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  63. <a name="Commands-Specific-to-GNU-Hurd-Systems"></a>
  64. <h4 class="subsection">21.1.5 Commands Specific to <small>GNU</small> Hurd Systems</h4>
  65. <a name="index-GNU-Hurd-debugging"></a>
  66. <p>This subsection describes <small>GDB</small> commands specific to the
  67. <small>GNU</small> Hurd native debugging.
  68. </p>
  69. <dl compact="compact">
  70. <dt><code>set signals</code></dt>
  71. <dt><code>set sigs</code></dt>
  72. <dd><a name="index-set-signals_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  73. <a name="index-set-sigs_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  74. <p>This command toggles the state of inferior signal interception by
  75. <small>GDB</small>. Mach exceptions, such as breakpoint traps, are not
  76. affected by this command. <code>sigs</code> is a shorthand alias for
  77. <code>signals</code>.
  78. </p>
  79. </dd>
  80. <dt><code>show signals</code></dt>
  81. <dt><code>show sigs</code></dt>
  82. <dd><a name="index-show-signals_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  83. <a name="index-show-sigs_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  84. <p>Show the current state of intercepting inferior&rsquo;s signals.
  85. </p>
  86. </dd>
  87. <dt><code>set signal-thread</code></dt>
  88. <dt><code>set sigthread</code></dt>
  89. <dd><a name="index-set-signal_002dthread"></a>
  90. <a name="index-set-sigthread"></a>
  91. <p>This command tells <small>GDB</small> which thread is the <code>libc</code> signal
  92. thread. That thread is run when a signal is delivered to a running
  93. process. <code>set sigthread</code> is the shorthand alias of <code>set
  94. signal-thread</code>.
  95. </p>
  96. </dd>
  97. <dt><code>show signal-thread</code></dt>
  98. <dt><code>show sigthread</code></dt>
  99. <dd><a name="index-show-signal_002dthread"></a>
  100. <a name="index-show-sigthread"></a>
  101. <p>These two commands show which thread will run when the inferior is
  102. delivered a signal.
  103. </p>
  104. </dd>
  105. <dt><code>set stopped</code></dt>
  106. <dd><a name="index-set-stopped_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  107. <p>This commands tells <small>GDB</small> that the inferior process is stopped,
  108. as with the <code>SIGSTOP</code> signal. The stopped process can be
  109. continued by delivering a signal to it.
  110. </p>
  111. </dd>
  112. <dt><code>show stopped</code></dt>
  113. <dd><a name="index-show-stopped_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  114. <p>This command shows whether <small>GDB</small> thinks the debuggee is
  115. stopped.
  116. </p>
  117. </dd>
  118. <dt><code>set exceptions</code></dt>
  119. <dd><a name="index-set-exceptions_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  120. <p>Use this command to turn off trapping of exceptions in the inferior.
  121. When exception trapping is off, neither breakpoints nor
  122. single-stepping will work. To restore the default, set exception
  123. trapping on.
  124. </p>
  125. </dd>
  126. <dt><code>show exceptions</code></dt>
  127. <dd><a name="index-show-exceptions_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  128. <p>Show the current state of trapping exceptions in the inferior.
  129. </p>
  130. </dd>
  131. <dt><code>set task pause</code></dt>
  132. <dd><a name="index-set-task_002c-Hurd-commands"></a>
  133. <a name="index-task-attributes-_0028GNU-Hurd_0029"></a>
  134. <a name="index-pause-current-task-_0028GNU-Hurd_0029"></a>
  135. <p>This command toggles task suspension when <small>GDB</small> has control.
  136. Setting it to on takes effect immediately, and the task is suspended
  137. whenever <small>GDB</small> gets control. Setting it to off will take
  138. effect the next time the inferior is continued. If this option is set
  139. to off, you can use <code>set thread default pause on</code> or <code>set
  140. thread pause on</code> (see below) to pause individual threads.
  141. </p>
  142. </dd>
  143. <dt><code>show task pause</code></dt>
  144. <dd><a name="index-show-task_002c-Hurd-commands"></a>
  145. <p>Show the current state of task suspension.
  146. </p>
  147. </dd>
  148. <dt><code>set task detach-suspend-count</code></dt>
  149. <dd><a name="index-task-suspend-count"></a>
  150. <a name="index-detach-from-task_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  151. <p>This command sets the suspend count the task will be left with when
  152. <small>GDB</small> detaches from it.
  153. </p>
  154. </dd>
  155. <dt><code>show task detach-suspend-count</code></dt>
  156. <dd><p>Show the suspend count the task will be left with when detaching.
  157. </p>
  158. </dd>
  159. <dt><code>set task exception-port</code></dt>
  160. <dt><code>set task excp</code></dt>
  161. <dd><a name="index-task-exception-port_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  162. <p>This command sets the task exception port to which <small>GDB</small> will
  163. forward exceptions. The argument should be the value of the <em>send
  164. rights</em> of the task. <code>set task excp</code> is a shorthand alias.
  165. </p>
  166. </dd>
  167. <dt><code>set noninvasive</code></dt>
  168. <dd><a name="index-noninvasive-task-options"></a>
  169. <p>This command switches <small>GDB</small> to a mode that is the least
  170. invasive as far as interfering with the inferior is concerned. This
  171. is the same as using <code>set task pause</code>, <code>set exceptions</code>, and
  172. <code>set signals</code> to values opposite to the defaults.
  173. </p>
  174. </dd>
  175. <dt><code>info send-rights</code></dt>
  176. <dt><code>info receive-rights</code></dt>
  177. <dt><code>info port-rights</code></dt>
  178. <dt><code>info port-sets</code></dt>
  179. <dt><code>info dead-names</code></dt>
  180. <dt><code>info ports</code></dt>
  181. <dt><code>info psets</code></dt>
  182. <dd><a name="index-send-rights_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  183. <a name="index-receive-rights_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  184. <a name="index-port-rights_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  185. <a name="index-port-sets_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  186. <a name="index-dead-names_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  187. <p>These commands display information about, respectively, send rights,
  188. receive rights, port rights, port sets, and dead names of a task.
  189. There are also shorthand aliases: <code>info ports</code> for <code>info
  190. port-rights</code> and <code>info psets</code> for <code>info port-sets</code>.
  191. </p>
  192. </dd>
  193. <dt><code>set thread pause</code></dt>
  194. <dd><a name="index-set-thread_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  195. <a name="index-thread-properties_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  196. <a name="index-pause-current-thread-_0028GNU-Hurd_0029"></a>
  197. <p>This command toggles current thread suspension when <small>GDB</small> has
  198. control. Setting it to on takes effect immediately, and the current
  199. thread is suspended whenever <small>GDB</small> gets control. Setting it to
  200. off will take effect the next time the inferior is continued.
  201. Normally, this command has no effect, since when <small>GDB</small> has
  202. control, the whole task is suspended. However, if you used <code>set
  203. task pause off</code> (see above), this command comes in handy to suspend
  204. only the current thread.
  205. </p>
  206. </dd>
  207. <dt><code>show thread pause</code></dt>
  208. <dd><a name="index-show-thread_002c-Hurd-command"></a>
  209. <p>This command shows the state of current thread suspension.
  210. </p>
  211. </dd>
  212. <dt><code>set thread run</code></dt>
  213. <dd><p>This command sets whether the current thread is allowed to run.
  214. </p>
  215. </dd>
  216. <dt><code>show thread run</code></dt>
  217. <dd><p>Show whether the current thread is allowed to run.
  218. </p>
  219. </dd>
  220. <dt><code>set thread detach-suspend-count</code></dt>
  221. <dd><a name="index-thread-suspend-count_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  222. <a name="index-detach-from-thread_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  223. <p>This command sets the suspend count <small>GDB</small> will leave on a
  224. thread when detaching. This number is relative to the suspend count
  225. found by <small>GDB</small> when it notices the thread; use <code>set thread
  226. takeover-suspend-count</code> to force it to an absolute value.
  227. </p>
  228. </dd>
  229. <dt><code>show thread detach-suspend-count</code></dt>
  230. <dd><p>Show the suspend count <small>GDB</small> will leave on the thread when
  231. detaching.
  232. </p>
  233. </dd>
  234. <dt><code>set thread exception-port</code></dt>
  235. <dt><code>set thread excp</code></dt>
  236. <dd><p>Set the thread exception port to which to forward exceptions. This
  237. overrides the port set by <code>set task exception-port</code> (see above).
  238. <code>set thread excp</code> is the shorthand alias.
  239. </p>
  240. </dd>
  241. <dt><code>set thread takeover-suspend-count</code></dt>
  242. <dd><p>Normally, <small>GDB</small>&rsquo;s thread suspend counts are relative to the
  243. value <small>GDB</small> finds when it notices each thread. This command
  244. changes the suspend counts to be absolute instead.
  245. </p>
  246. </dd>
  247. <dt><code>set thread default</code></dt>
  248. <dt><code>show thread default</code></dt>
  249. <dd><a name="index-thread-default-settings_002c-GNU-Hurd"></a>
  250. <p>Each of the above <code>set thread</code> commands has a <code>set thread
  251. default</code> counterpart (e.g., <code>set thread default pause</code>, <code>set
  252. thread default exception-port</code>, etc.). The <code>thread default</code>
  253. variety of commands sets the default thread properties for all
  254. threads; you can then change the properties of individual threads with
  255. the non-default commands.
  256. </p></dd>
  257. </dl>
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