- // Simple test of USB Host Mouse/Keyboard
- //
- // This example is in the public domain
- #include "USBHost_t36.h"
- USBHost myusb;
- USBHub hub1(myusb);
- USBHub hub2(myusb);
- USBHub hub3(myusb);
- KeyboardController keyboard1(myusb);
- KeyboardController keyboard2(myusb);
- USBHIDParser hid1(myusb);
- USBHIDParser hid2(myusb);
- USBHIDParser hid3(myusb);
- USBHIDParser hid4(myusb);
- USBHIDParser hid5(myusb);
- MouseController mouse1(myusb);
- JoystickController joystick1(myusb);
- void setup()
- {
- while (!Serial) ; // wait for Arduino Serial Monitor
- Serial.println("USB Host Testing");
- myusb.begin();
- keyboard1.attachPress(OnPress);
- keyboard2.attachPress(OnPress);
- }
- void loop()
- {
- myusb.Task();
- if(mouse1.available()) {
- Serial.print("Mouse: buttons = ");
- Serial.print(mouse1.getButtons());
- Serial.print(", mouseX = ");
- Serial.print(mouse1.getMouseX());
- Serial.print(", mouseY = ");
- Serial.print(mouse1.getMouseY());
- Serial.print(", wheel = ");
- Serial.print(mouse1.getWheel());
- Serial.print(", wheelH = ");
- Serial.print(mouse1.getWheelH());
- Serial.println();
- mouse1.mouseDataClear();
- }
- if (joystick1.available()) {
- Serial.print("Joystick: buttons = ");
- Serial.print(joystick1.getButtons(), HEX);
- Serial.print(", X = ");
- Serial.print(joystick1.getAxis(0));
- Serial.print(", Y = ");
- Serial.print(joystick1.getAxis(1));
- Serial.println();
- joystick1.joystickDataClear();
- }
- }
- void OnPress(int key)
- {
- Serial.print("key '");
- Serial.print((char)key);
- Serial.print("' ");
- Serial.println(key);
- //Serial.print("key ");
- //Serial.print((char)keyboard1.getKey());
- //Serial.print(" ");
- //Serial.print((char)keyboard2.getKey());
- //Serial.println();
- }