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4 jaren geleden
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  60. <hr>
  61. <a name="Controlling-ar-on-the-Command-Line"></a>
  62. <h3 class="section">1.1 Controlling <code>ar</code> on the Command Line</h3>
  63. <div class="smallexample">
  64. <pre class="smallexample">ar [<samp>-X32_64</samp>] [<samp>-</samp>]<var>p</var>[<var>mod</var>] [<samp>--plugin</samp> <var>name</var>] [<samp>--target</samp> <var>bfdname</var>] [<samp>--output</samp> <var>dirname</var>] [<var>relpos</var>] [<var>count</var>] <var>archive</var> [<var>member</var>&hellip;]
  65. </pre></div>
  66. <a name="index-Unix-compatibility_002c-ar"></a>
  67. <p>When you use <code>ar</code> in the Unix style, <code>ar</code> insists on at least two
  68. arguments to execute: one keyletter specifying the <em>operation</em>
  69. (optionally accompanied by other keyletters specifying
  70. <em>modifiers</em>), and the archive name to act on.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>Most operations can also accept further <var>member</var> arguments,
  73. specifying particular files to operate on.
  74. </p>
  75. <p><small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> allows you to mix the operation code <var>p</var> and modifier
  76. flags <var>mod</var> in any order, within the first command-line argument.
  77. </p>
  78. <p>If you wish, you may begin the first command-line argument with a
  79. dash.
  80. </p>
  81. <a name="index-operations-on-archive"></a>
  82. <p>The <var>p</var> keyletter specifies what operation to execute; it may be
  83. any of the following, but you must specify only one of them:
  84. </p>
  85. <dl compact="compact">
  86. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>d</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  87. <dd><a name="index-deleting-from-archive"></a>
  88. <p><em>Delete</em> modules from the archive. Specify the names of modules to
  89. be deleted as <var>member</var>&hellip;; the archive is untouched if you
  90. specify no files to delete.
  91. </p>
  92. <p>If you specify the &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; modifier, <code>ar</code> lists each module
  93. as it is deleted.
  94. </p>
  95. </dd>
  96. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>m</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  97. <dd><a name="index-moving-in-archive"></a>
  98. <p>Use this operation to <em>move</em> members in an archive.
  99. </p>
  100. <p>The ordering of members in an archive can make a difference in how
  101. programs are linked using the library, if a symbol is defined in more
  102. than one member.
  103. </p>
  104. <p>If no modifiers are used with <code>m</code>, any members you name in the
  105. <var>member</var> arguments are moved to the <em>end</em> of the archive;
  106. you can use the &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo;, or &lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo; modifiers to move them to a
  107. specified place instead.
  108. </p>
  109. </dd>
  110. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>p</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  111. <dd><a name="index-printing-from-archive"></a>
  112. <p><em>Print</em> the specified members of the archive, to the standard
  113. output file. If the &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; modifier is specified, show the member
  114. name before copying its contents to standard output.
  115. </p>
  116. <p>If you specify no <var>member</var> arguments, all the files in the archive are
  117. printed.
  118. </p>
  119. </dd>
  120. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>q</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  121. <dd><a name="index-quick-append-to-archive"></a>
  122. <p><em>Quick append</em>; Historically, add the files <var>member</var>&hellip; to the end of
  123. <var>archive</var>, without checking for replacement.
  124. </p>
  125. <p>The modifiers &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo;, and &lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo; do <em>not</em> affect this
  126. operation; new members are always placed at the end of the archive.
  127. </p>
  128. <p>The modifier &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; makes <code>ar</code> list each file as it is appended.
  129. </p>
  130. <p>Since the point of this operation is speed, implementations of
  131. <code>ar</code> have the option of not updating the archive&rsquo;s symbol
  132. table if one exists. Too many different systems however assume that
  133. symbol tables are always up-to-date, so <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> will
  134. rebuild the table even with a quick append.
  135. </p>
  136. <p>Note - <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> treats the command &lsquo;<samp>qs</samp>&rsquo; as a
  137. synonym for &lsquo;<samp>r</samp>&rsquo; - replacing already existing files in the
  138. archive and appending new ones at the end.
  139. </p>
  140. </dd>
  141. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>r</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  142. <dd><a name="index-replacement-in-archive"></a>
  143. <p>Insert the files <var>member</var>&hellip; into <var>archive</var> (with
  144. <em>replacement</em>). This operation differs from &lsquo;<samp>q</samp>&rsquo; in that any
  145. previously existing members are deleted if their names match those being
  146. added.
  147. </p>
  148. <p>If one of the files named in <var>member</var>&hellip; does not exist, <code>ar</code>
  149. displays an error message, and leaves undisturbed any existing members
  150. of the archive matching that name.
  151. </p>
  152. <p>By default, new members are added at the end of the file; but you may
  153. use one of the modifiers &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo;, or &lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo; to request
  154. placement relative to some existing member.
  155. </p>
  156. <p>The modifier &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; used with this operation elicits a line of
  157. output for each file inserted, along with one of the letters &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo; or
  158. &lsquo;<samp>r</samp>&rsquo; to indicate whether the file was appended (no old member
  159. deleted) or replaced.
  160. </p>
  161. </dd>
  162. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>s</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  163. <dd><a name="index-ranlib"></a>
  164. <p>Add an index to the archive, or update it if it already exists. Note
  165. this command is an exception to the rule that there can only be one
  166. command letter, as it is possible to use it as either a command or a
  167. modifier. In either case it does the same thing.
  168. </p>
  169. </dd>
  170. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>t</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  171. <dd><a name="index-contents-of-archive"></a>
  172. <p>Display a <em>table</em> listing the contents of <var>archive</var>, or those
  173. of the files listed in <var>member</var>&hellip; that are present in the
  174. archive. Normally only the member name is shown, but if the modifier
  175. &lsquo;<samp>O</samp>&rsquo; is specified, then the corresponding offset of the member is also
  176. displayed. Finally, in order to see the modes (permissions), timestamp,
  177. owner, group, and size the &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; modifier should be included.
  178. </p>
  179. <p>If you do not specify a <var>member</var>, all files in the archive
  180. are listed.
  181. </p>
  182. <a name="index-repeated-names-in-archive"></a>
  183. <a name="index-name-duplication-in-archive"></a>
  184. <p>If there is more than one file with the same name (say, &lsquo;<samp>fie</samp>&rsquo;) in
  185. an archive (say &lsquo;<samp>b.a</samp>&rsquo;), &lsquo;<samp>ar t b.a fie</samp>&rsquo; lists only the
  186. first instance; to see them all, you must ask for a complete
  187. listing&mdash;in our example, &lsquo;<samp>ar t b.a</samp>&rsquo;.
  188. </p>
  189. </dd>
  190. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>x</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  191. <dd><a name="index-extract-from-archive"></a>
  192. <p><em>Extract</em> members (named <var>member</var>) from the archive. You can
  193. use the &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; modifier with this operation, to request that
  194. <code>ar</code> list each name as it extracts it.
  195. </p>
  196. <p>If you do not specify a <var>member</var>, all files in the archive
  197. are extracted.
  198. </p>
  199. <p>Files cannot be extracted from a thin archive, and there are
  200. restrictions on extracting from archives created with <samp>P</samp>: The
  201. paths must not be absolute, may not contain <code>..</code>, and any
  202. subdirectories in the paths must exist. If it is desired to avoid
  203. these restrictions then used the <samp>--output</samp> option to specify
  204. an output directory.
  205. </p></dd>
  206. </dl>
  207. <p>A number of modifiers (<var>mod</var>) may immediately follow the <var>p</var>
  208. keyletter, to specify variations on an operation&rsquo;s behavior:
  209. </p>
  210. <dl compact="compact">
  211. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  212. <dd><a name="index-relative-placement-in-archive"></a>
  213. <p>Add new files <em>after</em> an existing member of the
  214. archive. If you use the modifier &lsquo;<samp>a</samp>&rsquo;, the name of an existing archive
  215. member must be present as the <var>relpos</var> argument, before the
  216. <var>archive</var> specification.
  217. </p>
  218. </dd>
  219. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  220. <dd><p>Add new files <em>before</em> an existing member of the
  221. archive. If you use the modifier &lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo;, the name of an existing archive
  222. member must be present as the <var>relpos</var> argument, before the
  223. <var>archive</var> specification. (same as &lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo;).
  224. </p>
  225. </dd>
  226. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>c</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  227. <dd><a name="index-creating-archives"></a>
  228. <p><em>Create</em> the archive. The specified <var>archive</var> is always
  229. created if it did not exist, when you request an update. But a warning is
  230. issued unless you specify in advance that you expect to create it, by
  231. using this modifier.
  232. </p>
  233. </dd>
  234. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>D</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  235. <dd><a name="index-deterministic-archives"></a>
  236. <a name="index-_002d_002denable_002ddeterministic_002darchives"></a>
  237. <p>Operate in <em>deterministic</em> mode. When adding files and the archive
  238. index use zero for UIDs, GIDs, timestamps, and use consistent file modes
  239. for all files. When this option is used, if <code>ar</code> is used with
  240. identical options and identical input files, multiple runs will create
  241. identical output files regardless of the input files&rsquo; owners, groups,
  242. file modes, or modification times.
  243. </p>
  244. <p>If <samp>binutils</samp> was configured with
  245. <samp>--enable-deterministic-archives</samp>, then this mode is on by default.
  246. It can be disabled with the &lsquo;<samp>U</samp>&rsquo; modifier, below.
  247. </p>
  248. </dd>
  249. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>f</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  250. <dd><p>Truncate names in the archive. <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> will normally permit file
  251. names of any length. This will cause it to create archives which are
  252. not compatible with the native <code>ar</code> program on some systems. If
  253. this is a concern, the &lsquo;<samp>f</samp>&rsquo; modifier may be used to truncate file
  254. names when putting them in the archive.
  255. </p>
  256. </dd>
  257. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  258. <dd><p>Insert new files <em>before</em> an existing member of the
  259. archive. If you use the modifier &lsquo;<samp>i</samp>&rsquo;, the name of an existing archive
  260. member must be present as the <var>relpos</var> argument, before the
  261. <var>archive</var> specification. (same as &lsquo;<samp>b</samp>&rsquo;).
  262. </p>
  263. </dd>
  264. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>l</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  265. <dd><p>This modifier is accepted but not used.
  266. </p>
  267. </dd>
  268. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>N</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  269. <dd><p>Uses the <var>count</var> parameter. This is used if there are multiple
  270. entries in the archive with the same name. Extract or delete instance
  271. <var>count</var> of the given name from the archive.
  272. </p>
  273. </dd>
  274. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>o</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  275. <dd><a name="index-dates-in-archive"></a>
  276. <p>Preserve the <em>original</em> dates of members when extracting them. If
  277. you do not specify this modifier, files extracted from the archive
  278. are stamped with the time of extraction.
  279. </p>
  280. </dd>
  281. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>O</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  282. <dd><a name="index-offsets-of-files"></a>
  283. <p>Display member offsets inside the archive. Use together with the &lsquo;<samp>t</samp>&rsquo;
  284. option.
  285. </p>
  286. </dd>
  287. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>P</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  288. <dd><p>Use the full path name when matching or storing names in the archive.
  289. Archives created with full path names are not POSIX compliant, and
  290. thus may not work with tools other than up to date <small>GNU</small> tools.
  291. Modifying such archives with <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code> without using
  292. <samp>P</samp> will remove the full path names unless the archive is a
  293. thin archive. Note that <samp>P</samp> may be useful when adding files to
  294. a thin archive since <samp>r</samp> without <samp>P</samp> ignores the path
  295. when choosing which element to replace. Thus
  296. </p><div class="smallexample">
  297. <pre class="smallexample">ar rcST archive.a subdir/file1 subdir/file2 file1
  298. </pre></div>
  299. <p>will result in the first <code>subdir/file1</code> being replaced with
  300. <code>file1</code> from the current directory. Adding <samp>P</samp> will
  301. prevent this replacement.
  302. </p>
  303. </dd>
  304. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>s</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  305. <dd><a name="index-writing-archive-index"></a>
  306. <p>Write an object-file index into the archive, or update an existing one,
  307. even if no other change is made to the archive. You may use this modifier
  308. flag either with any operation, or alone. Running &lsquo;<samp>ar s</samp>&rsquo; on an
  309. archive is equivalent to running &lsquo;<samp>ranlib</samp>&rsquo; on it.
  310. </p>
  311. </dd>
  312. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>S</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  313. <dd><a name="index-not-writing-archive-index"></a>
  314. <p>Do not generate an archive symbol table. This can speed up building a
  315. large library in several steps. The resulting archive can not be used
  316. with the linker. In order to build a symbol table, you must omit the
  317. &lsquo;<samp>S</samp>&rsquo; modifier on the last execution of &lsquo;<samp>ar</samp>&rsquo;, or you must run
  318. &lsquo;<samp>ranlib</samp>&rsquo; on the archive.
  319. </p>
  320. </dd>
  321. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>T</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  322. <dd><a name="index-creating-thin-archive"></a>
  323. <p>Make the specified <var>archive</var> a <em>thin</em> archive. If it already
  324. exists and is a regular archive, the existing members must be present
  325. in the same directory as <var>archive</var>.
  326. </p>
  327. </dd>
  328. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>u</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  329. <dd><a name="index-updating-an-archive"></a>
  330. <p>Normally, &lsquo;<samp>ar r</samp>&rsquo;&hellip; inserts all files
  331. listed into the archive. If you would like to insert <em>only</em> those
  332. of the files you list that are newer than existing members of the same
  333. names, use this modifier. The &lsquo;<samp>u</samp>&rsquo; modifier is allowed only for the
  334. operation &lsquo;<samp>r</samp>&rsquo; (replace). In particular, the combination &lsquo;<samp>qu</samp>&rsquo; is
  335. not allowed, since checking the timestamps would lose any speed
  336. advantage from the operation &lsquo;<samp>q</samp>&rsquo;.
  337. </p>
  338. </dd>
  339. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>U</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  340. <dd><a name="index-deterministic-archives-1"></a>
  341. <a name="index-_002d_002denable_002ddeterministic_002darchives-1"></a>
  342. <p>Do <em>not</em> operate in <em>deterministic</em> mode. This is the inverse
  343. of the &lsquo;<samp>D</samp>&rsquo; modifier, above: added files and the archive index will
  344. get their actual UID, GID, timestamp, and file mode values.
  345. </p>
  346. <p>This is the default unless <samp>binutils</samp> was configured with
  347. <samp>--enable-deterministic-archives</samp>.
  348. </p>
  349. </dd>
  350. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  351. <dd><p>This modifier requests the <em>verbose</em> version of an operation. Many
  352. operations display additional information, such as filenames processed,
  353. when the modifier &lsquo;<samp>v</samp>&rsquo; is appended.
  354. </p>
  355. </dd>
  356. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>V</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  357. <dd><p>This modifier shows the version number of <code>ar</code>.
  358. </p></dd>
  359. </dl>
  360. <p>The <code>ar</code> program also supports some command-line options which
  361. are neither modifiers nor actions, but which do change its behaviour
  362. in specific ways:
  363. </p>
  364. <dl compact="compact">
  365. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>--help</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  366. <dd><p>Displays the list of command-line options supported by <code>ar</code>
  367. and then exits.
  368. </p>
  369. </dd>
  370. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>--version</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  371. <dd><p>Displays the version information of <code>ar</code> and then exits.
  372. </p>
  373. </dd>
  374. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>-X32_64</samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  375. <dd><p><code>ar</code> ignores an initial option spelled &lsquo;<samp>-X32_64</samp>&rsquo;, for
  376. compatibility with AIX. The behaviour produced by this option is the
  377. default for <small>GNU</small> <code>ar</code>. <code>ar</code> does not support any
  378. of the other &lsquo;<samp>-X</samp>&rsquo; options; in particular, it does not support
  379. <samp>-X32</samp> which is the default for AIX <code>ar</code>.
  380. </p>
  381. </dd>
  382. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>--plugin <var>name</var></samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  383. <dd><a name="index-plugins"></a>
  384. <p>The optional command-line switch <samp>--plugin <var>name</var></samp> causes
  385. <code>ar</code> to load the plugin called <var>name</var> which adds support
  386. for more file formats, including object files with link-time
  387. optimization information.
  388. </p>
  389. <p>This option is only available if the toolchain has been built with
  390. plugin support enabled.
  391. </p>
  392. <p>If <samp>--plugin</samp> is not provided, but plugin support has been
  393. enabled then <code>ar</code> iterates over the files in
  394. <samp>${libdir}/bfd-plugins</samp> in alphabetic order and the first
  395. plugin that claims the object in question is used.
  396. </p>
  397. <p>Please note that this plugin search directory is <em>not</em> the one
  398. used by <code>ld</code>&rsquo;s <samp>-plugin</samp> option. In order to make
  399. <code>ar</code> use the linker plugin it must be copied into the
  400. <samp>${libdir}/bfd-plugins</samp> directory. For GCC based compilations
  401. the linker plugin is called <samp></samp>. For Clang
  402. based compilations it is called <samp></samp>. The GCC plugin
  403. is always backwards compatible with earlier versions, so it is
  404. sufficient to just copy the newest one.
  405. </p>
  406. </dd>
  407. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>--target <var>target</var></samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  408. <dd><p>The optional command-line switch <samp>--target <var>bfdname</var></samp>
  409. specifies that the archive members are in an object code format
  410. different from your system&rsquo;s default format. See
  411. See <a href="Target-Selection.html#Target-Selection">Target Selection</a>, for more information.
  412. </p>
  413. </dd>
  414. <dt>&lsquo;<samp>--output <var>dirname</var></samp>&rsquo;</dt>
  415. <dd><p>The <samp>--output</samp> option can be used to specify a path to a
  416. directory into which archive members should be extracted. If this
  417. option is not specified then the current directory will be used.
  418. </p>
  419. <p>Note - although the presence of this option does imply a <samp>x</samp>
  420. extraction operation that option must still be included on the command
  421. line.
  422. </p>
  423. </dd>
  424. </dl>
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