
Improve RawHardwareTest

PaulStoffregen 10 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 224 次插入65 次删除
  1. +224

+ 224
- 65
examples/RawHardwareTest/RawHardwareTest.ino 查看文件

@@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
// RawHardwareTest - Check if a SPI Flash chip is compatible
// with SerialFlash by performing many read and write tests
// to its memory.
// The chip should be fully erased before running this test.
// Use the EraseEverything to do a (slow) full chip erase.
// Normally you should NOT access the flash memory directly,
// as this test program does. You should create files and
// read and write the files. File creation allocates space
// with program & erase boundaries within the chip, to allow
// reading from any other files while a file is busy writing
// or erasing (if created as erasable).
// If you discover an incompatible chip, please report it here:
// https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/SerialFlash/issues
// You MUST post the complete output of this program, and
// the exact part number and manufacturer of the chip.

#include <SerialFlash.h>
#include <SPI.h>

SerialFlashFile file;

//const unsigned long testIncrement = 4096;
const unsigned long testIncrement = 4194304;
const unsigned long testIncrement = 4096;

void setup() {

@@ -21,45 +41,11 @@ void setup() {

void print_signature(const unsigned char *data)
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
Serial.print(" ");

void create_signature(unsigned long address, unsigned char *data)
data[0] = address >> 24;
data[1] = address >> 16;
data[2] = address >> 8;
data[3] = address;
unsigned long hash = 2166136261ul;
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 4; i++) {
hash ^= data[i];
hash *= 16777619ul;
data[4] = hash;
data[5] = hash >> 8;
data[6] = hash >> 16;
data[7] = hash >> 24;

bool equal_signatures(const unsigned char *data1, const unsigned char *data2)
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
if (data1[i] != data2[i]) return false;
return true;

bool test() {
unsigned char buf[16], sig[16], erased[16];
unsigned long address, count, chipsize;
unsigned char buf[256], sig[256], buf2[8];
unsigned long address, count, chipsize, blocksize;
unsigned long usec;
bool first;

// Read the chip identification
@@ -79,32 +65,19 @@ bool test() {
Serial.println(" bytes");
if (chipsize == 0) return false;

//chipsize = 0x20000;
//Serial.println("erasing a couple small blocks....");
//while (!SerialFlash.ready()); // wait

//Serial.println("read locations in memory...");
//SerialFlash.read(0x0000000, buf, 12);
//printbuf(buf, 12);
//SerialFlash.read(0x1000000, buf, 12);
//printbuf(buf, 12);
//SerialFlash.read(0x2000000, buf, 12);
//printbuf(buf, 12);
//SerialFlash.read(0x3000000, buf, 12);
//printbuf(buf, 12);
Serial.print(" Block Size: ");
blocksize = SerialFlash.blockSize();
Serial.println(" bytes");

// Read the entire chip. Every test location must be
// erased, or have a previously tested signature
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
erased[i] = 255;
Serial.println("Reading Chip...");
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
address = 0;
count = 0;
first = true;
@@ -115,7 +88,7 @@ bool test() {
//Serial.print(", data = ");
//printbuf(buf, 8);
create_signature(address, sig);
if (equal_signatures(buf, erased) == false) {
if (is_erased(buf, 8) == false) {
if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) {
Serial.print(" Previous data found at address ");
@@ -124,8 +97,6 @@ bool test() {
printbuf(buf, 8);
Serial.print(" correct: ");
printbuf(sig, 8);
Serial.print(" erased: ");
printbuf(erased, 8);
return false;
} else {
@@ -140,20 +111,24 @@ bool test() {

// Write any signatures that were blank on the original check
if (count > 0) {
Serial.print("Writing ");
Serial.println(" signatures");
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
address = 0;
first = true;
while (address < chipsize) {
SerialFlash.read(address, buf, 8);
if (equal_signatures(buf, erased)) {
if (is_erased(buf, 8)) {
create_signature(address, sig);
Serial.printf("write %08X: data: ", address);
printbuf(sig, 8);
//Serial.printf("write %08X: data: ", address);
//printbuf(sig, 8);
SerialFlash.write(address, sig, 8);
while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait
SerialFlash.read(address, buf, 8);
@@ -179,9 +154,14 @@ bool test() {
Serial.println(" all signatures present from prior tests");

// Read all the signatures again, just to be sure
// checks prior writing didn't corrupt any other data
Serial.println("Double Checking All Signatures:");
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
count = 0;
address = 0;
first = true;
@@ -210,9 +190,14 @@ bool test() {
Serial.println(" signatures read ok");

// Read pairs of adjacent signatures
// check read works across boundaries
Serial.println("Checking Signature Pairs");
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
count = 0;
address = testIncrement - 8;
first = true;
@@ -237,6 +222,136 @@ bool test() {
Serial.println(" signature pairs read ok");

// Write data and read while write in progress
Serial.println("Checking Read-While-Write (Program Suspend)");
address = 256;
while (address < chipsize) { // find a blank space
SerialFlash.read(address, buf, 256);
if (is_erased(buf, 256)) break;
address = address + 256;
if (address >= chipsize) {
Serial.println(" error, unable to find any blank space!");
return false;
for (int i=0; i < 256; i += 8) {
create_signature(address + i, sig + i);
Serial.print(" write 256 bytes at ");
SerialFlash.write(address, sig, 256);
usec = micros();
if (SerialFlash.ready()) {
Serial.println(" error, chip did not become busy after write");
return false;
SerialFlash.read(0, buf2, 8); // read while busy writing
while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait
usec = micros() - usec;
Serial.print(" write time was ");
Serial.println(" microseconds.");
SerialFlash.read(address, buf, 256);
if (memcmp(buf, sig, 256) != 0) {
Serial.println(" error writing to flash");
Serial.print(" Read this: ");
printbuf(buf, 256);
Serial.print(" Expected: ");
printbuf(sig, 256);
return false;
create_signature(0, sig);
if (memcmp(buf2, sig, 8) != 0) {
Serial.println(" error, incorrect read while writing");
Serial.print(" Read this: ");
printbuf(buf2, 256);
Serial.print(" Expected: ");
printbuf(sig, 256);
return false;
Serial.print(" read-while-writing: ");
printbuf(buf2, 8);
Serial.println(" test passed, good read while writing");

// Erase a block and read while erase in progress
if (chipsize >= 262144 + blocksize + testIncrement) {
Serial.println("Checking Read-While-Erase (Erase Suspend)");
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig));
memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
usec = micros();
if (SerialFlash.ready()) {
Serial.println(" error, chip did not become busy after erase");
return false;
SerialFlash.read(0, buf2, 8); // read while busy writing
while (!SerialFlash.ready()) ; // wait
usec = micros() - usec;
Serial.print(" erase time was ");
Serial.println(" microseconds.");
// read all signatures, check ones in this block got
// erased, and all the others are still intact
address = 0;
first = true;
while (address < chipsize) {
SerialFlash.read(address, buf, 8);
if (address >= 262144 && address < 262144 + blocksize) {
if (is_erased(buf, 8) == false) {
Serial.print(" error in erasing at ");
Serial.print(" Read this: ");
printbuf(buf, 8);
return false;
} else {
create_signature(address, sig);
if (equal_signatures(buf, sig) == false) {
Serial.print(" error in signature at ");
Serial.print(" Read this: ");
printbuf(buf, 8);
Serial.print(" Expected: ");
printbuf(sig, 8);
return false;
if (first) {
address = address + (testIncrement - 8);
first = false;
} else {
address = address + 8;
first = true;
Serial.print(" erase correctly erased ");
Serial.println(" bytes");
// now check if the data we read during erase is good
create_signature(0, sig);
if (memcmp(buf2, sig, 8) != 0) {
Serial.println(" error, incorrect read while erasing");
Serial.print(" Read this: ");
printbuf(buf2, 256);
Serial.print(" Expected: ");
printbuf(sig, 256);
return false;
Serial.print(" read-while-erasing: ");
printbuf(buf2, 8);
Serial.println(" test passed, good read while erasing");

} else {
Serial.println("Skip Read-While-Erase, this chip is too small");

@@ -305,6 +420,50 @@ const char * id2chip(const unsigned char *id)
return "(unknown chip)";

void print_signature(const unsigned char *data)
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
Serial.print(" ");

void create_signature(unsigned long address, unsigned char *data)
data[0] = address >> 24;
data[1] = address >> 16;
data[2] = address >> 8;
data[3] = address;
unsigned long hash = 2166136261ul;
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 4; i++) {
hash ^= data[i];
hash *= 16777619ul;
data[4] = hash;
data[5] = hash >> 8;
data[6] = hash >> 16;
data[7] = hash >> 24;

bool equal_signatures(const unsigned char *data1, const unsigned char *data2)
for (unsigned char i=0; i < 8; i++) {
if (data1[i] != data2[i]) return false;
return true;

bool is_erased(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len)
while (len > 0) {
if (*data++ != 255) return false;
len = len - 1;
return true;

void printbuf(const void *buf, uint32_t len)
