- /* Arduino SdFat Library
- * Copyright (C) 2012 by William Greiman
- *
- * This file is part of the Arduino SdFat Library
- *
- * This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with the Arduino SdFat Library. If not, see
- * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- /**
- * \file
- * \brief SdFile class
- */
- #ifndef SdFile_h
- #define SdFile_h
- #include <limits.h>
- #include "utility/FatLib.h"
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Arduino SD.h style flag for open for read. */
- #define FILE_READ O_READ
- /** Arduino SD.h style flag for open at EOF for read/write with create. */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- * \class SdBaseFile
- * \brief SdBaseFile base for SdFile and File.
- */
- class SdBaseFile : public FatFile {
- public:
- SdBaseFile() {}
- /** Constructor with file open.
- *
- * \param[in] path File location and name.
- * \param[in] oflag File open mode.
- */
- SdBaseFile(const char* path, uint8_t oflag) {
- open(path, oflag);
- }
- using FatFile::ls;
- using FatFile::printFatDate;
- using FatFile::printFatTime;
- using FatFile::printName;
- /** List directory contents.
- *
- * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of
- *
- * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date
- *
- * LS_SIZE - %Print file size.
- *
- * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories.
- */
- void ls(uint8_t flags = 0) {
- ls(&Serial, flags);
- }
- /** %Print a directory date field.
- *
- * Format is yyyy-mm-dd.
- *
- * \param[in] fatDate The date field from a directory entry.
- */
- static void printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate) {
- printFatDate(&Serial, fatDate);
- }
- /** %Print a directory time field.
- *
- * Format is hh:mm:ss.
- *
- * \param[in] fatTime The time field from a directory entry.
- */
- static void printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime) {
- printFatTime(&Serial, fatTime);
- }
- /** Print a file's name.
- *
- * \return The value true is returned for success and
- * the value false is returned for failure.
- */
- size_t printName() {
- return FatFile::printName(&Serial);
- }
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- * \class SdFile
- * \brief SdFile SdBaseFile with Print.
- */
- class SdFile : public SdBaseFile, public Stream {
- class SdFile : public SdBaseFile, public Print {
- public:
- SdFile() {}
- /** Create a file object and open it in the current working directory.
- *
- * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened.
- *
- * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a
- * bitwise-inclusive OR of open flags. see
- * SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile*, const char*, uint8_t).
- */
- SdFile(const char* path, uint8_t oflag) : SdBaseFile(path, oflag) {}
- ~SdFile() {}
- using SdBaseFile::clearWriteError;
- using SdBaseFile::getWriteError;
- using SdBaseFile::read;
- using SdBaseFile::write;
- /** \return number of bytes available from the current position to EOF
- * or INT_MAX if more than INT_MAX bytes are available.
- */
- int available() {
- uint32_t n = SdBaseFile::available();
- return n > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : n;
- }
- /** Ensure that any bytes written to the file are saved to the SD card. */
- void flush() {
- SdBaseFile::sync();
- }
- /** Return the next available byte without consuming it.
- *
- * \return The byte if no error and not at eof else -1;
- */
- int peek() {
- return SdBaseFile::peek();
- }
- /** Read the next byte from a file.
- *
- * \return For success return the next byte in the file as an int.
- * If an error occurs or end of file is reached return -1.
- */
- int read() {
- return SdBaseFile::read();
- }
- /** Write a byte to a file. Required by the Arduino Print class.
- * \param[in] b the byte to be written.
- * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
- * \return 1 for success and 0 for failure.
- */
- size_t write(uint8_t b) {
- return SdBaseFile::write(b);
- }
- /** Write a string to a file. Used by the Arduino Print class.
- * \param[in] str Pointer to the string.
- * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
- * \return count of characters written for success or -1 for failure.
- */
- int write(const char* str) {
- return SdBaseFile::write(str, strlen(str));
- }
- /** Write data to an open file. Form required by Print.
- *
- * \note Data is moved to the cache but may not be written to the
- * storage device until sync() is called.
- *
- * \param[in] buf Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
- *
- * \param[in] size Number of bytes to write.
- *
- * \return For success write() returns the number of bytes written, always
- * \a nbyte. If an error occurs, write() returns -1. Possible errors
- * include write() is called before a file has been opened, write is called
- * for a read-only file, device is full, a corrupt file system or an
- * I/O error.
- */
- size_t write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) {
- return SdBaseFile::write(buf, size);
- }
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- * \class File
- * \brief Arduino SD.h style File API
- */
- class File : public SdBaseFile, public Stream {
- public:
- File() {}
- /** Create a file object and open it in the current working directory.
- *
- * \param[in] path A path with a valid 8.3 DOS name for a file to be opened.
- *
- * \param[in] oflag Values for \a oflag are constructed by a
- * bitwise-inclusive OR of open flags. see
- * SdBaseFile::open(SdBaseFile*, const char*, uint8_t).
- */
- File(const char* path, uint8_t oflag) {
- open(path, oflag);
- }
- using SdBaseFile::clearWriteError;
- using SdBaseFile::getWriteError;
- /** The parenthesis operator.
- *
- * \return true if a file is open.
- */
- operator bool() {
- return isOpen();
- }
- /** \return number of bytes available from the current position to EOF
- * or INT_MAX if more than INT_MAX bytes are available.
- */
- int available() {
- uint32_t n = SdBaseFile::available();
- return n > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : n;
- }
- /** Ensure that any bytes written to the file are saved to the SD card. */
- void flush() {
- SdBaseFile::sync();
- }
- /** This function reports if the current file is a directory or not.
- * \return true if the file is a directory.
- */
- bool isDirectory() {
- return isDir();
- }
- /** \return a pointer to the file's short name. */
- char* name() {
- m_name[0] = 0;
- getSFN(m_name);
- return m_name;
- }
- /** Return the next available byte without consuming it.
- *
- * \return The byte if no error and not at eof else -1;
- */
- int peek() {
- return SdBaseFile::peek();
- }
- /** \return the current file position. */
- uint32_t position() {
- return curPosition();
- }
- /** Opens the next file or folder in a directory.
- *
- * \param[in] mode open mode flags.
- * \return a File object.
- */
- File openNextFile(uint8_t mode = O_READ) {
- File tmpFile;
- tmpFile.openNext(this, mode);
- return tmpFile;
- }
- /** Read the next byte from a file.
- *
- * \return For success return the next byte in the file as an int.
- * If an error occurs or end of file is reached return -1.
- */
- int read() {
- return SdBaseFile::read();
- }
- /** Rewind a file if it is a directory */
- void rewindDirectory() {
- if (isDir()) {
- rewind();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Seek to a new position in the file, which must be between
- * 0 and the size of the file (inclusive).
- *
- * \param[in] pos the new file position.
- * \return true for success else false.
- */
- bool seek(uint32_t pos) {
- return seekSet(pos);
- }
- /** \return the file's size. */
- uint32_t size() {
- return fileSize();
- }
- /** Write a byte to a file. Required by the Arduino Print class.
- * \param[in] b the byte to be written.
- * Use getWriteError to check for errors.
- * \return 1 for success and 0 for failure.
- */
- size_t write(uint8_t b) {
- return SdBaseFile::write(b);
- }
- /** Write data to an open file. Form required by Print.
- *
- * \note Data is moved to the cache but may not be written to the
- * storage device until sync() is called.
- *
- * \param[in] buf Pointer to the location of the data to be written.
- *
- * \param[in] size Number of bytes to write.
- *
- * \return For success write() returns the number of bytes written, always
- * \a nbyte. If an error occurs, write() returns -1. Possible errors
- * include write() is called before a file has been opened, write is called
- * for a read-only file, device is full, a corrupt file system or an
- * I/O error.
- */
- size_t write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) {
- return SdBaseFile::write(buf, size);
- }
- private:
- char m_name[13];
- };
- #endif // SdFile_h