/* * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * For more information, please refer to * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This is example code to 1) format an SPI Flash chip, and 2) copy raw * audio files (mono channel, 16 bit signed, 44100Hz) to it using the * SerialFlash library. The audio can then be played back using the * AudioPlaySerialflashRaw object in the Teensy Audio library. * * To convert a .wav file to the proper .RAW format, use sox: * sox input.wav -r 44100 -b 16 --norm -e signed-integer -t raw OUTPUT.RAW remix 1,2 * * Note that the OUTPUT.RAW filename must be all caps and contain only the following * characters: A-Z, 0-9, comma, period, colon, dash, underscore. (The SerialFlash * library converts filenames to caps, so to avoid confusion we just enforce it here). * * It is a little difficult to see what is happening; aswe are using the Serial port * to upload files, we can't just throw out debug information. Instead, we use the LED * (pin 13) to convey state. * * While the chip is being formatted, the LED (pin 13) will toggle at 1Hz rate. When * the formatting is done, it flashes quickly (10Hz) for one second, then stays on * solid. When nothing has been received for 3 seconds, the upload is assumed to be * completed, and the light goes off. * * Use the 'rawfile-uploader.py' python script (included in the extras folder) to upload * the files. You can start the script as soon as the Teensy is turned on, and the * USB serial upload will just buffer and wait until the flash is formatted. * * This code was written by Wyatt Olson (originally as part * of Drum Master http://drummaster.digitalcave.ca and later modified into a * standalone sample). * * Enjoy! */ #include #include //Buffer sizes #define USB_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 //Max filename length (8.3 plus a null char terminator) #define FILENAME_STRING_SIZE 13 //State machine #define STATE_START 0 #define STATE_SIZE 1 #define STATE_CONTENT 2 //Special bytes in the communication protocol #define BYTE_START 0x7e #define BYTE_ESCAPE 0x7d #define BYTE_SEPARATOR 0x7c //SPI Pins (these are the values on the Audio board; change them if you have different ones) #define MOSI 7 #define MISO 12 #define SCK 14 #define CSPIN 6 void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); //Teensy serial is always at full USB speed and buffered... the baud rate here is required but ignored pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //Set up SPI SPI.setMOSI(MOSI); SPI.setMISO(MISO); SPI.setSCK(SCK); SerialFlash.begin(CSPIN); //We start by formatting the flash... uint8_t id[3]; SerialFlash.readID(id); SerialFlash.eraseAll(); //Flash LED at 1Hz while formatting while (!SerialFlash.ready()) { delay(500); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } //Quickly flash LED a few times when completed, then leave the light on solid for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++){ delay(100); digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(13, LOW); } digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //We are now going to wait for the upload program while(!Serial.available()); SerialFlashFile flashFile; uint8_t state = STATE_START; uint8_t escape = 0; uint8_t fileSizeIndex = 0; uint32_t fileSize = 0; char filename[FILENAME_STRING_SIZE]; char usbBuffer[USB_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t flashBuffer[FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint16_t flashBufferIndex = 0; uint8_t filenameIndex = 0; uint32_t lastReceiveTime = millis(); //We assume the serial receive part is finished when we have not received something for 3 seconds while(Serial.available() || lastReceiveTime + 3000 > millis()){ uint16_t available = Serial.readBytes(usbBuffer, USB_BUFFER_SIZE); if (available){ lastReceiveTime = millis(); } for (uint16_t usbBufferIndex = 0; usbBufferIndex < available; usbBufferIndex++){ uint8_t b = usbBuffer[usbBufferIndex]; if (state == STATE_START){ //Start byte. Repeat start is fine. if (b == BYTE_START){ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < FILENAME_STRING_SIZE; i++){ filename[i] = 0x00; } filenameIndex = 0; } //Valid characters are A-Z, 0-9, comma, period, colon, dash, underscore else if ((b >= 'A' && b <= 'Z') || (b >= '0' && b <= '9') || b == '.' || b == ',' || b == ':' || b == '-' || b == '_'){ filename[filenameIndex++] = b; if (filenameIndex >= FILENAME_STRING_SIZE){ //Error name too long flushError(); return; } } //Filename end character else if (b == BYTE_SEPARATOR){ if (filenameIndex == 0){ //Error empty filename flushError(); return; } //Change state state = STATE_SIZE; fileSizeIndex = 0; fileSize = 0; } //Invalid character else { //Error bad filename flushError(); return; } } //We read 4 bytes as a uint32_t for file size else if (state == STATE_SIZE){ if (fileSizeIndex < 4){ fileSize = (fileSize << 8) + b; fileSizeIndex++; } else if (b == BYTE_SEPARATOR){ state = STATE_CONTENT; flashBufferIndex = 0; escape = 0; if (SerialFlash.exists(filename)){ SerialFlash.remove(filename); //It doesn't reclaim the space, but it does let you create a new file with the same name. } //Create a new file and open it for writing if (SerialFlash.create(filename, fileSize)) { flashFile = SerialFlash.open(filename); if (!flashFile) { //Error flash file open flushError(); return; } } else { //Error flash create (no room left?) flushError(); return; } } else { //Error invalid length requested flushError(); return; } } else if (state == STATE_CONTENT){ //Previous byte was escaped; unescape and add to buffer if (escape){ escape = 0; flashBuffer[flashBufferIndex++] = b ^ 0x20; } //Escape the next byte else if (b == BYTE_ESCAPE){ //Serial.println("esc"); escape = 1; } //End of file else if (b == BYTE_START){ //Serial.println("End of file"); state = STATE_START; flashFile.write(flashBuffer, flashBufferIndex); flashFile.close(); flashBufferIndex = 0; } //Normal byte; add to buffer else { flashBuffer[flashBufferIndex++] = b; } //The buffer is filled; write to SD card if (flashBufferIndex >= FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE){ flashFile.write(flashBuffer, FLASH_BUFFER_SIZE); flashBufferIndex = 0; } } } } //Success! Turn the light off. digitalWrite(13, LOW); } void loop(){ //Do nothing. } void flushError(){ uint32_t lastReceiveTime = millis(); char usbBuffer[USB_BUFFER_SIZE]; //We assume the serial receive part is finished when we have not received something for 3 seconds while(Serial.available() || lastReceiveTime + 3000 > millis()){ if (Serial.readBytes(usbBuffer, USB_BUFFER_SIZE)){ lastReceiveTime = millis(); } } }