#include #include #include const int SDchipSelect = 4; // Audio Shield has SD card CS on pin 10 const int FlashChipSelect = 6; void setup() { //uncomment these if using Teensy audio shield //SPI.setSCK(14); // Audio shield has SCK on pin 14 //SPI.setMOSI(7); // Audio shield has MOSI on pin 7 // wait up to 10 seconds for Arduino Serial Monitor unsigned long startMillis = millis(); while (!Serial && (millis() - startMillis < 10000)) ; delay(100); Serial.println("Copy all files from SD Card to SPI Flash"); if (!SD.begin(SDchipSelect)) { error("Unable to access SD card"); } if (!SerialFlash.begin()) { error("Unable to access SPI Flash chip"); } int count = 0; File rootdir = SD.open("/"); while (1) { // open a file from the SD card Serial.println(); File f = rootdir.openNextFile(); if (!f) break; const char *filename = f.name(); Serial.print(filename); Serial.print(" "); unsigned long length = f.size(); Serial.println(length); // check if this file is already on the Flash chip if (SerialFlash.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(" already exists on the Flash chip"); SerialFlashFile ff = SerialFlash.open(filename); if (ff && ff.size() == f.size()) { Serial.println(" size is the same, comparing data..."); if (compareFiles(f, ff) == true) { Serial.println(" files are identical :)"); f.close(); ff.close(); continue; // advance to next file } else { Serial.println(" files are different"); } } else { Serial.print(" size is different, "); Serial.print(ff.size()); Serial.println(" bytes"); } // delete the copy on the Flash chip, if different Serial.println(" delete file from Flash chip"); SerialFlash.remove(filename); } // create the file on the Flash chip and copy data if (SerialFlash.create(filename, length)) { SerialFlashFile ff = SerialFlash.open(filename); if (ff) { Serial.print(" copying"); // copy data loop unsigned long count = 0; unsigned char dotcount = 9; while (count < length) { char buf[256]; unsigned int n; n = f.read(buf, 256); ff.write(buf, n); count = count + n; Serial.print("."); if (++dotcount > 100) { Serial.println(); dotcount = 0; } } ff.close(); if (dotcount > 0) Serial.println(); } else { Serial.println(" error opening freshly created file!"); } } else { Serial.println(" unable to create file"); } f.close(); } rootdir.close(); delay(10); Serial.println("Finished All Files"); } bool compareFiles(File &file, SerialFlashFile &ffile) { file.seek(0); ffile.seek(0); unsigned long count = file.size(); while (count > 0) { char buf1[128], buf2[128]; unsigned long n = count; if (n > 128) n = 128; file.read(buf1, n); ffile.read(buf2, n); if (memcmp(buf1, buf2, n) != 0) return false; // differ count = count - n; } return true; // all data identical } void loop() { } void error(const char *message) { while (1) { Serial.println(message); delay(2500); } }