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4 vuotta sitten
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  59. Next: <a href="Nops.html#Nops" accesskey="n" rel="next">Nops</a>, Previous: <a href="Nolist.html#Nolist" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Nolist</a>, Up: <a href="Pseudo-Ops.html#Pseudo-Ops" accesskey="u" rel="up">Pseudo Ops</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="AS-Index.html#AS-Index" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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  62. <a name="g_t_002enop"></a>
  63. <h3 class="section">7.65 <code>.nop</code></h3>
  64. <a name="index-nop-directive"></a>
  65. <a name="index-filling-memory-with-no_002dop-instructions"></a>
  66. <p>This directive emits a single no-op instruction. It is provided on all
  67. architectures, allowing the creation of architecture neutral tests involving
  68. actual code. The size of the generated instruction is target specific. The
  69. instruction does affect the generation of DWARF debug line information.
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