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  15. <title>Stab (Using as)</title>
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  56. <a name="Stab"></a>
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  61. <hr>
  62. <a name="g_t_002estabd_002c-_002estabn_002c-_002estabs"></a>
  63. <h3 class="section">7.91 <code>.stabd, .stabn, .stabs</code></h3>
  64. <a name="index-symbolic-debuggers_002c-information-for"></a>
  65. <a name="index-stabx-directives"></a>
  66. <p>There are three directives that begin &lsquo;<samp>.stab</samp>&rsquo;.
  67. All emit symbols (see <a href="Symbols.html#Symbols">Symbols</a>), for use by symbolic debuggers.
  68. The symbols are not entered in the <code>as</code> hash table: they
  69. cannot be referenced elsewhere in the source file.
  70. Up to five fields are required:
  71. </p>
  72. <dl compact="compact">
  73. <dt><var>string</var></dt>
  74. <dd><p>This is the symbol&rsquo;s name. It may contain any character except
  75. &lsquo;<samp>\000</samp>&rsquo;, so is more general than ordinary symbol names. Some
  76. debuggers used to code arbitrarily complex structures into symbol names
  77. using this field.
  78. </p>
  79. </dd>
  80. <dt><var>type</var></dt>
  81. <dd><p>An absolute expression. The symbol&rsquo;s type is set to the low 8 bits of
  82. this expression. Any bit pattern is permitted, but <code>ld</code>
  83. and debuggers choke on silly bit patterns.
  84. </p>
  85. </dd>
  86. <dt><var>other</var></dt>
  87. <dd><p>An absolute expression. The symbol&rsquo;s &ldquo;other&rdquo; attribute is set to the
  88. low 8 bits of this expression.
  89. </p>
  90. </dd>
  91. <dt><var>desc</var></dt>
  92. <dd><p>An absolute expression. The symbol&rsquo;s descriptor is set to the low 16
  93. bits of this expression.
  94. </p>
  95. </dd>
  96. <dt><var>value</var></dt>
  97. <dd><p>An absolute expression which becomes the symbol&rsquo;s value.
  98. </p></dd>
  99. </dl>
  100. <p>If a warning is detected while reading a <code>.stabd</code>, <code>.stabn</code>,
  101. or <code>.stabs</code> statement, the symbol has probably already been created;
  102. you get a half-formed symbol in your object file. This is
  103. compatible with earlier assemblers!
  104. </p>
  105. <dl compact="compact">
  106. <dd><a name="index-stabd-directive"></a>
  107. </dd>
  108. <dt><code>.stabd <var>type</var> , <var>other</var> , <var>desc</var></code></dt>
  109. <dd>
  110. <p>The &ldquo;name&rdquo; of the symbol generated is not even an empty string.
  111. It is a null pointer, for compatibility. Older assemblers used a
  112. null pointer so they didn&rsquo;t waste space in object files with empty
  113. strings.
  114. </p>
  115. <p>The symbol&rsquo;s value is set to the location counter,
  116. relocatably. When your program is linked, the value of this symbol
  117. is the address of the location counter when the <code>.stabd</code> was
  118. assembled.
  119. </p>
  120. <a name="index-stabn-directive"></a>
  121. </dd>
  122. <dt><code>.stabn <var>type</var> , <var>other</var> , <var>desc</var> , <var>value</var></code></dt>
  123. <dd><p>The name of the symbol is set to the empty string <code>&quot;&quot;</code>.
  124. </p>
  125. <a name="index-stabs-directive"></a>
  126. </dd>
  127. <dt><code>.stabs <var>string</var> , <var>type</var> , <var>other</var> , <var>desc</var> , <var>value</var></code></dt>
  128. <dd><p>All five fields are specified.
  129. </p></dd>
  130. </dl>
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