Ccache_t | Cache for an raw data block |
CDigitalPin< PinNumber > | Fast digital port I/O |
CdirectoryEntry | FAT short directory entry |
Cfat32_boot | Boot sector for a FAT32 volume |
Cfat32_fsinfo | FSINFO sector for a FAT32 volume |
Cfat_boot | Boot sector for a FAT12/FAT16 volume |
CFatCache | Block cache |
▼CFatFile | Basic file class |
▼CFatStreamBase | Base class for C++ style streams |
Cfstream | File input/output stream |
Cifstream | File input stream |
Cofstream | File output stream |
▼CSdBaseFile | SdBaseFile base for SdFile and File |
CFile | Arduino SD.h style File API |
CSdFile | SdFile SdBaseFile with Print |
CStdioStream | StdioStream implements a minimal stdio stream |
CFatPos_t | Internal type for file position - do not use in user apps |
▼CFatVolume | Access FAT16 and FAT32 volumes on raw file devices |
▼CFatFileSystem | Integration class for the FatLib library |
▼CSdFatBase | Virtual base class for SdFat library |
CSdFat | Main file system class for SdFat library |
CSdFatLibSpi | SdFat class using the standard Arduino SPI library |
CSdFatSoftSpi< MisoPin, MosiPin, SckPin > | SdFat class using software SPI |
CSdVolume | SdVolume Soon to be removed |
Cfname_t | Internal type for Short File Name - do not use in user apps |
▼Cios_base | Base class for all streams |
▼Cios | Error and state information for all streams |
CFatStreamBase | Base class for C++ style streams |
▼Cistream | Input Stream |
▼Cibufstream | Parse a char string |
CArduinoInStream | Input stream for Arduino Stream objects |
Cifstream | File input stream |
▼Ciostream | Input/Output stream |
Cfstream | File input/output stream |
▼Costream | Output Stream |
CArduinoOutStream | Output stream for Arduino Print objects |
Ciostream | Input/Output stream |
Cobufstream | Format a char string |
Cofstream | File output stream |
ClongDirectoryEntry | FAT long directory entry |
CmasterBootRecord | Master Boot Record |
CpartitionTable | MBR partition table entry |
Cpgm | Type for string in flash |
Cpin_map_t | Struct for mapping digital pins |
▼CPrint | |
CMinimumSerial | Mini serial class for the SdFat library |
CSdFile | SdFile SdBaseFile with Print |
▼CSdSpiBase | Virtual SPI class for access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards |
CSdSpi | SPI class for access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards |
CSdSpiLib | Arduino SPI library class for access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards |
CSdSpiSoft< MisoPin, MosiPin, SckPin > | Software SPI class for access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards |
▼CSdSpiCard | Raw access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards via SPI protocol |
CSd2Card | Raw access to SD and SDHC card using default SPI library |
Csetfill | Type for setfill manipulator |
Csetprecision | Type for setprecision manipulator |
Csetw | Type for setw manipulator |
CSoftSPI< MisoPin, MosiPin, SckPin, Mode > | Fast software SPI |
CSoftSPI< MisoPin, MosiPin, SckPin, 0 > | |
▼CStream | |
CFile | Arduino SD.h style File API |