block operation */ uint8_t const DATA_RES_MASK = 0X1F; /** write data accepted token */ uint8_t const DATA_RES_ACCEPTED = 0X05; //============================================================================== /** * \class CID * \brief Card IDentification (CID) register. */ typedef struct CID { // byte 0 /** Manufacturer ID */ unsigned char mid; // byte 1-2 /** OEM/Application ID */ char oid[2]; // byte 3-7 /** Product name */ char pnm[5]; // byte 8 /** Product revision least significant digit */ unsigned char prv_m : 4; /** Product revision most significant digit */ unsigned char prv_n : 4; // byte 9-12 /** Product serial number */ uint32_t psn; // byte 13 /** Manufacturing date year low digit */ unsigned char mdt_year_high : 4; /** not used */ unsigned char reserved : 4; // byte 14 /** Manufacturing date month */ unsigned char mdt_month : 4; /** Manufacturing date year low digit */ unsigned char mdt_year_low :4; // byte 15 /** not used always 1 */ unsigned char always1 : 1; /** CRC7 checksum */ unsigned char crc : 7; } __attribute__((packed)) cid_t; //============================================================================== /** * \class CSDV1 * \brief CSD register for version 1.00 cards . */ typedef struct CSDV1 { // byte 0 unsigned char reserved1 : 6; unsigned char csd_ver : 2; // byte 1 unsigned char taac; // byte 2 unsigned char nsac; // byte 3 unsigned char tran_speed; // byte 4 unsigned char ccc_high; // byte 5 unsigned char read_bl_len : 4; unsigned char ccc_low : 4; // byte 6 unsigned char c_size_high : 2; unsigned char reserved2 : 2; unsigned char dsr_imp : 1; unsigned char read_blk_misalign :1; unsigned char write_blk_misalign : 1; unsigned char read_bl_partial : 1; // byte 7 unsigned char c_size_mid; // byte 8 unsigned char vdd_r_curr_max : 3; unsigned char vdd_r_curr_min : 3; unsigned char c_size_low :2; // byte 9 unsigned char c_size_mult_high : 2; unsigned char vdd_w_cur_max : 3; unsigned char vdd_w_curr_min : 3; // byte 10 unsigned char sector_size_high : 6; unsigned char erase_blk_en : 1; unsigned char c_size_mult_low : 1; // byte 11 unsigned char wp_grp_size : 7; unsigned char sector_size_low : 1; // byte 12 unsigned char write_bl_len_high : 2; unsigned char r2w_factor : 3; unsigned char reserved3 : 2; unsigned char wp_grp_enable : 1; // byte 13 unsigned char reserved4 : 5; unsigned char write_partial : 1; unsigned char write_bl_len_low : 2; // byte 14 unsigned char reserved5: 2; unsigned char file_format : 2; unsigned char tmp_write_protect : 1; unsigned char perm_write_protect : 1; unsigned char copy : 1; /** Indicates the file format on the card */ unsigned char file_format_grp : 1; // byte 15 unsigned char always1 : 1; unsigned char crc : 7; } __attribute__((packed)) csd1_t; //============================================================================== /** * \class CSDV2 * \brief CSD register for version 2.00 cards. */ typedef struct CSDV2 { // byte 0 unsigned char reserved1 : 6; unsigned char csd_ver : 2; // byte 1 /** fixed to 0X0E */ unsigned char taac; // byte 2 /** fixed to 0 */ unsigned char nsac; // byte 3 unsigned char tran_speed; // byte 4 unsigned char ccc_high; // byte 5 /** This field is fixed to 9h, which indicates READ_BL_LEN=512 Byte */ unsigned char read_bl_len : 4; unsigned char ccc_low : 4; // byte 6 /** not used */ unsigned char reserved2 : 4; unsigned char dsr_imp : 1; /** fixed to 0 */ unsigned char read_blk_misalign :1; /** fixed to 0 */ unsigned char write_blk_misalign : 1; /** fixed to 0 - no partial read */ unsigned char read_bl_partial : 1; // byte 7 /** high part of card size */ unsigned char c_size_high : 6; /** not used */ unsigned char reserved3 : 2; // byte 8 /** middle part of card size */ unsigned char c_size_mid; // byte 9 /** low part of card size */ unsigned char c_size_low; // byte 10 /** sector size is fixed at 64 KB */ unsigned char sector_size_high : 6; /** fixed to 1 - erase single is supported */ unsigned char erase_blk_en : 1; /** not used */ unsigned char reserved4 : 1; // byte 11 unsigned char wp_grp_size : 7; /** sector size is fixed at 64 KB */ unsigned char sector_size_low : 1; // byte 12 /** write_bl_len fixed for 512 byte blocks */ unsigned char write_bl_len_high : 2; /** fixed value of 2 */ unsigned char r2w_factor : 3; /** not used */ unsigned char reserved5 : 2; /** fixed value of 0 - no write protect groups */ unsigned char wp_grp_enable : 1; // byte 13 unsigned char reserved6 : 5; /** always zero - no partial block read*/ unsigned char write_partial : 1; /** write_bl_len fixed for 512 byte blocks */ unsigned char write_bl_len_low : 2; // byte 14 unsigned char reserved7: 2; /** Do not use always 0 */ unsigned char file_format : 2; unsigned char tmp_write_protect : 1; unsigned char perm_write_protect : 1; unsigned char copy : 1; /** Do not use always 0 */ unsigned char file_format_grp : 1; // byte 15 /** not used always 1 */ unsigned char always1 : 1; /** checksum */ unsigned char crc : 7; } __attribute__((packed)) csd2_t; //============================================================================== /** * \class csd_t * \brief Union of old and new style CSD register. */ union csd_t { csd1_t v1; csd2_t v2; }; #endif // SdInfo_h