- #include <SPI.h>
- #include <SdFat.h>
- const uint8_t chipSelect = SS;
- SdFat sd;
- ArduinoOutStream cout(Serial);
- void logEvent(const char *msg) {
- sd.mkdir("logs/2014/Jan");
- ofstream sdlog("logs/2014/Jan/logfile.txt", ios::out | ios::app);
- sdlog << msg << endl;
- if (!sdlog) {
- sd.errorHalt("append failed");
- }
- sdlog.close();
- }
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- while (!Serial) {}
- cout << F("Type any character to start\n");
- while (Serial.read() <= 0) {}
- delay(400);
- if (!sd.begin(chipSelect, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) {
- sd.initErrorHalt();
- }
- logEvent("Another line for the logfile");
- cout << F("Done - check /logs/2014/Jan/logfile.txt on the SD") << endl;
- }
- void loop() {}