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- <a name="Guile-Exception-Handling"></a>
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- <hr>
- <a name="Guile-Exception-Handling-1"></a>
- <h4 class="subsubsection"> Guile Exception Handling</h4>
- <a name="index-guile-exceptions"></a>
- <a name="index-exceptions_002c-guile"></a>
- <a name="index-set-guile-print_002dstack"></a>
- <p>When executing the <code>guile</code> command, Guile exceptions
- uncaught within the Guile code are translated to calls to the
- <small>GDB</small> error-reporting mechanism. If the command that called
- <code>guile</code> does not handle the error, <small>GDB</small> will
- terminate it and report the error according to the setting of
- the <code>guile print-stack</code> parameter.
- </p>
- <p>The <code>guile print-stack</code> parameter has three settings:
- </p>
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt><code>none</code></dt>
- <dd><p>Nothing is printed.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>message</code></dt>
- <dd><p>An error message is printed containing the Guile exception name,
- the associated value, and the Guile call stack backtrace at the
- point where the exception was raised. Example:
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">(gdb) guile (display foo)
- ERROR: In procedure memoize-variable-access!:
- ERROR: Unbound variable: foo
- Error while executing Scheme code.
- </pre></div>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>full</code></dt>
- <dd><p>In addition to an error message a full backtrace is printed.
- </p>
- <div class="smallexample">
- <pre class="smallexample">(gdb) set guile print-stack full
- (gdb) guile (display foo)
- Guile Backtrace:
- In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
- 157: 10 [catch #t #<catch-closure 2c76e20> ...]
- In unknown file:
- ?: 9 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 2c76e20>]
- In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
- 157: 8 [catch #t #<catch-closure 2c76d20> ...]
- In unknown file:
- ?: 7 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 2c76d20>]
- ?: 6 [call-with-input-string "(display foo)" ...]
- In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
- 2320: 5 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 2c2dc30 ... ()>]
- In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
- 44: 4 [read-and-eval #<input: string 27cb410> #:lang ...]
- 37: 3 [lp (display foo)]
- In ice-9/eval.scm:
- 387: 2 [eval # ()]
- 393: 1 [eval #<memoized foo> ()]
- In unknown file:
- ?: 0 [memoize-variable-access! #<memoized foo> ...]
- ERROR: In procedure memoize-variable-access!:
- ERROR: Unbound variable: foo
- Error while executing Scheme code.
- </pre></div>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <p><small>GDB</small> errors that happen in <small>GDB</small> commands invoked by
- Guile code are converted to Guile exceptions. The type of the
- Guile exception depends on the error.
- </p>
- <p>Guile procedures provided by <small>GDB</small> can throw the standard
- Guile exceptions like <code>wrong-type-arg</code> and <code>out-of-range</code>.
- </p>
- <p>User interrupt (via <kbd>C-c</kbd> or by typing <kbd>q</kbd> at a pagination
- prompt) is translated to a Guile <code>signal</code> exception with value
- <code>SIGINT</code>.
- </p>
- <p><small>GDB</small> Guile procedures can also throw these exceptions:
- </p>
- <dl compact="compact">
- <dt><code>gdb:error</code>
- <a name="index-gdb_003aerror"></a>
- </dt>
- <dd><p>This exception is a catch-all for errors generated from within <small>GDB</small>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>gdb:invalid-object</code>
- <a name="index-gdb_003ainvalid_002dobject"></a>
- </dt>
- <dd><p>This exception is thrown when accessing Guile objects that wrap underlying
- <small>GDB</small> objects have become invalid. For example, a
- <code><gdb:breakpoint></code> object becomes invalid if the user deletes it
- from the command line. The object still exists in Guile, but the
- object it represents is gone. Further operations on this breakpoint
- will throw this exception.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>gdb:memory-error</code>
- <a name="index-gdb_003amemory_002derror"></a>
- </dt>
- <dd><p>This exception is thrown when an operation tried to access invalid
- memory in the inferior.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt><code>gdb:pp-type-error</code>
- <a name="index-gdb_003app_002dtype_002derror"></a>
- </dt>
- <dd><p>This exception is thrown when a Guile pretty-printer passes a bad object
- to <small>GDB</small>.
- </p></dd>
- </dl>
- <p>The following exception-related procedures are provided by the
- <code>(gdb)</code> module.
- </p>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-make_002dexception"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>make-exception</strong> <em>key args</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return a <code><gdb:exception></code> object given by its <var>key</var> and
- <var>args</var>, which are the standard Guile parameters of an exception.
- See the Guile documentation for more information (see <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Exceptions.html#Exceptions">Exceptions</a> in <cite>GNU Guile Reference Manual</cite>).
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-exception_003f"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>exception?</strong> <em>object</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return <code>#t</code> if <var>object</var> is a <code><gdb:exception></code> object.
- Otherwise return <code>#f</code>.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-exception_002dkey"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>exception-key</strong> <em>exception</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return the <var>args</var> field of a <code><gdb:exception></code> object.
- </p></dd></dl>
- <dl>
- <dt><a name="index-exception_002dargs"></a>Scheme Procedure: <strong>exception-args</strong> <em>exception</em></dt>
- <dd><p>Return the <var>args</var> field of a <code><gdb:exception></code> object.
- </p></dd></dl>
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