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  63. <a name="Ada-Settings-1"></a>
  64. <h4 class="subsubsection"> Ada Settings</h4>
  65. <a name="index-Ada-settings"></a>
  66. <dl compact="compact">
  67. <dd><a name="index-set-varsize_002dlimit"></a>
  68. </dd>
  69. <dt><code>set varsize-limit <var>size</var></code></dt>
  70. <dd><p>Prevent <small>GDB</small> from attempting to evaluate objects whose size
  71. is above the given limit (<var>size</var>) when those sizes are computed
  72. from run-time quantities. This is typically the case when the object
  73. has a variable size, such as an array whose bounds are not known at
  74. compile time for example. Setting <var>size</var> to <code>unlimited</code>
  75. removes the size limitation. By default, the limit is about 65KB.
  76. </p>
  77. <p>The purpose of having such a limit is to prevent <small>GDB</small> from
  78. trying to grab enormous chunks of virtual memory when asked to evaluate
  79. a quantity whose bounds have been corrupted or have not yet been fully
  80. initialized. The limit applies to the results of some subexpressions
  81. as well as to complete expressions. For example, an expression denoting
  82. a simple integer component, such as <code>x.y.z</code>, may fail if the size of
  83. <code>x.y</code> is variable and exceeds <code>size</code>. On the other hand,
  84. <small>GDB</small> is sometimes clever; the expression <code>A(i)</code>, where
  85. <code>A</code> is an array variable with non-constant size, will generally
  86. succeed regardless of the bounds on <code>A</code>, as long as the component
  87. size is less than <var>size</var>.
  88. </p>
  89. <a name="index-show-varsize_002dlimit"></a>
  90. </dd>
  91. <dt><code>show varsize-limit</code></dt>
  92. <dd><p>Show the limit on types whose size is determined by run-time quantities.
  93. </p></dd>
  94. </dl>
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