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  61. <hr>
  62. <a name="g_t_002eident"></a>
  63. <h3 class="section">7.43 <code>.ident</code></h3>
  64. <a name="index-ident-directive"></a>
  65. <p>This directive is used by some assemblers to place tags in object files. The
  66. behavior of this directive varies depending on the target. When using the
  67. a.out object file format, <code>as</code> simply accepts the directive for
  68. source-file compatibility with existing assemblers, but does not emit anything
  69. for it. When using COFF, comments are emitted to the <code>.comment</code> or
  70. <code>.rdata</code> section, depending on the target. When using ELF, comments are
  71. emitted to the <code>.comment</code> section.
  72. </p>
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