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  62. <a name="Assemble-in-MRI-Compatibility-Mode_003a-_002dM"></a>
  63. <h3 class="section">2.9 Assemble in MRI Compatibility Mode: <samp>-M</samp></h3>
  64. <a name="index-_002dM"></a>
  65. <a name="index-MRI-compatibility-mode"></a>
  66. <p>The <samp>-M</samp> or <samp>--mri</samp> option selects MRI compatibility mode. This
  67. changes the syntax and pseudo-op handling of <code>as</code> to make it
  68. compatible with the <code>ASM68K</code> assembler from Microtec Research.
  69. The exact nature of the
  70. MRI syntax will not be documented here; see the MRI manuals for more
  71. information. Note in particular that the handling of macros and macro
  72. arguments is somewhat different. The purpose of this option is to permit
  73. assembling existing MRI assembler code using <code>as</code>.
  74. </p>
  75. <p>The MRI compatibility is not complete. Certain operations of the MRI assembler
  76. depend upon its object file format, and can not be supported using other object
  77. file formats. Supporting these would require enhancing each object file format
  78. individually. These are:
  79. </p>
  80. <ul>
  81. <li> global symbols in common section
  82. <p>The m68k MRI assembler supports common sections which are merged by the linker.
  83. Other object file formats do not support this. <code>as</code> handles
  84. common sections by treating them as a single common symbol. It permits local
  85. symbols to be defined within a common section, but it can not support global
  86. symbols, since it has no way to describe them.
  87. </p>
  88. </li><li> complex relocations
  89. <p>The MRI assemblers support relocations against a negated section address, and
  90. relocations which combine the start addresses of two or more sections. These
  91. are not support by other object file formats.
  92. </p>
  93. </li><li> <code>END</code> pseudo-op specifying start address
  94. <p>The MRI <code>END</code> pseudo-op permits the specification of a start address.
  95. This is not supported by other object file formats. The start address may
  96. instead be specified using the <samp>-e</samp> option to the linker, or in a linker
  97. script.
  98. </p>
  99. </li><li> <code>IDNT</code>, <code>.ident</code> and <code>NAME</code> pseudo-ops
  100. <p>The MRI <code>IDNT</code>, <code>.ident</code> and <code>NAME</code> pseudo-ops assign a module
  101. name to the output file. This is not supported by other object file formats.
  102. </p>
  103. </li><li> <code>ORG</code> pseudo-op
  104. <p>The m68k MRI <code>ORG</code> pseudo-op begins an absolute section at a given
  105. address. This differs from the usual <code>as</code> <code>.org</code> pseudo-op,
  106. which changes the location within the current section. Absolute sections are
  107. not supported by other object file formats. The address of a section may be
  108. assigned within a linker script.
  109. </p></li></ul>
  110. <p>There are some other features of the MRI assembler which are not supported by
  111. <code>as</code>, typically either because they are difficult or because they
  112. seem of little consequence. Some of these may be supported in future releases.
  113. </p>
  114. <ul>
  115. <li> EBCDIC strings
  116. <p>EBCDIC strings are not supported.
  117. </p>
  118. </li><li> packed binary coded decimal
  119. <p>Packed binary coded decimal is not supported. This means that the <code>DC.P</code>
  120. and <code>DCB.P</code> pseudo-ops are not supported.
  121. </p>
  122. </li><li> <code>FEQU</code> pseudo-op
  123. <p>The m68k <code>FEQU</code> pseudo-op is not supported.
  124. </p>
  125. </li><li> <code>NOOBJ</code> pseudo-op
  126. <p>The m68k <code>NOOBJ</code> pseudo-op is not supported.
  127. </p>
  128. </li><li> <code>OPT</code> branch control options
  129. <p>The m68k <code>OPT</code> branch control options&mdash;<code>B</code>, <code>BRS</code>, <code>BRB</code>,
  130. <code>BRL</code>, and <code>BRW</code>&mdash;are ignored. <code>as</code> automatically
  131. relaxes all branches, whether forward or backward, to an appropriate size, so
  132. these options serve no purpose.
  133. </p>
  134. </li><li> <code>OPT</code> list control options
  135. <p>The following m68k <code>OPT</code> list control options are ignored: <code>C</code>,
  136. <code>CEX</code>, <code>CL</code>, <code>CRE</code>, <code>E</code>, <code>G</code>, <code>I</code>, <code>M</code>,
  137. <code>MEX</code>, <code>MC</code>, <code>MD</code>, <code>X</code>.
  138. </p>
  139. </li><li> other <code>OPT</code> options
  140. <p>The following m68k <code>OPT</code> options are ignored: <code>NEST</code>, <code>O</code>,
  141. <code>OLD</code>, <code>OP</code>, <code>P</code>, <code>PCO</code>, <code>PCR</code>, <code>PCS</code>, <code>R</code>.
  142. </p>
  143. </li><li> <code>OPT</code> <code>D</code> option is default
  144. <p>The m68k <code>OPT</code> <code>D</code> option is the default, unlike the MRI assembler.
  145. <code>OPT NOD</code> may be used to turn it off.
  146. </p>
  147. </li><li> <code>XREF</code> pseudo-op.
  148. <p>The m68k <code>XREF</code> pseudo-op is ignored.
  149. </p>
  150. </li></ul>
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