- /* USB EHCI Host for Teensy 3.6
- * Copyright 2017 Paul Stoffregen (paul@pjrc.com)
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- * the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
- * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
- #include <Arduino.h>
- #include "USBHost_t36.h" // Read this header first for key info
- // USB devices are managed from this file.
- // List of all connected devices, regardless of their status. If
- // it's connected to the EHCI port or any port on any hub, it needs
- // to be linked into this list.
- static Device_t *devlist=NULL;
- // List of all inactive drivers. At the end of enumeration, when
- // drivers claim the device or its interfaces, they are removed
- // from this list and linked into the list of active drivers on
- // that device. When devices disconnect, the drivers are returned
- // to this list, making them again available for enumeration of new
- // devices.
- static USBDriver *available_drivers = NULL;
- // Static buffers used during enumeration. One a single USB device
- // may enumerate at once, because USB address zero is used, and
- // because this static buffer & state info can't be shared.
- static uint8_t enumbuf[512] __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));
- static setup_t enumsetup __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));
- static uint16_t enumlen;
- // True while any device is present but not yet fully configured.
- // Only one USB device may be in this state at a time (responding
- // to address zero) and using the enumeration static buffer.
- volatile bool USBHost::enumeration_busy = false;
- static void pipe_set_maxlen(Pipe_t *pipe, uint32_t maxlen);
- static void pipe_set_addr(Pipe_t *pipe, uint32_t addr);
- #define print USBHost::print_
- #define println USBHost::println_
- // The main user function to cause internal state to update. Since we do
- // almost everything with DMA and interrupts, the only work to do here is
- // call all the active driver Task() functions.
- void USBHost::Task()
- {
- for (Device_t *dev = devlist; dev; dev = dev->next) {
- for (USBDriver *driver = dev->drivers; driver; driver = driver->next) {
- (driver->Task)();
- }
- }
- }
- // Drivers call this after they've completed initialization, so get themselves
- // added to the list of inactive drivers available for new devices during
- // enumeraton. Typically this is called from constructors, so hardware access
- // or even printing debug messages should be avoided here. Just initialize
- // lists and return.
- //
- void USBHost::driver_ready_for_device(USBDriver *driver)
- {
- driver->device = NULL;
- driver->next = NULL;
- if (available_drivers == NULL) {
- available_drivers = driver;
- } else {
- // append to end of list
- USBDriver *last = available_drivers;
- while (last->next) last = last->next;
- last->next = driver;
- }
- }
- // Create a new device and begin the enumeration process
- //
- Device_t * USBHost::new_Device(uint32_t speed, uint32_t hub_addr, uint32_t hub_port)
- {
- Device_t *dev;
- print("new_Device: ");
- switch (speed) {
- case 0: print("12"); break;
- case 1: print("1.5"); break;
- case 2: print("480"); break;
- default: print("??");
- }
- println(" Mbit/sec");
- dev = allocate_Device();
- if (!dev) return NULL;
- memset(dev, 0, sizeof(Device_t));
- dev->speed = speed;
- dev->address = 0;
- dev->hub_address = hub_addr;
- dev->hub_port = hub_port;
- dev->control_pipe = new_Pipe(dev, 0, 0, 0, 8);
- if (!dev->control_pipe) {
- free_Device(dev);
- return NULL;
- }
- dev->strbuf = allocate_string_buffer(); // try to allocate a string buffer;
- dev->control_pipe->callback_function = &enumeration;
- dev->control_pipe->direction = 1; // 1=IN
- // Here is where the enumeration process officially begins.
- // Only a single device can enumerate at a time.
- USBHost::enumeration_busy = true;
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0100, 0, 8); // 6=GET_DESCRIPTOR
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf, NULL);
- if (devlist == NULL) {
- devlist = dev;
- } else {
- Device_t *p;
- for (p = devlist; p->next; p = p->next) ; // walk devlist
- p->next = dev;
- }
- return dev;
- }
- // Control transfer callback function. ALL control transfers from all
- // devices call this function when they complete. When control transfers
- // are created by drivers, the driver is called to handle the result.
- // Otherwise, the control transfer is part of the enumeration process,
- // which is implemented here.
- //
- void USBHost::enumeration(const Transfer_t *transfer)
- {
- Device_t *dev;
- uint32_t len;
- // If a driver created this control transfer, allow it to process the result
- if (transfer->driver) {
- transfer->driver->control(transfer);
- return;
- }
- println("enumeration:");
- //print_hexbytes(transfer->buffer, transfer->length);
- //print(transfer);
- dev = transfer->pipe->device;
- while (1) {
- // Within this large switch/case, "break" means we've done
- // some work, but more remains to be done in a different
- // state. Generally break is used after parsing received
- // data, but what happens next could be different states.
- // When completed, return is used. Generally, return happens
- // only after a new control transfer is queued, or when
- // enumeration is complete and no more communication is needed.
- switch (dev->enum_state) {
- case 0: // read 8 bytes of device desc, set max packet, and send set address
- pipe_set_maxlen(dev->control_pipe, enumbuf[7]);
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0, 5, assign_address(), 0, 0); // 5=SET_ADDRESS
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, NULL, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 1;
- return;
- case 1: // request all 18 bytes of device descriptor
- dev->address = enumsetup.wValue;
- pipe_set_addr(dev->control_pipe, enumsetup.wValue);
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0100, 0, 18); // 6=GET_DESCRIPTOR
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 2;
- return;
- case 2: // parse 18 device desc bytes
- print_device_descriptor(enumbuf);
- dev->bDeviceClass = enumbuf[4];
- dev->bDeviceSubClass = enumbuf[5];
- dev->bDeviceProtocol = enumbuf[6];
- dev->idVendor = enumbuf[8] | (enumbuf[9] << 8);
- dev->idProduct = enumbuf[10] | (enumbuf[11] << 8);
- enumbuf[0] = enumbuf[14];
- enumbuf[1] = enumbuf[15];
- enumbuf[2] = enumbuf[16];
- if ((enumbuf[0] | enumbuf[1] | enumbuf[2]) > 0) {
- dev->enum_state = 3;
- } else {
- dev->enum_state = 11;
- }
- break;
- case 3: // request Language ID
- len = sizeof(enumbuf) - 4;
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0300, 0, len); // 6=GET_DESCRIPTOR
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf + 4, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 4;
- return;
- case 4: // parse Language ID
- if (enumbuf[4] < 4 || enumbuf[5] != 3) {
- dev->enum_state = 11;
- } else {
- dev->LanguageID = enumbuf[6] | (enumbuf[7] << 8);
- if (enumbuf[0]) dev->enum_state = 5;
- else if (enumbuf[1]) dev->enum_state = 7;
- else if (enumbuf[2]) dev->enum_state = 9;
- else dev->enum_state = 11;
- }
- break;
- case 5: // request Manufacturer string
- len = sizeof(enumbuf) - 4;
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0300 | enumbuf[0], dev->LanguageID, len);
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf + 4, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 6;
- return;
- case 6: // parse Manufacturer string
- print_string_descriptor("Manufacturer: ", enumbuf + 4);
- convertStringDescriptorToASCIIString(0, dev, transfer);
- // TODO: receive the string...
- if (enumbuf[1]) dev->enum_state = 7;
- else if (enumbuf[2]) dev->enum_state = 9;
- else dev->enum_state = 11;
- break;
- case 7: // request Product string
- len = sizeof(enumbuf) - 4;
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0300 | enumbuf[1], dev->LanguageID, len);
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf + 4, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 8;
- return;
- case 8: // parse Product string
- print_string_descriptor("Product: ", enumbuf + 4);
- convertStringDescriptorToASCIIString(1, dev, transfer);
- if (enumbuf[2]) dev->enum_state = 9;
- else dev->enum_state = 11;
- break;
- case 9: // request Serial Number string
- len = sizeof(enumbuf) - 4;
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0300 | enumbuf[2], dev->LanguageID, len);
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf + 4, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 10;
- return;
- case 10: // parse Serial Number string
- print_string_descriptor("Serial Number: ", enumbuf + 4);
- convertStringDescriptorToASCIIString(2, dev, transfer);
- dev->enum_state = 11;
- break;
- case 11: // request first 9 bytes of config desc
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0200, 0, 9); // 6=GET_DESCRIPTOR
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 12;
- return;
- case 12: // read 9 bytes, request all of config desc
- enumlen = enumbuf[2] | (enumbuf[3] << 8);
- println("Config data length = ", enumlen);
- if (enumlen > sizeof(enumbuf)) {
- enumlen = sizeof(enumbuf);
- // TODO: how to handle device with too much config data
- }
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0x80, 6, 0x0200, 0, enumlen); // 6=GET_DESCRIPTOR
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, enumbuf, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 13;
- return;
- case 13: // read all config desc, send set config
- print_config_descriptor(enumbuf, sizeof(enumbuf));
- dev->bmAttributes = enumbuf[7];
- dev->bMaxPower = enumbuf[8];
- // TODO: actually do something with interface descriptor?
- mk_setup(enumsetup, 0, 9, enumbuf[5], 0, 0); // 9=SET_CONFIGURATION
- queue_Control_Transfer(dev, &enumsetup, NULL, NULL);
- dev->enum_state = 14;
- return;
- case 14: // device is now configured
- claim_drivers(dev);
- dev->enum_state = 15;
- // unlock exclusive access to enumeration process. If any
- // more devices are waiting, the hub driver is responsible
- // for resetting their ports and starting their enumeration
- // when the port enables.
- USBHost::enumeration_busy = false;
- return;
- case 15: // control transfers for other stuff?
- // TODO: handle other standard control: set/clear feature, etc
- default:
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void USBHost::convertStringDescriptorToASCIIString(uint8_t string_index, Device_t *dev, const Transfer_t *transfer) {
- strbuf_t *strbuf = dev->strbuf;
- if (!strbuf) return; // don't have a buffer
- uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t*)transfer->buffer;
- uint8_t buf_index = string_index? strbuf->iStrings[string_index]+1 : 0;
- // Try to verify - The first byte should be length and the 2nd byte should be 0x3
- if (!buffer || (buffer[1] != 0x3)) {
- return; // No string so can simply return
- }
- strbuf->iStrings[string_index] = buf_index; // remember our starting positio
- uint8_t count_bytes_returned = buffer[0];
- if ((buf_index + count_bytes_returned/2) >= DEVICE_STRUCT_STRING_BUF_SIZE)
- count_bytes_returned = (DEVICE_STRUCT_STRING_BUF_SIZE - buf_index) * 2;
- // Now copy into our storage buffer.
- for (uint8_t i = 2; (i < count_bytes_returned) && (buf_index < (DEVICE_STRUCT_STRING_BUF_SIZE -1)); i += 2) {
- strbuf->buffer[buf_index++] = buffer[i];
- }
- strbuf->buffer[buf_index] = 0; // null terminate.
- // Update other indexes to point to null character
- while (++string_index < 3) {
- strbuf->iStrings[string_index] = buf_index; // point to trailing NULL character
- }
- }
- void USBHost::claim_drivers(Device_t *dev)
- {
- USBDriver *driver, *prev=NULL;
- // first check if any driver wishes to claim the entire device
- for (driver=available_drivers; driver != NULL; driver = driver->next) {
- if (driver->device != NULL) continue;
- if (driver->claim(dev, 0, enumbuf + 9, enumlen - 9)) {
- if (prev) {
- prev->next = driver->next;
- } else {
- available_drivers = driver->next;
- }
- driver->device = dev;
- driver->next = NULL;
- dev->drivers = driver;
- return;
- }
- prev = driver;
- }
- // parse interfaces from config descriptor
- const uint8_t *p = enumbuf + 9;
- const uint8_t *end = enumbuf + enumlen;
- while (p < end) {
- uint8_t desclen = *p;
- uint8_t desctype = *(p+1);
- print("Descriptor ");
- print(desctype);
- print(" = ");
- if (desctype == 4) println("INTERFACE");
- else if (desctype == 5) println("ENDPOINT");
- else if (desctype == 6) println("DEV_QUALIFIER");
- else if (desctype == 7) println("OTHER_SPEED");
- else if (desctype == 11) println("IAD");
- else if (desctype == 33) println("HID");
- else println(" ???");
- if (desctype == 11 && desclen == 8) {
- // TODO: parse IAD, ask drivers for claim
- // TODO: how to skip over all interfaces IAD represented
- }
- if (desctype == 4 && desclen == 9) {
- // found an interface, ask available drivers if they want it
- prev = NULL;
- for (driver=available_drivers; driver != NULL; driver = driver->next) {
- if (driver->device != NULL) continue;
- // TODO: should parse ahead and give claim()
- // an accurate length. (end - p) is the rest
- // of ALL descriptors, likely more interfaces
- // this driver has no business parsing
- if (driver->claim(dev, 1, p, end - p)) {
- // this driver claims iface
- // remove it from available_drivers list
- if (prev) {
- prev->next = driver->next;
- } else {
- available_drivers = driver->next;
- }
- // add to list of drivers using this device
- driver->next = dev->drivers;
- dev->drivers = driver;
- driver->device = dev;
- // not done, may be more interface for more drivers
- }
- prev = driver;
- }
- }
- p += desclen;
- }
- }
- static bool address_in_use(uint32_t addr)
- {
- for (Device_t *p = devlist; p; p = p->next) {
- if (p->address == addr) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t USBHost::assign_address(void)
- {
- static uint8_t last_assigned_address=0;
- uint32_t addr = last_assigned_address;
- while (1) {
- if (++addr > 127) addr = 1;
- if (!address_in_use(addr)) {
- last_assigned_address = addr;
- return addr;
- }
- }
- }
- static void pipe_set_maxlen(Pipe_t *pipe, uint32_t maxlen)
- {
- pipe->qh.capabilities[0] = (pipe->qh.capabilities[0] & 0x8000FFFF) | (maxlen << 16);
- }
- static void pipe_set_addr(Pipe_t *pipe, uint32_t addr)
- {
- pipe->qh.capabilities[0] = (pipe->qh.capabilities[0] & 0xFFFFFF80) | addr;
- }
- void USBHost::disconnect_Device(Device_t *dev)
- {
- if (!dev) return;
- println("disconnect_Device:");
- // Disconnect all drivers using this device. If this device is
- // a hub, the hub driver is responsible for recursively calling
- // this function to disconnect its downstream devices.
- print_driverlist("available_drivers", available_drivers);
- print_driverlist("dev->drivers", dev->drivers);
- for (USBDriver *p = dev->drivers; p; ) {
- println("disconnect driver ", (uint32_t)p, HEX);
- p->disconnect();
- p->device = NULL;
- USBDriver *next = p->next;
- p->next = available_drivers;
- available_drivers = p;
- p = next;
- }
- print_driverlist("available_drivers", available_drivers);
- // delete all the pipes
- for (Pipe_t *p = dev->data_pipes; p; ) {
- Pipe_t *next = p->next;
- delete_Pipe(p);
- p = next;
- }
- delete_Pipe(dev->control_pipe);
- // remove device from devlist and free its Device_t
- Device_t *prev_dev = NULL;
- for (Device_t *p = devlist; p; p = p->next) {
- if (p == dev) {
- if (prev_dev == NULL) {
- devlist = p->next;
- } else {
- prev_dev->next = p->next;
- }
- println("removed Device_t from devlist");
- if (p->strbuf != nullptr ) {
- free_string_buffer(p->strbuf);
- }
- free_Device(p);
- break;
- }
- prev_dev = p;
- }
- }