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515 行

  1. 5 Sep 2016
  2. Restructured classes to support SPI and SDIO controllers.
  3. Support for Teensy 3.5/3.6 SDIO.
  4. Added TeensySdioDemo example.
  5. 15 Aug 2016
  6. New classes SdFatEX and SdFatSoftSpiEX with Extended SD I/O.
  7. These classes provide higher performance but require a dedicated
  8. SPI port.
  9. The symbol SD_SPI_CONFIGURATION has been replaced by three symbols,
  11. ENABLE_SOFTWARE_SPI_CLASS to define the SPI configuration.
  12. SPI transactions are always used.
  13. The SPI divisor has been replaced by SPISettings. A new macro
  14. is used to generate SPISettings. This call will use the highest
  15. speed supported by the board that is not over 50 MHz.
  16. sd.begin(CS_PIN, SD_SCK_MHZ(50));
  17. SdFat on STM32 now supports a SdFat constructor with the SPI
  18. port number. See the STM32Test example for sample use.
  19. New versions of LowLatencyLogger for ADC, ADXL345, and MPU6050.
  20. Many internal changes to simplify ports to RTOS.
  21. 19 jul 2016
  22. Fix for multi-block transfers chip select.
  23. 27 Apr 2016
  24. Mods for STM32F1
  25. 11 Apr 2016
  26. Mods for ESP8266
  27. 9 Apr 2016
  28. Fix beginTransaction call for Standard SPI library
  29. 14 Feb 2016
  30. Add startMicros to LowLatencyLogger
  31. 12 Feb 2016
  32. Mods for Particle.io boards.
  33. Features for shared SPI with multiple block write.
  34. 23 Jan 2016
  35. New Examples.
  36. New SPI structure for ports to boards like the Particle Photon/Electron.
  37. Several bug fixes.
  38. 19 Jul 2015
  39. Converted to 1.5x library format.
  40. Use standard SPI library if no custom SPI library is available for a board.
  41. Option to maintain freeClusterCount.
  42. 16 Mar 2015
  43. Minimal support for Teensy-LC.
  44. 23 Feb 2015
  45. New 1284P software SPI macros.
  46. 01 Feb 2015
  47. Code cleanup and re-factor.
  48. 04 Dec 2014
  49. Added support for Long File Names.
  50. 14 Nov 2014
  51. Replaced the core SdFat code with FatLib, a generic FAT12/FAT16/FAT32
  52. library. This may result in bugs and backward compatibility problems.
  53. Added SdFatSoftSpi, software SPI template class.
  54. Allow simultaneous use of hardware and software SPI with multiple cards.
  55. See the ThreeCard example.
  56. Added minimal Long File Name support. See the LongFileName example.
  57. 25 Oct 2014
  58. Added File class for compatibility with the Arduino SD.h library
  59. Added StreamParseInt example.
  60. 23 Oct 2014
  61. Added Read SD OCR register.
  62. SdInfo example now prints OCR register.
  63. 05 Sep 2014
  64. Faster SdBaseFile::printField();
  65. Added SdBaseFile::printField(float value, char term, uint8_t prec);
  66. 24 Aug 2014
  67. Added support for Software SPI on Due and Teensy 3.1
  68. Added support for SPI transactions.
  69. 05 Aug 2014
  70. New examples.
  71. Teensy 3.x SPI mods.
  72. Test version of StdioStream.
  73. 25 Dec 2013
  74. Improved cluster allocation speed.
  75. Fix for Teensy 3.0
  76. 21 Jun 2013
  77. Improved speed of single block write.
  78. Added StressTest example.
  79. 04 May 2013
  80. Fix FreeRam() for 1.05/1.53 malloc.
  81. Reorganised SPI code.
  82. SPI speed set by SCK divisor.
  83. Faster directory search in file open.
  84. Removed deprecated functions.
  85. 13 Mar 2013
  86. Fix for 1.0.4 malloc
  87. New Software SPI
  88. 07 Feb 2013
  89. Patch for 1.5.2 version of malloc.
  90. Updated SPI driver for Teensy 3.0
  91. Added fast printField() functions.
  92. 19 Dec 2012
  93. Fixed SoftSPI bug
  94. 01 Dec 2012
  95. Added support for the Arduino Due.
  96. The default for ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS has been changed to
  97. false. If you get compile errors for these functions, either
  98. change to the preferred replacement function indicated in the
  99. error message or set ALLOW_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONS nonzero.
  100. A key change was to remove sd.init(spiRateID, chipSelect) in favor of
  101. sd.begin(chipSelect, spiRateID). The difference between these two is
  102. the order of the arguments which has caused serious confusion at times.
  103. A massive number of internal changes have been made. There are over 2600
  104. lines in the diff file of this version and the 20120719 version.
  105. 20 Oct 2012
  106. Changes to support ARM processors. Tested with a Teensy 3.0.
  107. Changes for higher performance with large reads and writes.
  108. 25 Aug 2012
  109. Added uint32_t available();
  110. Support for new industrial SD cards
  111. Better support for MiniSerial and MiniSerial example
  112. Changes to support newer versions of avr-gcc
  113. Changed RawWrite example to use micros() for delay between blocks.
  114. Changed SdFatSize example to use MiniSerial
  115. 19 Jul 2012
  116. Require Arduino 1.0 or greater. Change file type for all examples to *.ino.
  117. Modify the SdFormatter example to format SDXC cards as FAT32. This is not the
  118. SDXC standard which is exFAT.
  119. 30 May 2012
  120. Added << operator for Arduino flash string macro F().
  121. New RawWrite example for fast write of contiguous files.
  122. New faster software SPI
  123. Software SPI for Leonardo boards
  124. Don't use __cxa_pure_virtual by default for Arduino 1.0 or greater.
  125. 26 Mar 2012
  126. Removed definition for SS_PIN, MISO_PIN, MOSI_PIN, and SCK_PIN. Used the
  127. Arduino 1.0 symbols SS, MISO, MOSI, and SCK.
  128. Added Arduino style SdFat::begin(chipSelect, spiSpeed);
  129. Added options for SD crc checking. Enabling crc checking increases reliability
  130. at the cost of speed. Edit SdFatConfig.h to select CRC options.
  131. Override Print::getWriteError() and Print::clearWriteError() to use
  132. SdBaseFile functions.
  133. Many internal changes.
  134. 08 Jan 2012
  135. Changes to allow use of the SerialPort library.
  136. Error messages and output from programs are now sent to a stdOut Print
  137. stream.
  138. The default stdOut is a small non-interrupt driven class that outputs messages
  139. to serial port zero. This allows an alternate Serial library like SerialPort
  140. to be used with SdFat.
  141. You can redirect stdOut with SdFat::setStdOut(Print* stream) and
  142. get the current stdOut stream with SdFat::stdOut().
  143. If USE_SERIAL_FOR_STD_OUT in SdFatConfig.h is nonzero, the Arduino Serial
  144. object will be used as the default for stdOut.
  145. 05 Dec 2011
  146. Changes for Arduino 1.0
  147. 17 Sep 2011
  148. Changes for Arduino 1.0 beta 4
  149. Improved SPI handling
  150. 02 Sep 2011
  151. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. Warning:
  153. Several changes are not backward compatible with the previous
  154. version of SdFat.
  155. The function cwd() was renamed vwd() to allow multiple SD cards.
  156. The type SdBaseFile was added to the class hierarchy to avoid conflicts with
  157. other Arduino libraries that are derived from the Print class. Directory
  158. files should be declared type SdBaseFile.
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. Added support for multiple SD cards.
  161. Change the name of SdFat::cwd() to SdFat::vwd() since the volume
  162. working directory is not the current working directory with
  163. multiple SD cards.
  164. Added the static function SdBaseFile::cwd() to return a pointer
  165. to the current working directory.
  166. Added the TwoCards.pde example to demonstrate use of multiple SD cards.
  167. Added readCSV.pde example to demonstrate iostream extractors.
  168. Added bool SdBaseFile::timestamp(SdBaseFile* file) to copy one
  169. file's timestamps to another file.
  170. Improved messages in the QuickStart.pde example.
  171. Added maximum latency test to the bench.pde example.
  172. Rearanged class hierarchy to fix conflicts with Flash.h and other Adruino
  173. libraries. Print is no longer a private parent of file stream classes.
  174. Added high speed multiple block read functions to Sd2Card.
  175. Changed include files in SdFatUtil.h
  176. Removed option to write protect block zero of an SD card.
  177. Changes for Arduino 1.0.
  178. 02 Jul 2011
  179. This is a major update based on previous beta versions.
  180. Read all changes since 10 Oct 2001
  181. Simplified examples in extra/examplesV1
  182. 28 Jun 2011
  183. This is a release candidate to replace sdfatlib20101010.
  184. Initialize SPI bus before every access.
  185. Improved write multiple block functions for fast data logging.
  186. SdVolume::cacheClear() returns zero if it fails.
  187. Documentation changes.
  188. 04 Jun 2011
  189. Added SdFatTestSuite and fixed bugs found by test programs.
  190. Added functions:
  191. bool SdFat::truncate(const char* path, uint32_t length);
  192. int16_t SdFile::fgets(char* str, int16_t num, char* delim);
  193. 11 May 2011
  194. Added QuickStart sketch and QuickStart.txt file for fast hardware test.
  195. Added several new examples.
  196. Version of ls() that can write to any Print object.
  197. New functions including freeClusterCount(), openNext() rename().
  198. 14 Apr 2011
  199. Total rewrite to add iostreams and SdFat class with current working directory.
  200. Old API maintained for backward compatibility.
  201. 27 Nov 2010
  202. Added experimental support for FAT12. This can be enabled by setting
  203. FAT12_SUPPORT nonzero in SdFatConfig.h.
  204. Added an experimental sketch, SdFatFormatter.pde, to format SD cards as
  205. FAT16 and SDHC cards as FAT32. See SdFat/examples/SdFormatter.
  206. The return type of SdVolume::cacheClear was changed to cache_t*.
  207. Many internal changes to support FAT12 and formatting SD/SDHC cards.
  208. 10 Oct 2010
  209. Added Mega 2560.
  210. Fixed rmRfStar() bug.
  211. Fixed Sanguino NULL definition.
  212. 18 Aug 2010
  213. Optimized write() for append at end of file. Up to 50% faster sequential write.
  214. 13 Aug 2010
  215. Added the following function to allow the SD chip select pin to be set
  216. at runtime. Warning - if the hardware SS pin is not used as chip select,
  217. the hardware SS pin will be set to output mode by init(). An avr processor
  218. will not function as an SPI master unless SS is set to output mode.
  219. uint8_t Sd2Card::init(uint8_t sckRateID, uint8_t chipSelectPin);
  220. Added more SPI clock rate choices. The above init() function and
  221. uint8_t Sd2Card::init(uint8_t sckRateID) call the new function
  222. uint8_t Sd2Card::setSckRate(uint8_t sckRateID).
  223. setSckRate() sets the SPI clock rate to F_CPU/pow(2, 1 + sckRateID).
  224. On an 16 MHz cpu this ranges from 8 MHz for sckRateId = 0 to 125 kHz
  225. for sckRateID = 6. This function must be called after the init() call.
  226. Modified most examples to call card.init(SPI_HALF_SPEED) to avoid SPI bus
  227. errors with breadboards and jumpers. This sets the SPI speed to F_CPU/4.
  228. Defined SPI_FULL_SPEED so init(SPI_FULL_SPEED) sets the SPI speed to F_CPU/2.
  229. Added the following function to cancel date/time callback. This function
  230. must now be used instead of dateTimeCallback(NULL).
  231. static void SdFat::dateTimeCallbackCancel(void);
  232. The following member functions have been added for users who wish to avoid
  233. calls to functions with non-const references.
  234. uint8_t SdFile::contiguousRange(uint32_t* bgnBlock, uint32_t* endBlock);
  235. uint8_t SdFile::createContiguous(SdFile* dirFile,
  236. const char* fileName, uint32_t size);
  237. static void SdFile::dateTimeCallback(
  238. void (*dateTime)(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time));
  239. uint8_t SdFile::dirEntry(dir_t* dir);
  240. uint8_t SdFile::makeDir(SdFile* dir, const char* dirName);
  241. uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag);
  242. uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName);
  243. uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile* dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag);
  244. uint8_t SdFile::openRoot(SdVolume* vol);
  245. int8_t SdFile::readDir(dir_t* dir);
  246. static uint8_t remove(SdFile* dirFile, const char* fileName);
  247. uint8_t SdVolume::init(Sd2Card* dev);
  248. uint8_t SdVolume::init(Sd2Card* dev, uint8_t part);
  249. The following member functions have been marked as deprecated since they
  250. are now wrappers for the new functions. dateTimeCallback is the only wrapper
  251. with extra overhead. The other wrappers are squeezed out by the complier.
  252. These wrappers will be maintained in the future for backward compatibility.
  253. uint8_t SdFile::contiguousRange(uint32_t& bgnBlock, uint32_t& endBlock);
  254. uint8_t SdFile::createContiguous(SdFile& dirFile,
  255. const char* fileName, uint32_t size);
  256. static void SdFile::dateTimeCallback(
  257. void (*dateTime)(uint16_t& date, uint16_t& time));
  258. uint8_t SdFile::dirEntry(dir_t& dir);
  259. uint8_t SdFile::makeDir(SdFile& dir, const char* dirName);
  260. uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile& dirFile, const char* fileName, uint8_t oflag);
  261. uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile& dirFile, const char* fileName);
  262. uint8_t SdFile::open(SdFile& dirFile, uint16_t index, uint8_t oflag);
  263. uint8_t SdFile::openRoot(SdVolume& vol);
  264. int8_t SdFile::readDir(dir_t& dir);
  265. static uint8_t remove(SdFile& dirFile, const char* fileName);
  266. uint8_t SdVolume::init(Sd2Card& dev);
  267. uint8_t SdVolume::init(Sd2Card& dev, uint8_t part);
  268. The deprecated function can be disabled by editing SdFat.h and setting
  270. Fixed file modify time for file rewrite.
  271. Major internal cleanup/reformat based on Google cpplint.py code style.
  272. New Sd2Card::init() algorithm.
  273. New SdFatInfo sketch for modified SdReadData() and other internal changes.
  274. Modified examples to eliminate deprecated functions.
  275. 11 Jun 2010
  276. Added definitions for Teensy to ArduinoPins.h (Paul Stoffregen)
  277. Added troubleshooting.txt
  278. 23 Dec 2009
  279. Added Software SPI capability. See Sd2Card.h
  280. Defining MEGA_SOFT_SPI allows an unmodified Adafruit GPS Shield to be used
  281. on Mega Arduinos. Software SPI works well with GPS Shield V1.1
  282. but many SD cards will fail with GPS Shield V1.0.
  283. Added file ArduinoPins.h for pin definitions.
  284. More error printout in examples.
  285. 25 Nov 2009
  286. Added new functions for SdFile class:
  287. dateTimeCallback(), dirEntry(), isRoot(), isSubDir, ls(),
  288. makeDir(), printDirName(), printFatDate(), printFatTime(),
  289. printTwoDigits(), rmDir(), and rmRStar().
  290. Added new examples to test and illustrate use of new functions.
  291. Removed sdCard() from SdFile class.
  292. Fixed several bugs.
  293. 12 Nov 2009
  294. Major rewrite of the version of SdFat that was included with
  295. the WaveRP library.
  296. This is a preview that is being released to obtain comments
  297. from several colleagues and future users.