- /*
- * Example use of two SD cards.
- */
- #include <SdFat.h>
- #include <SdFatUtil.h>
- #error You must set USE_MULTIPLE_CARDS nonzero in SdFatConfig.h
- #endif
- SdFat sd1;
- const uint8_t SD1_CS = 10; // chip select for sd1
- SdFat sd2;
- const uint8_t SD2_CS = 9; // chip select for sd2
- const uint8_t BUF_DIM = 100;
- uint8_t buf[BUF_DIM];
- const uint32_t FILE_SIZE = 1000000;
- const uint16_t NWRITE = FILE_SIZE/BUF_DIM;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // print error msg, any SD error codes, and halt.
- // store messages in flash
- #define errorExit(msg) errorHalt_P(PSTR(msg))
- #define initError(msg) initErrorHalt_P(PSTR(msg))
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- while (!Serial) {} // wait for Leonardo
- PgmPrint("FreeRam: ");
- Serial.println(FreeRam());
- // fill buffer with known data
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) buf[i] = i;
- PgmPrintln("type any character to start");
- while (Serial.read() <= 0) {}
- delay(400); // catch Due reset problem
- // disable sd2 while initializing sd1
- pinMode(SD2_CS, OUTPUT);
- digitalWrite(SD2_CS, HIGH);
- // initialize the first card
- if (!sd1.begin(SD1_CS)) {
- sd1.initError("sd1:");
- }
- // create DIR1 on sd1 if it does not exist
- if (!sd1.exists("/DIR1")) {
- if (!sd1.mkdir("/DIR1")) sd1.errorExit("sd1.mkdir");
- }
- // initialize the second card
- if (!sd2.begin(SD2_CS)) {
- sd2.initError("sd2:");
- }
- // create DIR2 on sd2 if it does not exist
- if (!sd2.exists("/DIR2")) {
- if (!sd2.mkdir("/DIR2")) sd2.errorExit("sd2.mkdir");
- }
- // list root directory on both cards
- PgmPrintln("------sd1 root-------");
- sd1.ls();
- PgmPrintln("------sd2 root-------");
- sd2.ls();
- // make /DIR1 the default directory for sd1
- if (!sd1.chdir("/DIR1")) sd1.errorExit("sd1.chdir");
- // make /DIR2 the default directory for sd2
- if (!sd2.chdir("/DIR2")) sd2.errorExit("sd2.chdir");
- // list current directory on both cards
- PgmPrintln("------sd1 DIR1-------");
- sd1.ls();
- PgmPrintln("------sd2 DIR2-------");
- sd2.ls();
- PgmPrintln("---------------------");
- // remove RENAME.BIN from /DIR2 directory of sd2
- if (sd2.exists("RENAME.BIN")) {
- if (!sd2.remove("RENAME.BIN")) {
- sd2.errorExit("remove RENAME.BIN");
- }
- }
- // set the current working directory for open() to sd1
- sd1.chvol();
- // create or open /DIR1/TEST.BIN and truncate it to zero length
- SdFile file1;
- if (!file1.open("TEST.BIN", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
- sd1.errorExit("file1");
- }
- PgmPrintln("Writing TEST.BIN to sd1");
- // write data to /DIR1/TEST.BIN on sd1
- for (int i = 0; i < NWRITE; i++) {
- if (file1.write(buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)) {
- sd1.errorExit("sd1.write");
- }
- }
- // set the current working directory for open() to sd2
- sd2.chvol();
- // create or open /DIR2/COPY.BIN and truncate it to zero length
- SdFile file2;
- if (!file2.open("COPY.BIN", O_WRITE | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC)) {
- sd2.errorExit("file2");
- }
- PgmPrintln("Copying TEST.BIN to COPY.BIN");
- // copy file1 to file2
- file1.rewind();
- uint32_t t = millis();
- while (1) {
- int n = file1.read(buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (n < 0) sd1.errorExit("read1");
- if (n == 0) break;
- if (file2.write(buf, n) != n) sd2.errorExit("write2");
- }
- t = millis() - t;
- PgmPrint("File size: ");
- Serial.println(file2.fileSize());
- PgmPrint("Copy time: ");
- Serial.print(t);
- PgmPrintln(" millis");
- // close TEST.BIN
- file1.close();
- // rename the copy
- file2.close();
- if (!sd2.rename("COPY.BIN", "RENAME.BIN")) {
- sd2.errorExit("sd2.rename");
- }
- PgmPrintln("Done");
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void loop() {}