@PaulStoffregen - Not sure if this helps you or not, but thought since I had updated my excel with the pin information for the not yet announced MicroMod, that I would add the data for Wire3.
Note: I can obviously not test it as don't have one, but it does compile and still compiles for T4 and T4.1
Added defines like we have for T3.x/LC
That it implements Wire, Wire1, Wire2,
So that programs that care can build using without having to special case T4
T4 has alternate wire pins on the SDCard pins, which may come in handy in some cases.
So converted the pin initialization stuff to be close to what I did in hardwareSerial, and created a pin definition structure with pin numbers, and then mapped those pins to underlying IMXRT data...
Implemented setSCL and setSDA.
Tested with modified version of Scanner.ino, and found prop shield devices on Wire, Wire1, Wire2 and then Wire1 on alternate pins...