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  67. <a name="collect2"></a>
  68. <h2 class="chapter">21 <code>collect2</code></h2>
  69. <p>GCC uses a utility called <code>collect2</code> on nearly all systems to arrange
  70. to call various initialization functions at start time.
  71. </p>
  72. <p>The program <code>collect2</code> works by linking the program once and
  73. looking through the linker output file for symbols with particular names
  74. indicating they are constructor functions. If it finds any, it
  75. creates a new temporary &lsquo;<samp>.c</samp>&rsquo; file containing a table of them,
  76. compiles it, and links the program a second time including that file.
  77. </p>
  78. <a name="index-_005f_005fmain"></a>
  79. <a name="index-constructors_002c-automatic-calls"></a>
  80. <p>The actual calls to the constructors are carried out by a subroutine
  81. called <code>__main</code>, which is called (automatically) at the beginning
  82. of the body of <code>main</code> (provided <code>main</code> was compiled with GNU
  83. CC). Calling <code>__main</code> is necessary, even when compiling C code, to
  84. allow linking C and C++ object code together. (If you use
  85. <samp>-nostdlib</samp>, you get an unresolved reference to <code>__main</code>,
  86. since it&rsquo;s defined in the standard GCC library. Include <samp>-lgcc</samp> at
  87. the end of your compiler command line to resolve this reference.)
  88. </p>
  89. <p>The program <code>collect2</code> is installed as <code>ld</code> in the directory
  90. where the passes of the compiler are installed. When <code>collect2</code>
  91. needs to find the <em>real</em> <code>ld</code>, it tries the following file
  92. names:
  93. </p>
  94. <ul>
  95. <li> a hard coded linker file name, if GCC was configured with the
  96. <samp>--with-ld</samp> option.
  97. </li><li> <samp>real-ld</samp> in the directories listed in the compiler&rsquo;s search
  98. directories.
  99. </li><li> <samp>real-ld</samp> in the directories listed in the environment variable
  100. <code>PATH</code>.
  101. </li><li> The file specified in the <code>REAL_LD_FILE_NAME</code> configuration macro,
  102. if specified.
  103. </li><li> <samp>ld</samp> in the compiler&rsquo;s search directories, except that
  104. <code>collect2</code> will not execute itself recursively.
  105. </li><li> <samp>ld</samp> in <code>PATH</code>.
  106. </li></ul>
  107. <p>&ldquo;The compiler&rsquo;s search directories&rdquo; means all the directories where
  108. <code>gcc</code> searches for passes of the compiler. This includes
  109. directories that you specify with <samp>-B</samp>.
  110. </p>
  111. <p>Cross-compilers search a little differently:
  112. </p>
  113. <ul>
  114. <li> <samp>real-ld</samp> in the compiler&rsquo;s search directories.
  115. </li><li> <samp><var>target</var>-real-ld</samp> in <code>PATH</code>.
  116. </li><li> The file specified in the <code>REAL_LD_FILE_NAME</code> configuration macro,
  117. if specified.
  118. </li><li> <samp>ld</samp> in the compiler&rsquo;s search directories.
  119. </li><li> <samp><var>target</var>-ld</samp> in <code>PATH</code>.
  120. </li></ul>
  121. <p><code>collect2</code> explicitly avoids running <code>ld</code> using the file name
  122. under which <code>collect2</code> itself was invoked. In fact, it remembers
  123. up a list of such names&mdash;in case one copy of <code>collect2</code> finds
  124. another copy (or version) of <code>collect2</code> installed as <code>ld</code> in a
  125. second place in the search path.
  126. </p>
  127. <p><code>collect2</code> searches for the utilities <code>nm</code> and <code>strip</code>
  128. using the same algorithm as above for <code>ld</code>.
  129. </p>
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